does yield affect potency

That would be very interesting to find out.

In Canada here they are loosening the laws about labs doing testing for private citizens. Think you still need medpot status but your samples don't have to be from the legal producers from what little I've read so far.


Ottawa's move to allow for accredited lab testing would take worry out of the safety of cannabis - and without the sense of guilt

When Mandy McKnight's severely epileptic son was four, he suffered as many as 80 seizures a day. After prescription drugs failed, the Ottawa mother turned to cannabis oil, which she had heard could help. The impact was remarkable: Within 24 hours, the seizures subsided and it was 10 days until he had another.

But when Ms. McKnight began administering regular doses of cannabis oil to her son, she lived in fear of punishment. Although her son's medical cannabis was obtained legally through a prescription, she had to make the oil herself at home. And having that oil tested at a lab - to ensure its potency and that the dosage was correct - was technically illegal.

Ms. McKnight found a lab willing to do the work under the table on humanitarian grounds, but she worried. "Every time we had to mail the oil to the lab, I was always afraid that child-protection services was going to come knock on my door and take my kids away," Ms. McKnight said. "I'd never broken a law in my life, but I was being forced to break laws to help [my son] live, which was crazy."

Kecia Laitinen faced the same problem. The B.C. nurse, who augments her cancer treatment with a cannabis extract that she could not find from a licensed supplier, was barred by law from getting the product tested at labs. "I started thinking: 'Wait, I feel like I should have more rights here than I do.' "

Their plight illustrates how Canada's prohibitive testing laws for cannabis prevent those who need it most from getting the product screened to tell them exactly what it contains - even if it is obtained legally.

While Canadians can freely access accredited labs to screen everything from cosmetics and pharmaceuticals to food products, cannabis remains barred, even though it was legalized for medical use a long time ago and despite the government's plans to approve recreational use next year.

The federal government has started to change those laws, allowing some patients to use federally accredited labs for cannabis screening. The changes were announced two weeks after a Globe and Mail investigation this summer called into question Health Canada's long-held rules that prevented patients from having medical cannabis screened, even when their health was at stake.

The changes go a long way toward helping many patients feel less like criminals, but they are just a promising first step.

For now, only people with a certificate from Health Canada that lets them grow their own cannabis or buy it from a designated grower can access the country's top labs. Patients wanting to submit products from a federally licensed producer, or one of the hundreds of storefront dispensaries that have proliferated across the country this year, are technically still barred from doing so.

By definition, that excludes people such as Ms. Laitinen and Ms. McKnight. However, labs point out they have no way of distinguishing where the product comes from, so several of those facilities told The Globe they will test anything that comes their way provided the patient has the proper certificate. That is a significant development for patients, and some labs said they believe it is the right thing to do.

Ms. Laitinen was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2015, and several months later began to seek out the cannabis extract. But when she was unable to get it from a government-sanctioned producer, she turned to storefront dispensaries, which are unregulated and considered illegal by Health Canada, although the federal government does not sanction or curtail them. Ensuring the oil was safe and had been produced properly was difficult without sending it to a lab.

"I noticed a huge discrepancy," Ms. Laitinen said. "There were definitely moments where I thought, this is a bad batch. This isn't good. And I just knew it from the way it made me feel."

Ms. Laitinen said she would have accessed accredited labs early on if she could have done it legally. "It's definitely scary," she said. "It's something that you're putting in your body and that you're trusting Â… and in some pretty dire situations for some people."

This year, Health Canada began allowing licenced producers to sell cannabis oils, another promising step for patients, but the limited selection means some people are still going to the dispensary market for strains they need - which exposes them to risks.

Documents obtained by The Globe through the Access to Information Act show that Health Canada was warned nearly a year ago that dangerous chemicals not approved for any human use, such as the pesticide dodemorph, had been found in samples of dispensary cannabis sold in Vancouver. However, even though those lab results were sent to the department and to Health Minister Jane Philpott's office, Health Canada chose not to act on the information.

A separate Globe and Mail investigation this summer found that one-third of nine samples of cannabis from dispensaries in Toronto contained potentially harmful bacteria or mould that would not have met Health Canada safety standards, and posed particular risks to patients with compromised immune systems.

The investigation also revealed how restrictive the government's testing rules were, showing that labs were warned by Health Canada not to do tests for anyone other than a licensed medical marijuana company - - a threat taken so seriously that the lab that tested for The Globe did so as a public service on condition that the newspaper would not identify the facility.

After more than a month of silence, Health Canada acknowledged two weeks ago it was concerned about the situation regarding patient safety and that protections are needed.

"The test results provided to the Department by your paper bear this out," the government said in a statement to The Globe. A department spokeswoman said the government is working on new regulations that "can be expected to include strict safety mechanisms and quality control assurance."

