dog owners unite


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
We have 3 Dogs

2, Male English Springer Spaniels . Both were from rescues when they were young, But You shoot a gun and they crawl under the couch ..WTF they are Hunting dogs .. But gun shy is a bitch when you have a great bred dog and that happens

And We have A female Black Lab , I found her running into traffic when she was about 6-9 months old , Took her home and she is still here .She has no fear , chases birds all day . and does not spook with gunshots ... Superior Dogs (I'm a big time lab lover)
But Every one of them are spoiled
I love my labs too. I have one of each, lol. A hunter and a social one. The black one Chester (4 years old) is the hunter. We got him at a year old, not trained, fixed or anything. It has taken 3 years for us to calm him down, but some habits just won't go away. He will chase anything that moves. I use a laser light pointer and he will chase that red dot for hours, lol. He also is a shit eater, lol. Eats my other dog's shit if I am not quick enough to get it before he does. That is so gross, lol.
My white one Bosco (5 years old) is my baby, had him from a puppy. He is by my side always. Very loyal and loving and a big stoner. I will get a pic of them up here soon. :mrgreen::peace:


New Member
Taught this guy to sniff out weed...he would help me find my sons stash...hmmm...he gets the newpaper for me and sniffs out weed...perfect animal...




Well-Known Member
I love my labs too. I have one of each, lol. A hunter and a social one. The black one Chester (4 years old) is the hunter. We got him at a year old, not trained, fixed or anything. It has taken 3 years for us to calm him down, but some habits just won't go away. He will chase anything that moves. I use a laser light pointer and he will chase that red dot for hours, lol. He also is a shit eater, lol. Eats my other dog's shit if I am not quick enough to get it before he does. That is so gross, lol.
My white one Bosco (5 years old) is my baby, had him from a puppy. He is by my side always. Very loyal and loving and a big stoner. I will get a pic of them up here soon. :mrgreen::peace:
I feel ya chiceh. I have a Border Collie and she is as hyper as they come. I havent tried a laser pointer yet, but I imagine she would chase it as well. My Chihuahua still bites her legs off...LOL

Now for eating shit...Ewwwwwwwww dukey breath!! Gross :spew:


Well-Known Member
Our lab goes nuts with the laser pointer too and flashlights , as does one of the springers .. Its fun the kids like to do it but i get annoyed by barking dogs


New Member
Taught this guy to sniff out weed...he would help me find my sons stash...hmmm...he gets the newpaper for me and sniffs out weed...perfect animal...

the little one this pic loves roaches(weed type). when she was little we thought something was wrong with her because she would go catatonic and would last all night. we thought she was having seizures or something. found ound later that everytime I layed a joint down she was eating them. I watch where I lay my joints now.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Jack loves the beach... but last time we went, there were tons of jellyfish washed up on the beach.... he ran right up to one and licked it. He spent the next hour vomitting off and on. Poor baby!


Well-Known Member
I am glad Archie has found you. He looks happy. :mrgreen::peace:
Will you adopt me too....looks like a nice pool. ;-) j/k ^^^^ Ditto what Chiceh said!!!!

Nice looking dog! Vette gets jealous because I kiss the dogs more than him.... or is that the other way around.... I get jealous because.... who knows?!?!?!