Doesn't look too damaged, yet..


New Member
Alright forgive me for starting a new thread I think the other one was deleted or something but it was made clear to me that I was overwatering and giving them too much nutrients (around a half gallon every other day) on my first grow (obviously). I haven't given them any water for about 72 hours now.
so with that being said I was thinking to myself while smoking of course and realized that the plants didn't start looking like this until I put them under the 600hps, prior to that they were under 2 cfl bulbs that were 120watts each. I mean when they were under those 2 they had a really nice green color to them, and perky but now they've gotten so much darker and drooping down a bit with the edges of the leaves curling up, so is the light change shocking my babies or is my constant drowning like an abusive stepfather catching up to them?
El fotos...



Well-Known Member
Your problem might be the light spectrum that your plants are being subjected to. You said you switched to a 600 watt, I'm assuming HPS? I can't look at your pics, but are you vegging or flowering? If you are vegging, you should get a metal halide bulb. Most 600 watts should work with your ballast (make sure they are compatible tho) and will give you the blue(er) spectrum that the CFLs produce (which is why they work well for vegging and seedlings). The HPS is in the red part of the spectrum (like the fall sun) and the plant will respond better to it when flowering.

Newb here too on my first grow, but I've got a buddy who had the same problem vegging his plants under a HPS bulb. The metal halide bulb was only $20 at Lowes and fit right into his ballast. Maybe you could at least try putting the CFLs back up as supplemental light sources for vegging.
How old are they, what kind of soil are you using and what is the PH of the water that you are giving them?

Water only when they need it. They should be pretty dry now so feel how heavy the pot is before you water it and then feel how heavy it is after. This will give you an idea on how it will feel when it's needing water. If you can stick your finger in the soil to the first joint and it is still wet, wait. Do not let them go dry too long.

When you are watering, make sure to water thoroughly and until 10-20% comes out the bottom. Make sure to mine the edges so water does not just fall down the sides.

As long as the HPS is not too close to the plants or making the room too hot, the light will not be a problem at all. Metal Halide is recommended for vegetative however, HPS works fine as well. If you want a Metal Halide, go to a grow store, not Lowes.