Doesn't look right to me..


Well-Known Member
ya somethings missing. what are you using for light and what are you feeding the plant??


New Member
lack of light i think it looks like the bud is stretching what lights are you using have u had the lights a long time?


Well-Known Member
How long was the flowering time, if what you grew was a sativa and you chopped at 4 weeks then that's your problem. Its better to go by harvesting when it looks the way you want, and not cutting down after a specific amount of weeks.
Im using a 1000w HPS. That plant has been 4 months into flowering. Admittedly, I did have a lighting issue, but that's fixed now. I water them every 2 to 3 days and use Tiger Bloom every other watering as directed and only molasses for the last 4 weeks.
No, I don't. But I can tell you it looked nothing like my profile picture. That was taken off the same plant a month into flowering. It had few hairs, they were all orange and it was dense. It did have over 30 bud sites on it though. Could that be the problem? Also they were super cropped.
Well I do know that this strain is thin by nature, but I've never seen it this thin. I'm thinking I need to switch to a 2 month auto. And it is pretty dry looking, but still has moister. It's only 2 days into curing and still has a strong leaf smell.
I did some thinking last night, does anyone think it could be a co2 problem or a ventilation problem? When I built the room I couldn't afford a good vent system. The air is cycled out a few times a day though. My lowest temp is 70f and my highest is 85f to 90f depending on the day.


Active Member
Temps sound like your issue. I kept my temps around 70-75 with lights on, never above 80F and down to 65-70 at night. Made the nugs dense.