Doing Seed Soon: Need Some Questions Answered


Well-Known Member
Well i've taken 1 tab about oh and hour and a half ago... i'm starting to feel a good body high though no form of visuals. Though I hear most acid these days is very low and requires more than 1 tab. Or do visuals occur later in the trip? The guy I bought it from is pretty trustworthy guy and said 1 tab had him some good OEV's... i'm alittle disappointed at the moment hopefully something will happen :-(


Well-Known Member
you have mor tabs? if you like where this tripp is going take another one. i was under the impression you were taking good acid is why i said 1 should be good to try it. i hope you got those 3 tabs or whatever
Damnit I didn't see where you had already taken it.

I will leave the rest of this mumbo below for reference for anyone else.

My 2 cents, and I've done it more times than I can count, is just sit back and relax. Make sure that you do all you can to avoid any confrontational types of circumstances, and you will absolutely enjoy yourself. I always new where I was, but I did get scared a few times. You just have to remember that there is no off switch as your friends father said. Be ready for a long ride, it will really depend on the cid though.

My bad experience was one of my earlier ones, I thought I had came down, because all of the enjoyable parts of the trip were over with, but I still couldn't think straight, it really wigged me out. But I was fine, it was some really strong cid and lasted about 12 hours. The last 4 had me worried.

If I knew then what I know now, I would have had some benzos around.


Well-Known Member
Well fuck the one tab just got me a big body high and got me mentally thinking... though no visuals :-(. Well I still got 2 tabs left guess im gonna wait a few days for my tolerance to go down and take the other two hopefully i'll see something :wall:


Well-Known Member
good luck bro, im hoping to to find a few tabs at a concert todan, that is if dosnt get rained out


Well-Known Member
First time i took acid it didn't do shit to me but all of my friends where tripping balls. The next day i tried it again and tripped hard. Maybe the same thing happen to you?


Well-Known Member
Swag, dont listen to the dealers up selling techniques, unless its a trusted trippin buddy who has actually tried it, its most likely bs.

I got 6 hits of white unperf that was "good shit" 2 months after getting the best L. I have ever fuckin had from him, 1 hit had me floored for the next 6 hours, well I took 2 of the white and felt mild trippy sensations with alot of jaw tension, I thought it was cause I ate a hour before taking it. The next week I took the rest of the 4 and had the same effects only a little more intense, VERY weak acid, i felt fuckin ripped off.

Hope the 2 you got left gets you there, happy trails man