donald directed cohen to lie to congress

Mueller I assume is the hero to the left. So everything he says is true. Mueller says the Buzzfeed article is not accurate or Fake News.
Buzzfeed article

Sorry Bobsperm. He merely said it it wasn’t exactly as buzzfeed reported. He did not all all refute it.

But you’re linking to Fox News which is neither a fox nor news
I see the Trumpers are all delighted over a disagreement between Mueller and Buzzfeed, Muller disputed the accuracy of some things in the article, but importantly he did not deny the basic truth of the story. Donald thought it was true because he publicly threatened Cohen's family over it. I would suggest ya relax a bit, the house investigations haven't even begun yet and there's gonna be all kinds of shit hitting the fan in a very public way. It will still get the ball rolling on an impeachment investigation so the congress can gather facts.

It sounds like Mueller was trying to plug a leak in the investigation and throw Trump off interfering with the it. Maybe a couple of FBI agents were pissed off about not getting paid because of Trump's shutdown.
No dispute.

Mueller said "not accurate"

Bugeye says "debunked"

Fox says "disputes BuzzFeed report "

Let me repeat:

Mueller said "not accurate"

I get it, "not accurate" doesn't quite get you right winger's blood running hot so you have to make up other adjectives. But calm down and put it back in your pants. Mueller said "not accurate" which pretty much says nothing other than, not accurate.

It's going to be another year or more before Mueller finishes his investigation. Trump's interference in the investigation increased the time needed to finish it. Hope to read the report by the summer of 2020. Meanwhile, carry on with the denials. Watching you Trumpkins dance to his tunes is entertaining but a little disgusting -- like watching a fat stripper.