dogs and weed?

YES! Bagged dog food does not compare to a nice juicy raw steak! Dogs are carnivores and in the wild tear open gushing bleeding raw animals eating them sometimes while still alive. Tell me bagged dog food is better than that? (maybe extreme but so are the massive dog deaths in the area from the poisoned crap they their dogs were given and they had nothing else to eat but that crap. If your hungry enough you will eat that. A five pound bag of kibble lasts my 3 ankle biters months because they eat more people food.

Real meat flavoring is better? is that right?

u meat commercial dogfood made of bread styrofoam dye and meat flavouring is bad?>?!?!
theres some fucking idiots in the world today, dogs dont know whats going on. they dont chose to inhale your smoke. they are coming near you because your there owner and like your company. anyone who doesn't realize that is a tool.
its like when you were in your teens and you were spiked with heavy acid then went on a bad trip, its gonna be a similar exp for your dog. the feeling of not knowing whats wrong, anyone remember that feeling, not nice.
sort it out and grow up, show your pet the respect they show you. tossers!
I agree completely and back you up. If my dog sits there and whins and does dancing circles until I toss them a bud then they want it. lol. Continue giving your animals the same freedoms as we people cherish. And god I agree with the analogy. I would hate a dildo forced up my ass.

If your dog comes to you and chills while your smoking then hes probably getting what he wants out of it

if not , do not force your dog to smoke , you would not want someone to force a dildo up your ass would you

( i am no way implying that , that is what im going to do ) internet gangsters

im just saying that you would not want someone to force something on you

just cuz their dogs does not mean that they want to be forced to take in smoke

like i said if they come to you and chill then leave them be , their getting what they want

my grammar is not perfect either , but i don't care

i do what i gotta do to take care of my kids ,

i do what i gotta do to get my bills paid

and i do what i gotta do to grow my shit , and smoke my shit

as long as you know wtf im saying , who cares if i did not spell something right or use a word in the right way and shit

fuck it , 2 tears in a bucket ,
You ever see an animal go to tainted food or water? You can lead a horse to water but you cant make them eat. Its rediculous for all these wives tales about dogs.

Exactly. Animals are waaaaaaaaay smarter than people think they are.

Anyone ever give their cat Catnip?
You ever see someone grab puppy dog & blow smoke up its nose? Or the cat?

That's the shit Im talking about. Puppy gets contact high from being around you while your blazing that's fine. Dog might even come around more because of it. MIght take a bite off your buds even.. That's ok. Dog's got a right to self medicate same as we all do.

Its the blowing the smoke into it. No way of knowing how far its going to go. Cause your too stoned to pay attention & the dog doesnt have the same thinking capacity as you do so it has no idea whats going on.
I have to say dude thats right on, you see Im responding many times on this because it touches my heart. I love animals, all animals, I have a scissor beak little chicken outside that I feel empathy for when the more agressive chicken over power it for food. It eats, drinks and poops just fine and loves my 6 year old son to death. Animals should be treated with equal respect as humans. I say this while snacking of salami!!!! lol. But the point is simple, love the creatures around us because they certainly love and depend on us as we do them. Sounds preachy? to bad I have no bible thumping on my garage like the rest of you....

You ever see someone grab puppy dog & blow smoke up its nose? Or the cat?

That's the shit Im talking about. Puppy gets contact high from being around you while your blazing that's fine. Dog might even come around more because of it. MIght take a bite off your buds even.. That's ok. Dog's got a right to self medicate same as we all do.

Its the blowing the smoke into it. No way of knowing how far its going to go. Cause your too stoned to pay attention & the dog doesnt have the same thinking capacity as you do so it has no idea whats going on.
A fool and their money are soon parted.

I got that from a fortune cookie from the Chinese food I got the other night.
Quote seemed fitting though.

Giving your animals drugs is not good. If all they're doing is breathing in 2nd hand smoke,
that shouldn't do anything to them. I still avoid it if I can.

