Donald Trump Leading The Republicans

well, nitro, you've got the guy who hates "multiculturalism" and "tolerance" on your side. so you've got yet another KKK-aligned racist to agree with you.

and shitclone, maybe those folks were just taking a page from your book and getting rid of multiculturalism and tolerance.

that hateful racism of yours doesn't just swing one way ya know.

ya dumb fuck sock puppet.

I am just glad you healed up and the swelling came down. fuck that had to hurt.
Nah, shes all yours
does was nowhere near as racist as our new (fatass, sedentary, diabetes ridden) amigitititititita.
It doesn't matter, Doer was just another asshole troll. Like Jerkoff Clone here. Just a troll like Doer, saying things to get a reaction. He is starting to get a little wound up. I wonder if he is cycling with some medication. It will be interesting if he ever goes off those meds. I'll wait to see if he's entertaining or just an asshat.

Hey, PsiDoer,
Wow! Only a coward would utter such ignorance. Do you feel protected hiding behind the screen?
Hes trolling, get ready for some bombastic response intended to draw you out. I hate trolls almost as much as I hate Illinois Nazis. An Illinois Nazi Troll, now that's just comical.
Every one of those nickles is borrowed weakening the overall economy ,making things harder for young people trying to put together a future and take care of their families .
It is a crime to saddle people who haven't even been aborted yet with debt they don't benefit from (infrastructure , national defense ) and wasted on what has proven to have a negative effect on society .

You can thank President Nixon for the debt we have today. He took us off the gold standard, allowing the federal reserve to print money at will. He was a conservative cock sniffer, like yourself.