Well-Known Member
I agree this is about as low as it gets. I have to leave with one last thing, Slimjim 229 posts since March 2011, Inferno 306 since April 2011, MIMMEN around 220 since 2008. Who's the troll? I do need some help with my garden though. If you have any advice I would appreciate it. According to AN Anthropological Introduction to Youtube, most of the people who show hate on message boards would actually make wonderful babies.
thats 233 posts thank you. And these have been my first ones of slander just couldnt hold my tongue on the subject so fucking sue me i have lots of rep and people liking what i have to say also im always willing to help another in their garden and proves my point even more GANJA is the answer it unites us all world wide. And for a monet there when the pics where being posted there was peace just a thought....