Donald Trump 2024!!!!


Cult logic.
Cult logic is everything thrown at him came back to bite the corrupt globalist left.
Could be worse

I could be aping a racist conmans recycled nazi rhetoric on a pot website

I thought waaaaycists don't recycle?
Hitler was a vegan socialist fascist who took everyone's guns away so I'm not sure I'd make as much of a nazi as you would.
Maybe the admin can show me by making threats to ban based in alternative political speech - you know, so I can learn from the best.
I thought waaaaycists don't recycle?
Hitler was a vegan socialist fascist who took everyone's guns away so I'm not sure I'd make as much of a nazi as you would.
Maybe the admin can show me by making threats to ban based in alternative political speech - you know, so I can learn from the best.
Hitler expanded gun rights

why are you so dumb?
Nope only for Nazis. Just like you commies want today for free speech. Thank God you'll lose in a landslide like in the UK.
See you next year.
Nope, you’re wrong again. Hitler expanded gun rights for everyone but Jews

does this mean you’re gonna finally leave and stop spamming us with recycled nazi rhetoric from a guy who bragged about creeping in on unsuspecting naked underage children?

jew hating pedophile