Dog bit plant!!!!


Active Member
My gaurd dog bit my plant and it is opn its 4th week of flowering. Will it affect the plant much that he bit it; however, the spot where he bit is a lower branch. I already been fighting off spider mites and i already got rid of them. I only have a few weeks left to go and its starting to take off great!! i will post pictures soon once i find my camera. I am growing sour D and Kush. any help would be great thanks!!


Well-Known Member
Yea your dog's saliva will attract other dogs, and they'll all come and play "here we go round the mulberry bush" around your plant with your dog

no if you snip off the branch your plant will bleed to death.

haven't you ever seen a tree branch fall off and it still survives?
Don't you know what cloning is?


Well-Known Member
you can clone in flowering. Do some research and use your damn brain before asking silly questions


Active Member
i find that funny with someone whose avatar is a mans ass. i have done research and most say its not good. so use ur brain and switch that gay ass avatar
clonig in veg just before going into flowering is the ideal time with a mother thats at least 2 months old.

If your dog didnt bite the whole branch off than it fine, maybe use a paperclip and support it with the good side of the branch like a sling.


Active Member
thank you JoC i will take that into consideration. but im bout done with my 4th week of flowering so i know its too late.


Well-Known Member
My old cat Lucy (rip Luce) used to chew on my bud. I would find her lying there completely stoned. Plant always recovered fine though.