Edit: 2nd hand weed smoke.
it's pretty simple, if your dog turns away from the smoke, of it's own free will, without you encouraging it, then it probably doesn't want smoke blown in it's face. If your holding the dogs head, without any encouragement and it is resisting, it probably doesn't want smoke blown in it's face. If your dog is sneezing and shaking it's head or rubbing a paw across its nose after you've blown smoke in it's face anyway, your dog didn't like it. If your dog flattens it's ears, avoids eye contact and/or tucks its tail and reluctantly comes to you when you call it to you so you can blow smoke in its face, then it probably doesn't like it.
The dog will let you know if it wants it or not. Pay attention to what it's telling you and get over your desire to make a dog get high with you. If it leaves the room every time you light up, let it go.
BTW I train dogs and have been an animal trainer for 37 years
I'm not condemning you or being judgemental, we've all made mistakes.
My cat loves his bongs hits, i miss that little stoner but know i dont have anyone eating or helping me smoke my herb the dog dont like it. Its just like not all people like it dont force it on them make them confutable and you might just find out you have a stoner on your hands. My cat would scratch at the door when i was smoking i would let him in he would go to the end of my bed "my smoking chair is righ there and would wine and wine and wine till i loaded him up some greens"he only would take greens picky basterd" i would rip that bitch then exhale slowly the cat would circle a couple times in the cloud and proceed to hop down do eat then come back for another. After his second he would go lay down with my pit clean his head for him curl up next to him and pass out. Now I WOULD ONLY get him high IF I HAD THE TIME TO WATCH him until i knew he wasnt high anymore and i never let him outside stoned for his safety unless i was right there but that cat loved the bong hits. The fucker would only take smoke if he got to inspect the bowl first too making sure it was fresh. Hmm wonder why deer and other animals take your crop when you grow outdoor wonder why deer eat rotten apples and get so drunk they fall over or the monkeys that wait till the fruit does the same then eat so much of it they fall out of the trees cuz getting fucked up is what us animals like to do best.

To the people who think its wrong what kinda food do you feed your animals might want to find out what the fuck a bi-product is before you preach doing harm to your pets and if you give them scrapes from what you eat your a fool and dont know shit about what a dog needs in its diet 70% MEAT 30% dry thats bloody meat not cooked you stupid fucks. Check out what the top breeders and show dogs eat not the shit in a bag or the shit off your plate. There are around 7 foods that are built up toxens for your dogs also stuff we put in everything and we are the ones doing harm by smoking with our pets but your the one poisoning your own buddy. I dont give my animals anything i wont put in my body.

People need to stick to their city lives and leave the animals and woods to the people who still understand them. Damn jokers and yes you should respect animals and if they want to puff then RESPECT it you dont like people fucking with your puffing and get pissed off when you see anti MJ stuff. If you dont like it then SHUT YOUR MOUTH if its not hurting anything shit he smokes his dog out once in awhile ok so but it would be a different story if he was forcing it on the dog but from the sounds not so much.

ANIMALS ARE MY PASSION everyone has been a rescue and a honor to live share my space with learn how to communicate with them instead of your damn cell phones cars etc.
My cat loves his bongs hits, i miss that little stoner but know i dont have anyone eating or helping me smoke my herb the dog dont like it. Its just like not all people like it dont force it on them make them confutable and you might just find out you have a stoner on your hands. My cat would scratch at the door when i was smoking i would let him in he would go to the end of my bed "my smoking chair is righ there and would wine and wine and wine till i loaded him up some greens"he only would take greens picky basterd" i would rip that bitch then exhale slowly the cat would circle a couple times in the cloud and proceed to hop down do eat then come back for another. After his second he would go lay down with my pit clean his head for him curl up next to him and pass out. Now I WOULD ONLY get him high IF I HAD THE TIME TO WATCH him until i knew he wasnt high anymore and i never let him outside stoned for his safety unless i was right there but that cat loved the bong hits. The fucker would only take smoke if he got to inspect the bowl first too making sure it was fresh. Hmm wonder why deer and other animals take your crop when you grow outdoor wonder why deer eat rotten apples and get so drunk they fall over or the monkeys that wait till the fruit does the same then eat so much of it they fall out of the trees cuz getting fucked up is what us animals like to do best.

