Dogs and weed ?


Well-Known Member
:roll: sooo i have a Shi Tzu (chinese for appetizer) and i gave him a Pea size nug of a sativa dminant oregon medical srain. 25% thc. And now hes being a little asshole to me! if i smile he growls! lol but lickin my daughter like cazy, its usually the other way aroumd! hahah.

Anyways, do dogs process it differently than us humans?

:lol: and :eyesmoke:so u know...


Active Member
Dude, that's kind of a dumb thing to do.

Raw weed can fuck with his digestive system just like it does to humans. In case you didn't know, raw weed wreaks havoc with your intestines.

Dogs process just about everything different than humans, FYI.

ETA: In case you think I don't know what I'm talking about, you can go to my profile page and learn what I used to do for a living.


Active Member
Yea, it's cool. Just keep the raw stuff away from him. Most dogs won't just nab it from you because it's...a herb.....not really their food of choice, normally.

I used to get my dogs and cats stoned or drunk waaaay back, but I've learned a lot since then.
It's funny and all, but they don't get it.


Active Member
stems are ok tho ya? me n my brothers pit munch dem bitchs on the regular
Well, I suppose so...if it hasn't messed you up yet then I guess you're safe, lol.

It may not bother some people, but I do know that it is a rather well known fact that it's not good to ingest. I doubt chewing on stems and swallowing some is really enough to fuck ya'all up.


Well-Known Member
My cat used to be a regular weed smoker with me then one day I caught her hiding out behind the shed with a rubber band tied around her paw and she was cooking some shit in a spoon. Then things got bad for her and she robbed a liquor store to supply her habit. I tried putting her in rehab but she escaped. The next day she OD'd on heroin mixed with fentanyl. But it's cool. She's still alive. And she has four more lives left to spare.


Well-Known Member
I do a lot of baking and my dogs snag the odd cookie that is left unattended. It does mess them up and it is funny but would you give acid to your young kid and laugh about it, naw didn't think so. Raw pot has tiny hookes on it that can cause gastro issues in people and pets. All in all not a nice thing to do, the other down side is if your dog likes it they start stealing your stash so now you got to hid it from the dog, good luck doing that.


Well-Known Member
the other down side is if your dog likes it they start stealing your stash so now you got to hid it from the dog, good luck doing that.[/QUOTE]

hahahaha right?


Well-Known Member
do you roof-e your dates too? stop and think about what your allowing. would you liked being drugged without your consent?just asking?


Well-Known Member
Well getting a pet high is just a wee bit differant than drugging a human so they pass out and then sexually penetrating them LOL
we fed my friends dog some doobies and it died a few weeks later from gastrointestinal complications... i dont play with that shit anymore.