Donald Trump Leading The Republicans

Whew, that was a hard plow, didn't make it all the way through. I looked him up on Wiki. He seemed to have made it without a huge scandal, imagine that.

This was pretty good though:

He was famous for his "Blessing Plan" – radio listeners sent him money and in return he blessed them. He said doing this would make radio listeners who did it more prosperous. In the 1990s, he was active on the Internet and had a syndicated television program.

Wow, just ... wow
  • Large churches spend between 30 and 60% of donations on staff alone
  • Large church ministers earn on average $147,000 per year with some earning as much as $400,000
  • In a survey of 1700 churches, 50% of spending went to wages, building, utilities, ministries and support.
  • Top rated charities spend less than 25% on the above.
Support a church if it makes you feel good but its not doing much for the community. We tax businesses even when they don't make a profit. I see no reason why churches should be exempt.

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I agree some churches are rediculous.

There are always loop holes to everything.
No, I just see no point in trying to converse with an idiot. You can't defend your positions, so you just insult. It's like playing chess with a pigeon. You knock over the pieces, shit on the board, then strut around like you've accomplished something.
That playing "chess with pigeons", is so original. Can you do better next time?
I'm just chatting btw, I am just stating my opinion and I may be completely wrong. Just stating what I think would go into a legit loving and true christian church.
Just curious what you guys think about church folk having a salary. I'm not sure what to think about to be honest. In a way it seems wrong. I could see hiring some real day care workers and lawn maintainance crews would be alright.
But then where does it end. How can the pastor help the congregation if he himself is starving.

Tithing to me was always to help the church to function. That included staff to me. I wouldn't attend a church that gave me a shady feeling tho.
why would i even have to deny it?

you have asserted zero evidence to establish that i am.

whereas i have a ton of evidence to support the assertion that you are racist as fuck.

Do you respect the opinion of the NAACP?

Let them decide if your most recent bigoted writings and pictures directed at Nitro are racist or not. What do you say to that?

There is only one reason you used "blacks" in the article and the pictures --- it was disparaging, vile and denigrating to blacks.

Accept it, you are clearly a "RACIST".
Whew, that was a hard plow, didn't make it all the way through. I looked him up on Wiki. He seemed to have made it without a huge scandal, imagine that.

This was pretty good though:

He was famous for his "Blessing Plan" – radio listeners sent him money and in return he blessed them. He said doing this would make radio listeners who did it more prosperous. In the 1990s, he was active on the Internet and had a syndicated television program.

Wow, just ... wow
Yep, he's legendary in the hood.