does this sound good?


Active Member
i have an idea for my next grow opp but i wanna get some advice on it before i try it
im growing in a small closet 3Ft by 5'6Ft
im using a MH 250w and a HPS 250w and im gonna buy a real nice reflective hood for em so ill have a pretty good amount of light
my plan is to grow 4 plants, not a lot but somethin more than what ive been growing (two plants at a time)
im just trying to figure out if 4 plants will work in that size room with that lighting
im using grow big nutrients for vegging in a soil medium, and tiger bloom for flowering most likely with cha ching and the other two dry soluables with it,
hoping i can fit 5 gal buckets in there but idk if they will be to big.
does this sound like a good indoor grow?

i just wish i had more space than a closet but noooope


Active Member
is that room size enough to fit 4 plants? how high do you think i could veg it before i have to send it into flower to save space? i heard somewhere you need atleaste a 1000wat to accomidate 4 plants but ive grown 2 plants with a 150 wat before so that doesnt seem rite. just wanna be sure tho


Well-Known Member
i dont think plant space is your problem, getting the space to vent 2 lights is prb going to be more difficult. unless you mean your switching 1 n 1, but all in all i think you can do 4 plants with one 250 in that space, not optimal tho


Active Member
it would be all at once veg 4 plants then flower em, dont got the space to fit both veg and flower that would be straight tho. but i got ventilation going threw the walls and out into a different room i got a pretty good vent system goin on its stays about 76-80 degrees.
do you think that 3 plants mite be better instead of 4? its just a closet im using


Well-Known Member
i think you would be fine if you LST coupled with a scrog, try to find square pots, extra space and fits better together. idk if i would do 5gal buckets, might be pushing it, i think 3gal would be fine. soil or hydro?


Active Member
yah thats what i was thinking, i dont really need the 5 gals, thats what im usin now, only got one goin tho but its gonna be huggge
i actualy have some square pots from my last grow i didnt realize they were that efficient, but im growing in soil with fox farm nutes