Dollar Store Grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks! And now since two people mentioned it maybe I'll make some covers for the cups, lol.

Someone on this forum said white paper was better than foil. True? I'll fix that too at the same time.

Dont use paper for fire reasons, use flat white paint on just about any surface that will hold it works great.


Those CFLs look like, what, 12 to 18 inches away? You should try to get them like an inch from the foliage
I think this is wayy to close personally. I burnt the shit out of my plants at 1.5 inches away just from being gone for 6 hours. I wouldn't recommend 1" unless you're checking in on your plants every couple of hours. I have them about 5" right now and the leaves are much less stressed at that distance. If you need more light get another bulb and keep it the same distance away, but trying to always get them closer to the foliage seems to always wind up with burned leaf accidents. Just in my experience.


Active Member
mine listen to mozart. no rock or rap or anything like that, it has to be smooth. before i was letting them listen to a mixed album something like "top 100 classical music songs".


Active Member
It's a much older idea than the Jorge Cervantes videos they also tested it out on mythbusters google it sometime.
Well unfortunately the music is still on hold. I can't find the damn cord to the radio/dock. :P

All of the plants but one are showing tiny preflowers now. The square container plant has a little nub or two but I can't even tell if they're shoots or what. I think it's still too early to tell but most look like this:

A couple like this (smaller basically):

And I think two like this:

In the last pic it's hard to tell but the growths are definitely more "ball" shaped than the ones above. Just watching closely for now though.

Here they are all together, but this is from yesterday and they already look slightly bushier today:

Got a thermometer and it's around 82 degrees in there while the lights are on. Leaving the door open when I can. Going to get dirt tonight or tomorrow hopefully. I figured out I think the brand the store here sells is Epsoma. I read good things so I hope I'm right and they'll have something I can use.
I went to the hardware store and they had all kinds of Epsoma products...but no soil. Of any kind. WTF? So I just picked up some Epsoma plant food to mix with whatever soil I find. Honestly I might just get more dollar store soil since I'll be mixing this in. My only other choices are MG (which I'm not going with) and whatever the big box hardware store sells. And around here, they usually don't have jack.

Since I won't be able to pick that up for at least a couple days I sprinkled some of the plant food in each container. It didn't have super clear instructions but it said I could add it to already potted plants. I used about 1/3 of the recommended amount and we'll see how they do. Misted water over it.

The food smells like hershey's cocoa, lol.
Still no photoshop. :P But I repotted everything today. Lost one plant since I didn't have enough pots or gravel, couldn't tell sex but I was thinking male, and it was a weak plant anyway. I've got the two plants I cut hanging and drying, so maybe if they get dry enough this week I'll smoke them and see what happens. Probably nothing but I'm out of weed at the moment so worth a shot, lol.

The rest of the girls are looking great. Gonna have tons of room to grow. Kind of far from the light since I had to rearrange but I'll figure something out. Might have to add another surge protector with lights. The thermometer from the dollar store last week said temps have been 85 up to almost 95. :O So I'm trying to leave the door open and the a/c on when I can. The first day I left the door open there was a very noticeable improvement. So now I'm just keeping an eye on it and trying to keep things reasonable in there.

I got soil from a gardening store around here. It's like the walmart of gardening, ha ha. It's their store brand of soil and it looks and feels great. Mixed with the plant food I bought. Very excited to see how it does. Compared to the dirt I saw in the old pots, OMG these plants are going to love it. They also had a ph kit for $1.50 so I tried it. I have pics but I think the old soil was about 7, and the new soil is more like 6.

Overall very happy. Hoping to see some buds starting by next weekend unless transplanting slows them down a lot.
Okay I got photoshop working finally!

Right before repotting. Looking pretty good after adding food last week.

Colors are off but you can still see all the new green:

This one, my fav, had a whole section of new growth. You can see the new light green vs old dark green. It's really something in person:

Some delicious-looking hairs:

ph testing (sorry, shitty pics, was hard to tell anyway, getting a good meter after we move for next grow):

Nice yummy soil after repotting:

Plants adjusting now and look a lot smaller, lol:

Each bucket is 1.5 gallons.


Had to rearrange everything because the lights are so high. No way to move them safely at the moment. And the new pots were too wide to all fit on one surface. So this is temporary til they get taller. (The lights are positioned better now than in the pic.)


I know I should use paint or something, but we rent so it's not possible at the moment. Next grow will be after we move so I'll be able to paint or I'll get some mylar and do it right from the start.