Does Weed Help You With Your Art?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else doodle to problem solve? I can find myself talking on the phone or working on something and I'll have a whole page drawn.

I did it in school. The border of homework or test would have drawings. Funny thing is middle and highschool discouraged it. They would tell me I need to show my work. It was my work, that's how my mind work.

In college though, it was encouraged. There is more than one way to skin a cat.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else doodle to problem solve? I can find myself talking on the phone or working on something and I'll have a whole page drawn.

I did it in school. The border of homework or test would have drawings. Funny thing is middle and highschool discouraged it. They would tell me I need to show my work. It was my work, that's how my mind work.

In college though, it was encouraged. There is more than one way to skin a cat.
I have a sketchbook beside my tv table that has to have 10 000 things in it. I love to doodle and design all sorts of things while i do other shit.
I have house layouts furniture wacky inventions lol and just about anything else u could think of lol

I used to do the same thing in school too


Well-Known Member
I find that it's great once I have my main idea down.. Coloring high is ideal I can stop and look at the gestalt otherwise I just breeze through and loose track of where I'm trying to draw the eye. But in the sketching stage I like to be clear headed and stick to my I guess formula? Hah hate to use that word with art
These are rad - you should put up some non-weed art that you did so we can see the comparison!

I ran into these dude outside a club the other night and he was showing me some of his art. We started talking about weed and art and he said he doesn't smoke it that much but it helps him relax when he does his thing. I've been on his site checking his stuff out and it's pretty crazy.

I really liked this one too:

I just took this off his site (I don't own the rights to these images). He said weed maybe helped him with the details.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the kind words. I'll see if I can dig up some older stuff that might be a little more technical. I would really love to do my own comic books at some point.

Oh yea I like that guys stuff!


Well-Known Member
So here are a few sober ones from a number of years ago when I was learning charcoal. 1-Was bored and got in the tub and drew it. 2-Forgot to do my drawing assignment and did this in like 10 mins, was supposed to be chuck Norris on the cover of walker Texas ranger...I know not the best but not bad for ten mins. And a couple others. Still looking for note/sketch books.IMG_20150724_192502_079.jpgIMG_20150724_192641_686.jpgIMG_20150724_192731_788.jpg IMG_20150724_192536_312.jpg IMG_20150724_192502_079.jpg


Active Member
I work in Inkscape, it's a vector program like Illustrator. I'm using Ubuntu OS, so no Adobe products for me.


Well-Known Member
Oh rock on. I was almost going to guess comp but didn't want to insult you if it was airbrush or oil paints. You got skillz bro! I used to be a wiz at photo shop back in the day and had started learning illustrator. But I haven't touched those since about 2000. Keep it up man!


I'm a professional artist based out of Portland, Oregon where I sell my works at Portland Saturday Market. I find smoking Sativa strains help tremendously with creativity and staying focused. I have no problem working without it, art is something that takes experience, the more time you spend making art or being creative, the easier it becomes to turn it on. Smoking does help calm my mind and let's me sometimes see my work in a different light. Keeping me focused is what I enjoy the most from smoking, I have way too many ideas floating around and being high lets me focus on one idea at a time. I highly suggest sativa strains for all artists!


Well-Known Member
Ya know...I should try smoking and painting again...I tried it a couple times and it didn't work out for me. I'm just strange. What I find I do best when I smoke is...CLEAN. I'm a cleaning mother fucker when I'm stoned. Anybody else notice that?