Ms. McKnight's son can attend school because of the profound effect cannabis oil has had in reducing his seizures. Ms. McKnight and her husband were once forced to make cannabis oil in the family's kitchen, but can now buy most of what they need from a medical marijuana company, which is a welcome development.

But one strain their son takes is still unavailable in oil form, so they must produce it themselves, which means they require testing to ensure they are not giving him too much tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, which produces the drug's intoxicating effect, as opposed to cannabidiol, or CBD, which helps with the seizures.

"To me, this is his medicine. It's the only thing he takes now," Ms. McKnight said. "The only way to properly dose it is through testing."

Now that the government has started loosening the rules on lab screening, and is constructing new regulations, she believes labs should have standardized procedures to ensure they are all testing for the same properties and contaminants, and that results from one lab to the next are consistent.

"The testing was critical to his treatment," Ms. McKnight said of the screening she had done under the table at a sympathetic facility over the past few years. "But there's no standards. How do I know [the labs] are doing things right? You really are at the mercy of them."

I've grown them topped and not. Clones from the same mom grown under the same conditions will be just as potent whether topped or not. Yields however can greatly increased with topping and/or training with DWC ScroG being one of the best ways to maximize yields and growth rates.

Like RM3 mentioned earlier good light and extra UV can really add to potency.

Dying to fire up my new EYE Hortilux Ultra Ace EN 940W with it hanging off the new light rail but won't get the 8x4 tent here until buddy's plants are finished flowering in about 3 weeks. Got 4 girls that are ready to rock the flip. :)


Your setup sounds awsome!

Do you not find that the buds CLOSER to the light (ultimately recieving more lux/lumens/PAR) tend to be the most mature and potent??
This is an interesting comment you make.

I disagree with this. An immature plant has not reached maximum potency. It takes time for the flowers to actually reach their full potential.
If I am incorrect with my statement then by all means correct me, but from my current understanding, potency is related to maturity.

#1--immature plants aren't under discussion. Obviously that would not be a legit comparison.

Bro, think about it. You can make buds on the bottom or anywhere else on the plant be the same age as the main cola by harvesting in stages.

A finished bud anywhere on the plant is not likely to differ in potency from the the central cola buds. There is a discussion on RIU where experienced growers state their preference for buds that are not central cola tops. Also If your contention was true it seems as if it would be common knowledge that main cola buds are best. Breeders would always send main cola buds to show the most desirable THC values of their strain. Do you believe this is so?
#1--immature plants aren't under discussion. Obviously that would not be a legit comparison.

Bro, think about it. You can make buds on the bottom or anywhere else on the plant be the same age as the main cola by harvesting in stages.

A finished bud anywhere on the plant is not likely to differ in potency from the the central cola buds. There is a discussion on RIU where experienced growers state their preference for buds that are not central cola tops. Also If your contention was true it seems as if it would be common knowledge that main cola buds are best. Breeders would always send main cola buds to show the most desirable THC values of their strain. Do you believe this is so?

Well said.
#1--immature plants aren't under discussion. Obviously that would not be a legit comparison.

Bro, think about it. You can make buds on the bottom or anywhere else on the plant be the same age as the main cola by harvesting in stages.

A finished bud anywhere on the plant is not likely to differ in potency from the the central cola buds. There is a discussion on RIU where experienced growers state their preference for buds that are not central cola tops. Also If your contention was true it seems as if it would be common knowledge that main cola buds are best. Breeders would always send main cola buds to show the most desirable THC values of their strain. Do you believe this is so?

Well, main colas grow faster than any other part of the plant, will yield the most and also will have the highest bud to leaf ratio.

Your only telling me now that your not talking about immature plants... What kind of mature were you referring too before?? I meant mature as in weeks to maximum potency (around 8-9 weeks) for an indica.

Harvesting in stages doesn't change the age of the bud.. All buds are basically the same age, it's just they mature at different rates...

In terms of yield though....I am not convinced that topping actually increases the yield. I feel topping means you will use your lights more efficiently & effectively. And that is the reason for increase in yield. So In my opinion saying "topping" increases yield is in essence correct but the reason behind it is purely because it spreads the light more evenly.

I would love to do an experiment with a topped plant vs a trained plant with the same no of colas, positioned in similar positions.... That should be interesting...
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Your setup sounds awsome!

Do you not find that the buds CLOSER to the light (ultimately recieving more lux/lumens/PAR) tend to be the most mature and potent??

Thanks for the kind words Porky.

To be honest I find the colas a little further from the lights to be tastier but as far as potency goes it's pretty subjective. I find the colas that I've had that were totally covered by the rest of the upper stuff to have much better taste and a more uplifting buzz than the weathered and half baked ones that were front and center. Seem to be frostier as well.

I've never subscribed to the notion that exposing the buds to more light makes them better or bigger. The fan leaves are the solar panels for your plant and produce way more sugars and other things your plants feed on than the tiny leaves that grow out of the buds. I've tried the defoliation route and all that seems to do is to force your plant to put out more leaves to compensate for the loss thus taking energy away from fattening up the buds.

