doing it on the cheap


Active Member
ive decided why pay hundreds of pounds for set ups of lights and grow rooms iv now got one plant in flower and three clones in veg and all on energy saver light bulbs dont believe the hype you dont need 400 watts this and 250 watts that they will grow on a lot less than you think ok granted each plant has 4 energy saver bulbs on it but less face it how much do they cost fuck all thats how much ...if anyone else has cash saving tips let me know:weed:


Active Member
cfl is defo gunna have good results theres a mass of supporters and youll find 4 bulbs to a plant int that bad either mate


Well-Known Member
ive decided why pay hundreds of pounds for set ups of lights and grow rooms iv now got one plant in flower and three clones in veg and all on energy saver light bulbs dont believe the hype you dont need 400 watts this and 250 watts that they will grow on a lot less than you think ok granted each plant has 4 energy saver bulbs on it but less face it how much do they cost fuck all thats how much ...if anyone else has cash saving tips let me know:weed:
Why do you cheap bastards think growing marijuana is all about the light?
Light is just one key element in growing fine sinsemilla.
You still have: Water, Air, Food, and Warmth.

I've seen people grow with 1000 watt lights and harvest really shitty weed. Due to the fact they thought if they had a big light, they would get really good weed.

If you want to grow really good marijuana, then you have to focus on all of the elements in growing. If you lack in just one of those 5 elements, you'll end up with shitty weed, or low quantity.


Well-Known Member
i admit i am using bloom aid and i have a 9inch fan and guess what i water it to smart arse
I'd be more willing to accept advice, you might actually learn how to improve your already minimumalistic methods. People are only trying to help, no need for the insults.


Active Member
I'd be more willing to accept advice, you might actually learn how to improve your already minimumalistic methods. People are only trying to help, no need for the insults.
im always willing to accept advice i am a willing learner forgive me i was only reacting to being called a cheap bastard just because im trying to grow at minimum cost i may not decide to become a long term grower and would hate to lay out hundreds of pounds just for a single season not only that the information i gather will remain here for other people who may not have the funds other members seem to be able to lavish on their grows


Active Member
hi again i have recently had a small change of heart a friend of mine got busted and had some gear to shift so my light improved i now have a 200w cfl with a double helix reflector and mogul socket i paid 50 quid not exactly cheap but not that dear either this added a few problems ie a small electricity spike about an extra 2 quid a week and an increase in temperature in my grow room the temp increase was solved by adding an extractor fan its a six inch fan connected to tubing normal temp is now resumed,added cost- 15 quid and on top of that about 50 p a week in electric i now have 7 plants thanks to cloning and another friend with cheap seeds