dogs in my school


Well-Known Member
Silly kids.

Don't bring your shit to school.

Not only do you have zero rights using their facilities, the punishment for possession and distribution on school grounds is much more strict.


Well-Known Member
It's always better to ask the teacher for any medication. But even then, I won't give a student anything, they go to the office for pretty much anything and everything. Esspicially the younger they get. I had to send an 8th grader to the office for ashma? That's stupid.


Well-Known Member
Really? kids think it's cool? I never would of guessed. :P Nah but really, you'll learn 85% of the people on the planet earth smoke. :P

Edit: Ain't nothin wrong with dealers. I used to abuse the hell out of them., I remember how small those $1.50 joints were. They had to do it back then like that. All anyone ever had was lunch money!

Green Funk

Active Member
I was hoping someone had some advice regarding getting out of a situation involving your sac and a drug sniffing dog nearby. Didn't Barry Cooper mention something like, keeping your stash with food is an okay way to hide your stash, because cops just assume the dogs want the food?


Well-Known Member
The food trick doesn't always work. The dog gets excited over food. The dog alerts (in a specific way, usually stopping and sitting) when it detects drugs.


Well-Known Member
well say i was to keep my bud in an airtight jar. we have some for keeping things like homemade jellly in themm and stufff. im guessing that would not let the smell leak out?

Green Funk

Active Member
Vacuum seal your bags, that shouldn’t alert a dog (as long as you are careful not to get any residue on the outside).

Maybe use that highlighter or PEPSI can hidden stash.
But probably the best advice I can give you for the school zone; roll joints and sell them, so you can easily eat the whole stash without too much of a big deal.

I had a friend get out of a charge because he rolled up all his herb. We were in gym, and he was in health when they surprised us with a random search. I was in the same hall and aware of the 6 joints in my friend’s hoodie. He was sweating bullets, but was way down at the end of the hall, fortunately towards the end of the search line. He opened the bag of joints inside his hood, and discretely ate 2 joints at a time. The dogs didn’t alert on his bag though, maybe because the weed wasn’t in direct contact with the bag? If he had 4 eights rolled up individually in his pencil pouch… he would have been fucked, without a doubt.
If you are selling in school, you had better be charging extra for the crazy risk that comes along with something like that. It’s not worth it any way you look at it…


Well-Known Member
move to canada dogs are illegalto have in schools..they baned em about 2 years ago:blsmoke::blsmoke:some kid made a piff about it and it went all the way to the supreme court and won..yay canada


Well-Known Member
i love dogs!!! :)

kinda weird for me to know about sniffing dogs testing schools in US.. that never happened in my country..

Willie North

Well-Known Member
when I was in highschool
I would just put the baggies into my plastic cig case, the cig smell always over took the weed smell for some reasion
but always keep your work on you remeber that !


Well-Known Member
youre gonna get caught, and then youll really regret it. dont make a bad mistake for a little extra cash. just stop and make your deals outside of school.