Donald Trump Leading The Republicans

Add a comma after anybody. There, I just corrected you again.
Delete "again". There, I just corrected you
Should have been a comma after "again"..There, I just corrected you, again.
Type in some words after you click "reply" THEN click "post". There, I just corrected you, again.
I know the difference. You don't know what a church is. Tell me, is the Christian church a building? The Catholic? The Shinto? The Sunni? The Shiite?

Let me reiterate then. A church is a building for public worship. I typed that as slow as possible, in hopes you might retain it.
Delete "again". There, I just corrected you
Should have been a comma after "again"..There, I just corrected you, again.
Type in some words after you click "reply" THEN click "post". There, I just corrected you, again.

I left the comma out because I am a rebel, not an ignorant fence jumper like yourself.
Well maybe you are correct about one thing, you haven't openly denied being a "racist".

why would i even have to deny it?

you have asserted zero evidence to establish that i am.

whereas i have a ton of evidence to support the assertion that you are racist as fuck.
So in the winter and summer, all the old people in the pews. Young infants. The buildings are going to be climate controlled.

Just saying. 1100 square foot house cost 200 a month in electricity and cooling. Then they have day care people (basically) counselors, youth camps, food drives, cost of maintainence to building... The building isn't open one day a week. Usually 4-5 days a week for support groups and bible studies. Not everyone tithes. You figure a family of four comes in they MIGHT tithe 20 dollars.

How many people might fit into a 1100 square foot church? Lets say the pew area is half of the building. 550 square feet. How many pews could they fit in there? How many butts could sit cross legged on the floor in there? Remember the front third is where the pastor sits and choir/speakers. Approximately 360 square feet. So Maybe 120 butts with a little room for walking to your seat? 1 out of four MAYBE tithes 20 dollars. (120/4)*20 = 600 dollars. MAYBE.

I remember going to church and out of 8-12 people only 1 or 2 would tithe. So 120/8=15, 15*20 = 300 dollars

So 300 dollars to 600 dollars a week. 1200 - 2400 a month.

Maybe some people are exploiting the system, but to err is human.
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So in the winter and summer, all the old people in the pews. Young infants. The buildings are going to be climate controlled.

Just saying. 1100 square foot house cost 200 a month in electricity and cooling. Then they have day care people (basically) counselors, youth camps, food drives, cost of maintainence to building... The building isn't open one day a week. Usually 4-5 days a week for support groups and bible studies. Not everyone tithes. You figure a family of four comes in they MIGHT tithe 20 dollars.

Maybe some people are exploiting the system, but to err is human.

Oh goodness! You mean they have expenses, like other entities? That is not justification of being tax exempt
So in the winter and summer, all the old people in the pews. Young infants. The buildings are going to be climate controlled.

Just saying. 1100 square foot house cost 200 a month in electricity and cooling. Then they have day care people (basically) counselors, youth camps, food drives, cost of maintainence to building... The building isn't open one day a week. Usually 4-5 days a week for support groups and bible studies. Not everyone tithes. You figure a family of four comes in they MIGHT tithe 20 dollars.

Maybe some people are exploiting the system, but to err is human.
Almost all donations made to the church go towards utilities and missionaries out making a difference. They are not getting rich.

How much do you think it costs to heat/cool/light a large cathedral?
  • Large churches spend between 30 and 60% of donations on staff alone
  • Large church ministers earn on average $147,000 per year with some earning as much as $400,000
  • In a survey of 1700 churches, 50% of spending went to wages, building, utilities, ministries and support.
  • Top rated charities spend less than 25% on the above.

Support a church if it makes you feel good but its not doing much for the community. We tax businesses even when they don't make a profit. I see no reason why churches should be exempt.