To the people who think its wrong what kinda food do you feed your animals might want to find out what the fuck a bi-product is before you preach doing harm to your pets and if you give them scrapes from what you eat your a fool and dont know shit about what a dog needs in its diet 70% MEAT 30% dry thats bloody meat not cooked you stupid fucks. Check out what the top breeders and show dogs eat not the shit in a bag or the shit off your plate. There are around 7 foods that are built up toxens for your dogs also stuff we put in everything and we are the ones doing harm by smoking with our pets but your the one poisoning your own buddy. I dont give my animals anything i wont put in my body.

People need to stick to their city lives and leave the animals and woods to the people who still understand them. Damn jokers and yes you should respect animals and if they want to puff then RESPECT it you dont like people fucking with your puffing and get pissed off when you see anti MJ stuff. If you dont like it then SHUT YOUR MOUTH if its not hurting anything shit he smokes his dog out once in awhile ok so but it would be a different story if he was forcing it on the dog but from the sounds not so much.

ANIMALS ARE MY PASSION everyone has been a rescue and a honor to live share my space with learn how to communicate with them instead of your damn cell phones cars etc.

WOW! It was hard to tell if he was for or against feeding your dog people food. First he says were basically idiots for giving our dog scraps,, then he says he wouldnt give his dog anything he wouldnt put into his body. Does this mean he would eat the dry dog food!!!! yuk. Besides, people eat bloody rare stakes and some eat Steak Tar Tar, is this wrong when they live heathy lives. Sounds like your a little confused.

Just clarify because while reading some spots I was with you, then you flip floppe.d
To the people who think its wrong what kinda food do you feed your animals might want to find out what the fuck a bi-product is before you preach doing harm to your pets and if you give them scrapes from what you eat your a fool and dont know shit about what a dog needs in its diet 70% MEAT 30% dry thats bloody meat not cooked you stupid fucks. Check out what the top breeders and show dogs eat not the shit in a bag or the shit off your plate. There are around 7 foods that are built up toxens for your dogs also stuff we put in everything and we are the ones doing harm by smoking with our pets but your the one poisoning your own buddy. I dont give my animals anything i wont put in my body.
This is the only part of the post I can't agree with.The 2 Afgans my Ex used to show were fed nothing but fit for human consumption food. Most top show dogs get nothing but that.
it's pretty simple, if your dog turns away from the smoke, of it's own free will, without you encouraging it, then it probably doesn't want smoke blown in it's face. If your holding the dogs head, without any encouragement and it is resisting, it probably doesn't want smoke blown in it's face. If your dog is sneezing and shaking it's head or rubbing a paw across its nose after you've blown smoke in it's face anyway, your dog didn't like it. If your dog flattens it's ears, avoids eye contact and/or tucks its tail and reluctantly comes to you when you call it to you so you can blow smoke in its face, then it probably doesn't like it.
The dog will let you know if it wants it or not. Pay attention to what it's telling you and get over your desire to make a dog get high with you. If it leaves the room every time you light up, let it go.
BTW I train dogs and have been an animal trainer for 37 years
I'm not condemning you or being judgemental, we've all made mistakes.

Exactly. Also, try and take the size of the dog into account. A Great Dane can tolerate a lot more than a heal knipper. A friend of mine had a party many years back, and his mom recently had gotten one of those purse-dogs at about 5 months old. Well they were rolling a joint and the dog ended up eating it. The dog never made it through the night. Moral of the story is use common sense when doing this. Big dogs will tolerate more, small dogs less.
Yes i would eat the dry food i feed my dog cuz i KNOW whats in it They need 70% raw meat 30% dry.
Here i copied this for you might want to rethink table scraps or hey your dog you dont care about so why not risk his or her life right....asssssss
Not long after we saved our 5 yr. old red tweenie, Otto, from his original Mom ( she just didn't have what it takes to own a dachsie), he ate a piece of onion... Onions for Otto is an absolute no_no. He developed stomach and intestinal problems. He couldn't hold down any food. Eventually he was admitted to a vet hospital and it took five days before he was back to normal. According to the vet there are some foods that dachsies shouldn't eat because they are poisionous to them.. these foods include onions and chocolate. However, he is a carrot lover and always knows when I am making beef stew. Just wanted to share this infor with everyone... C - J, Todd and Otto

