Dogs are creatures


Well-Known Member
I have always wondered what the sand pepper like tounge of a cat would feel like on my taint


Well-Known Member
I have always wondered what the sand pepper like tounge of a cat would feel like on my taint

let the dog lick it. they love burying their noses in that sh*t. ask any girl whose been near a dog. they always smell the coochy. :roll:


Active Member
cats can't what? :confused::confused: high 5 bitches, and i do mean bitches. HA HA ... watch it!!..YouTube - Cat tricks

Thats got to be a one "in a million" cat. ive never seen a cat do tricks, and apparently no on else has eather... read the comments on that vid. Show me a cat helping blind people walk around, or sniff out bombs, or find people lost in an avalance....then ill be impressed.

This is my dog dooley, hes a one year old german shepard/yellow lab mix. I had him house trained by the time he was 3 1/2 months old and started teaching him tricks when he was just a lil guy, about the same time i house trained him, and ever since, i can teach him to do just about anything. for someone to call him stupid just dosnt make sense to me...



Well-Known Member
I prefer cats dogs are ok..My husband likes dogs so we do have a dog a nice family oriented Golden Retriever. But they do stink and roll in anything gross. Beg for your food and if you take them walking in any public place you have to take a baggy along and pick up their shit yeckkkkkk.


Well-Known Member
dogs are taught tricks. if i was a dog i'd feel cheapened. but that's just me. "hey fdd, wanna hit this? ok, sit. come on sit." yeah, real intelligent. lol


Well-Known Member
For the record, I like pitbulls, and I'm not a tough guy.

But I also like cats. I think cats are more independent than dogs, and I need that, since I can't be home all the time. Dogs need a lot more attention, and I'd feel bad neglecting an animal. When you have a cat, if anyone gets neglected, it's YOU.