Dog eating dead leaves


Well-Known Member
So we've just been tossing the leaves that fall off themselves into a cardboard box, and just noticed our dog has been eating them! He seems to have taken quite a liking to them, We actually willingly handed him a few and he took them just like he would a treat! I was wondering if this is bad for the dog, mind you he is about a 170 lb mastiff. We definitely don't want to make a habit of him eating leaves, because he'll find the source sooner or later, and that would not be good whatsoever. Anyones dog have a love for leaves? Any adverse effects? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
he prob gets a little high of them...... cool dog! :peace:

Ya b carefull he does not see your plants or else bye planties........


Well-Known Member
he prob gets a little high of them...... cool dog! :peace:

Ya b carefull he does not see your plants or else bye planties........

Haha.. well he is quite the stoner.. gets high every day with us, so that could explain it. He knows to stay away from our plants. He sees us and how we baby them, so he knows not to fuck with them. He stops by to sniff our progress when the closet is open, but we don't let him get much closer than that. Thanks for the reply! :joint:


New Member
I thought i would be stupid to ask these questions. My cat however is eating all the living leaves left on plants after i harvest. Is this a digestion thing for them? I see dogs and cats eat grass, so i wonder. I am at the point though that he chases me up the stairs to beat me into the room, which i feel is kinda ridiculous. I mean flies up there, sliding on the hard wood floors the whole way.
Is it harmful to the cats and dogs like some plants are?
can you get high from eating leaves?