One thing that learned when my 6 month old puppy Joshua's face swelled up after giving him some raw cauliflower, is to get them to the vet as soon as possible. I had given him some benadryl when he first started showing initial signs (one eye started swelling), but within an hour and a half, his entire face puffed up like a balloon. The vet informed me that if I had not brought him in when I did, for that fast - acting shot, the swelling may have continued to the point where his throat would have closed up entirely. Jeannie

I can give you more feed your dog scraps and kill them whatever. I bet you my sons coat shines brighter then your dogs i bet you dont even run your dogs daily i bet you dont know anything about dogs being a pack animal i bet you dont even know what kind of toilet paper you use to wipe or own ass with maybe i was a little confusing but read the shit again you might get it plus i was super pissed and had to keep going back cuz i was saying really not so nice things. Everyone want s be an expert but no one wants to do what it takes to get there. Read READ READ and check your sorces twice even three times to make sure you are getting the correct info and not BS like 90% of the people on here seem to blow....Nothing but hot air.

And im not sure how you dont understand what i said.....scratch scratch..... you must be a idiot hah.
]The Net.Pet Home Page Notes on Chocolate Toxicity in Dogs by Bonnie Dalzell, MA The following information is taken from: Kirk and Bistner's Handbook of Veterinary Procedures and Emergency Treatment (6th edition) (a very useful book):
Chocolate - active ingredient = theobromine:
* The half life in the dog is 17.5 hours
* The Toxic dose in the dog is 100-150 mg/kg.
o A kilogram ()kg = 2.2 lbs.
o A milligram(mg) = 1/1000 of a gram
So for a 50 lb. dog a toxic dose would be roughly 2.2 grams (2200 mg) of pure chocolate.

However the concentration of theobromine varies with the formulation of the chocolate so:
* Milk chocolate has 44mg/oz (154mg/100gm): toxic dose for 50 lb dog - 50 oz of milk chocolate.
* Semisweet chocolate has 150 mg/oz (528mg/100gm): toxic dose for 50 lb dog - 15 oz of semisweet chocolate
* Baking chocolate 390mg/oz (1365 mg/100gm): toxic dose for 50 lb dog - 5 oz of baking chocolate

Thus a dog eating one oz of baking chocolate would have to eat almost 3 oz of semisweet or 10 oz of milk chocolate to get the same dose of theobromine.
The theobromine in candies consisting of chocolate that is coated over some other substance - as in filled candies and chocolate coated dried fruits, etc will be
more dilute than that in pure chocolate bars and solid chocolate candies. Obviously the chocolate in milk chocolate is quite dilute and this is why many dogs can eat a piece here and there and seem not to show toxic effects, how many dogs would get ahold of 50 oz at a time? This is not true of the more concentrated forms however. Dr Sue Bank's experience was that she had two dogs, a 95 pound one and a 60 pound one. Thye got ahold of 2 one pound bags of Nestle's semi-sweet chocolate pieces (a bag each). The 95 pound dog survived but the 60 pound dog ingested a toxic dose.
The problem with feeding a dog milk chocolate as a treat is that it develops a liking for chocolate and since dogs do not seem to be as sensitive to bitter tastes as humans - it may then eat the more concentrated, and thus quite toxic, baker's chocolate if it gets a chance or it will consume a toxic amount of milk or semi-sweet chocolate if it can get into a improperly stored supply.
Treatment which is best administered by someone with medical training follows the same strategy as treatment for caffine overdose:
* Support Respiration
* Support cardiovascular function, control arrhythmias, control
electrolytes and acid-base balance.
* Control CNS excitation.
* Emesis
* Gastric lavage
* Cathartic
* Activated charcoal
Administration of an activated charcoal slurry is a major component of the treatment and needs to be administered by a verterinarian - it is not a home treatment.

