Dolomite lime question


Active Member
I will be starting a grow next month and have a question about dolomite lime. I was told Vermifire soil is a little hot to start out with and adding Tbsp of dolomite lime per gallon of soil will keep PH in check and stable. Is that true? I know nothing about adding dolomite lime so any advice would be great. Any issues using this product?


Well-Known Member
use about 1/2 a vup of lime per bag of soil and you should be fine. no real need to even add it uless you know your PH is going to get out of wack. soil PH shouldnt change much if your not adding a ton of nutes or molasses. which you dont need either of them to grow a nice plant. less is more my friend

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Different limes have different propertys. When it comes to dolomite lime the ph will go down below 5.5 in water if you use too much.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
lime is for more than just PH, it will also supply calcium and magnessium, good stuff for dirty growers

Any issues to worry about with dolomite lime in soil?
Just do not use too much. Depending on your particular soil mix 1-2 tablespoons is perfectly safe. Just be sure to mix your dolomite into your medium 3 weeks or so before you start your grow for best results. Although it can saefly added at most any point in the grow.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Ya, just don't use too much, as dolomite lime will excessively lower the ph.
If your medium is already ph stable don't add any unless you balance it out with a little plant ash.
Even still it takes a while for lime to break down and become usable to the plant.
Some limes will hold the ph at 6-6.5 regardless of how much is used. These limes also take time to break down into usable food for the plant(s).