Does this THC extraction make sense


I have a bunnnch of stems, and about 2 g;s of great bud. I coved them in everclear, and let them sit.. 2 years later i forgot about the bottle. Through coffee filters, i strained it into a pain, and put the pan on low heat with a fan blowing above it. eventually the alcohol evaporated, and a brown substance was left. With a razor, i cut got it off the pan. It was a dark gooey substance.
ive never touched the idea of thc extraction, i was just going by a thought.


Well-Known Member
other than heating alcohol on a stove which is unsafe, the oil itself is safe. There's nothing in everclear or bud that will leave a toxic residue. Alcohol isn't the greatest non-polar solvent though, so it picks up a lot of impurities like chlorophyll, sugars, and carbon. The longer it soaks the more impurities it will absorb. All that means is that it's probably rather impure, and won't be as potent as a properly extracted oil. I was always disappointed in the purity of alcohol extracts, and the proper non-polar solvents to further refine it aren't easy to get (chloroform, pet ether, etc). Butane turns out to be the best readily available solvent I have found for extracting.


not that much heat, i had it on a stove at the lowest possible temperature, (1) and made it slowly evaporate.. its not lie i am using fire and alcohol, just low heat. once i saw any "steam" coming from the pan, i lowered it.