This article is dedicated to the memory of my friend Sue Bank's Borzoi, Windhound's Jai Java.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Image]The Net.Pet Home Page [Image]For other great articles -- NetPet Table of Contents [Image]NetPet Site Index [Image]Support NetPet! Contributed by Elizabeth Bartz
Dog's Weight 5lbs, milk chocolate 4 oz, unsweetened choc. 1/2 oz, approx mg of theobromine 200
Dog's Weight 10 lbs., amt of milk chocolate 8 oz, amount of unsweetened chocolate 1 oz, approx mg. of theobromine 400
Dog's Weight 20 lbs., amt of milk chocolate 16 oz, amount of unsweetened chocolate 2 1/2 oz, approximate mg. of theobromine 900.
Dog's Weight 30 lbs., amt. of milk chocolate 1 3/4 lbs, amount of unsweetened chocolate 3 1/4 oz approximate mg. of theobromine 1.300.
Dog's Weight 40 lbs, amount of milk chocolate 2 1/2 lbs, amount of unsweetened chocolate 4 1/2 oz approximate mg of theobromine 1,800.
The chart goes up to 75 lbs. If anyone wants to know the amount of chocolate for a larger dog, email me and I will send the information to you.
"The symptoms of chocolate toxicosis are many and can appear within hours, or up to a day after ingestion. Chocolate is absorbed very slowly and stays in the dog's stomach for a long time. As Theobromine gets into the animal's bloodstream, the following symptoms, in order of severity, may develop:
Diuresis (urinary incontinence)
Rapid breathing/heartbeat
Muscle tremors

If you know your dog has eaten an amount of chocolate that could be harmful, it is not sufficient to simply induce vomiting. It is vitally important that your pet be monitored and treated by a veterinarian until the crisis has passed.
To move the poison through the dog's system at a faster rate, repeated doses of activated charcoal will be administered. The dog's heart will be monitored and medication given as needed."
It is a long article but informative, if anyone wants anymore information from it let me know. I had a dachsie that had to have her stomach pumped because she ate too much chocolate twice. Article in Dog Fancy Contributed by Judy Wade
Ignorance must be bliss buddy.

So every dog countless generations of families would feed table scraps poisoned their dogs. They didnt die, all my family pets lived to a ripe old age with nearly people food for their entire life. Big dogs short dogs fat and skiny ones too. Explain why all my dogs didnt die. Explain why billions of pets still live today. These reports are done by groups with financial interests in dry dog food companies. Research it ok.

Just for spite I just gave my chijuaja (spelling sorry, lol) a piece of snickers bar.

Yes i would eat the dry food i feed my dog cuz i KNOW whats in it They need 70% raw meat 30% dry.
Here i copied this for you might want to rethink table scraps or hey your dog you dont care about so why not risk his or her life right....asssssss
Not long after we saved our 5 yr. old red tweenie, Otto, from his original Mom ( she just didn't have what it takes to own a dachsie), he ate a piece of onion... Onions for Otto is an absolute no_no. He developed stomach and intestinal problems. He couldn't hold down any food. Eventually he was admitted to a vet hospital and it took five days before he was back to normal. According to the vet there are some foods that dachsies shouldn't eat because they are poisionous to them.. these foods include onions and chocolate. However, he is a carrot lover and always knows when I am making beef stew. Just wanted to share this infor with everyone... C - J, Todd and Otto

One thing that learned when my 6 month old puppy Joshua's face swelled up after giving him some raw cauliflower, is to get them to the vet as soon as possible. I had given him some benadryl when he first started showing initial signs (one eye started swelling), but within an hour and a half, his entire face puffed up like a balloon. The vet informed me that if I had not brought him in when I did, for that fast - acting shot, the swelling may have continued to the point where his throat would have closed up entirely. Jeannie

I can give you more feed your dog scraps and kill them whatever. I bet you my sons coat shines brighter then your dogs i bet you dont even run your dogs daily i bet you dont know anything about dogs being a pack animal i bet you dont even know what kind of toilet paper you use to wipe or own ass with maybe i was a little confusing but read the shit again you might get it plus i was super pissed and had to keep going back cuz i was saying really not so nice things. Everyone want s be an expert but no one wants to do what it takes to get there. Read READ READ and check your sorces twice even three times to make sure you are getting the correct info and not BS like 90% of the people on here seem to blow....Nothing but hot air.

And im not sure how you dont understand what i said.....scratch scratch..... you must be a idiot hah.