Too much light tends to produce foxtails which end up in my oil pot as they are crappy for regular toking. Look what too much light does to people's skin as they age.

A lot of things we do to our plants in search of higher yields works against us. I love AN nutes but don't buy all the stuff they sell as I think a lot of it is redundant. Not to mention way too much money. Base nutes plus Rhino Skin, Big Bud, maybe OverDrive and anybody's CalMag is what I've been using the last few years. From '01 until about 3 years ago I only used the old AN 3 - part with Big Bud and epsom salts and got huge colas with that. Then I tried the Sensi Grow and Connoisseur 2 - part pH Perfect nutes and liked them for the most part except I couldn't knock down the N portion in later flowering and ended up with crispy leaves the last couple weeks.

I just bought a gallon each of the AN 3 - part so I can better control feeding as I see fit along with a 500g jar of big bud and a lot of other stuff to play with this winter. Snowing like crazy out there tonight and I'm not happy about that. My b-day tomorrow and I have to get to town to renew my driver's license come hell or high snow drifts! :lol:

Fun fact cat piss smells more potent when you use actual cat piss as nutes. The only way to make 100% pure dankness is to grow on top a artic mountian using only glacier water, ff ocean forest and having the polar bear cheifs bless you're plant under a 750 hps.
Neither of us can prove or disprove that... So no point arguing on that.

Personally the main cola is the most mature and most potent. Lower branches are less mature and more leafy.

That has been from my experience.

Actually, lab test a top cola for potency and then lab test a popcorn bud at the very bottom for potency. They will be the same. Trust me.

Another fun fact: bud maturity is irrelevant. Ie: the very first trichs found on your very first buds on a plant will test the same potency as the trichs found on a bud of that same plant that has been allowed to finish.

The trichs/resin has one job and that is to protect the buds reproductive system from uv light. That substance doesnt change much from the start of its life to its just before the end. Amber trichs are rotting/decaying and is significantly different.
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Fun fact cat piss smells more potent when you use actual cat piss as nutes. The only way to make 100% pure dankness is to grow on top a artic mountian using only glacier water, ff ocean forest and having the polar bear cheifs bless you're plant under a 750 hps.
Do I need glacier water or polar bear piss for the root boiling?
Actually, lab test a top cola for potency and then lab test a popcorn bud at the very bottom for potency. They will be the same. Trust me.

Another fun fact: bud maturity is irrelevant. Ie: the very first trichs found on your very first buds on a plant will test the same potency as the trichs found on a bud of that same plant that has been allowed to finish.

The trichs/resin has one job and that is to protect the buds reproductive system from uv light. That substance doesnt change much from the start of its life to its just before the end. Amber trichs are rotting/decaying and is significantly different.
Did you gain all that info from lab work?
Actually, lab test a top cola for potency and then lab test a popcorn bud at the very bottom for potency. They will be the same. Trust me.

Another fun fact: bud maturity is irrelevant. Ie: the very first trichs found on your very first buds on a plant will test the same potency as the trichs found on a bud of that same plant that has been allowed to finish.

The trichs/resin has one job and that is to protect the buds reproductive system from uv light. That substance doesnt change much from the start of its life to its just before the end. Amber trichs are rotting/decaying and is significantly different.

Perhaps we have different ideas of what "potency" is.

My idea of a "potent" but is a bud filled with crystals (thc etc).

I think what you are saying is that the crystals are of equal potency... I'm talking about the amount of crystals on a bud = more potent bud...
Perhaps we have different ideas of what "potency" is.

My idea of a "potent" but is a bud filled with crystals (thc etc).

I think what you are saying is that the crystals are of equal potency... I'm talking about the amount of crystals on a bud = more potent bud...
Seen lots of sparkly buds that don't get ya high

potent = one hit gets ya there, the numbers are irrelevant
Perhaps we have different ideas of what "potency" is.

My idea of a "potent" but is a bud filled with crystals (thc etc).

I think what you are saying is that the crystals are of equal potency... I'm talking about the amount of crystals on a bud = more potent bud...

Fair enough. But.... think of it this way... if you have a 6 pack of beer that is 4.5% alcohol and i have 12 beer that is 4.5% alcohol, do i have more potent beer than you?


I just have more beer than you. Thats all.
I have pics all over the place lol been postin em here for years, been breedin for years. Posted a smoke report not long ago in my journal bout gettin two traits I wanted in a strain. But like everything else I do things differently 8)

Ive locked down a few traits within a line myself but I dont feel like I have maintained an optimal level of genetic diversity breeding with less than 100 plants at a time and when you have to focus on finding plants with multiple traits it gets harder than selecting for say the single most resinous or colorful plant. just my experience and what I know from standard agricultural breeding practices.