Donald Trump Private Citizen

Trump Cornered? Witness Told Prosecutors Trump Was Involved In Tax Scheme

While the legal filings in the criminal probe into the Trump Organization do not directly prove Trump’s knowledge of the alleged crimes, the former daughter-in-law of Trump’s money man is now doing just that. Jennifer Weisselberg told prosecutors Trump personally guaranteed the scheme to hide employee income through school costs and that she saw Trump do so in 2012, according to the Daily Beast. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber is joined by former federal prosecutor John Flannery to discuss this major revelation and why it’s not mentioned in the indictment.
Viewer Question: Why is Donald Trump Still A Free Man?

In today’s segment of ‘Make it Make Sense’ Tiffany Cross breaks down the legal trouble Donald Trump continues to face after his Presidency and why it may even help his 2024 campaign.
Whinny little bitch.

I think Donald might go bankrupt yet again before he goes to prison. I expect the Trump org to go down in flames soon and it appears the Trump org owns nearly everything Donald has and he basically lives at the company's properties. Living at those places must be quite a boon, I wonder if he payed taxes on such valuable benefits?
I think Donald might go bankrupt yet again before he goes to prison. I expect the Trump org to go down in flames soon and it appears the Trump org owns nearly everything Donald has and he basically lives at the company's properties. Living at those places must be quite a boon, I wonder if he payed taxes on such valuable benefits?
Yeah this scam is fascinating.

This with a twist of inflating buildings and assets from the banks, while telling the IRS you are losing money every year and using different 'businesses' to hire contractors that you can then later just not pay until it adds up and you have to file for bankruptcy or sell a building and take a big paper loss and restart the game because all your 'businesses' are bullshit and you are just paying yourself rent and claiming it as a loss.

I think this girl pulled off a Trump level scam for a while.

If she would have had daddy hand her down a few buildings, who knows maybe she gets away with the scam.
O'Reilly threatens to sue after media reports 'History Tour' with Trump has low ticket sales
Politico’s Daniel Lippman on Friday reported that tickets for the tour, which has four stops scheduled at locations in Texas and Florida this December, went on sale June 14, though venue officials said sales have so far been slow compared with other events held at the arenas.

For example, a box office employee at Orlando, Fla.'s 20,000-person Amway Center, which will host Trump and O’Reilly on Dec. 12, told Politico, “There’s still a lot of tickets open.”

“We have concerts that are doing a lot better than this,” the employee added, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

The employee said that a Bad Bunny concert scheduled for March at the arena sold out in two days and that tickets for a Dec. 3 Kane Brown concert were almost gone.

Employees at Houston’s Toyota Center, Dallas’s American Airlines Center and Sunrise, Fla.'s BB&T Center all said that a large portion of seats for the Trump-O’Reilly tour remain unsold, with a BB&T box office official telling Politico they expected sales to have been “definitely higher” at this point.

However, Trump and O’Reilly have both pushed back on Politico’s reporting, with Trump spokeswoman Liz Harrington saying in a statement, “The History Tour has already sold over $5 million of tickets, and the excitement and enthusiasm is unlike anything we’ve seen before.”

“Come December, the sold out shows will be a memorable night for all,” she added.

Thin skin.
Yeah this scam is fascinating.

This with a twist of inflating buildings and assets from the banks, while telling the IRS you are losing money every year and using different 'businesses' to hire contractors that you can then later just not pay until it adds up and you have to file for bankruptcy or sell a building and take a big paper loss and restart the game because all your 'businesses' are bullshit and you are just paying yourself rent and claiming it as a loss.

I think this girl pulled off a Trump level scam for a while.

If she would have had daddy hand her down a few buildings, who knows maybe she gets away with the scam.
I have a feeling their might be an IRS bombshell or two for Donald one day, but they will have to get in line, since he has but one old ass to prosecute. Sooner or later someone is gonna foreclose on, or confiscate the Trump org's assets, I also think Donald was far too overdependent on his bean counter to keep all those complex arrangements juggled. I don't think Don Jr, Eric, or their old man could manage their way out of a wet paper bag and will have no clue about the details. The devil will be in the details and between the 3 of them I don't think they could read a set of books.

Donald's businesses continue to bleed cash and his only source of real income seems to be his "stop the steal" con. I can't imagine Trump org having a line of credit or any body risking their money on them. His golf courses are losing a ton of cash and so is the DC hotel deal and I can't see him getting or laundering any more Russian cash with Biden in the WH and the law breathing down his neck. A few more indicted Trump org executives and some family members should fuck financial operations.
Trump decries The Open Championship not being played at his Scotland golf course

"I have spent some time watching The Open Championship (formerly known as The British Open), and it is terrific! But as almost all of the great players, sportscasters, and golf aficionados know, the greatest site and course of all for The Open is Turnberry, in Scotland," Trump said on Saturday.

"It is truly a magical place, the players want to be there, and at some point in time the players will be there. But this course was not chosen for The Open because they consider a wonderful person, and many-time Club Champion, named Donald J. Trump, to be too controversial — this is, of course, a false reputation caused mainly by the Fake News Media," he added.

"It is a shame that the phenomenal Turnberry Golf links, the best in the World, sits empty during Open Championships, while far lesser courses are on display. Oh well, life proceeds forward! Someday The Open will be back at Turnberry," Trump said.

Red ink. Red ink.
O'Reilly threatens to sue after media reports 'History Tour' with Trump has low ticket sales
Politico’s Daniel Lippman on Friday reported that tickets for the tour, which has four stops scheduled at locations in Texas and Florida this December, went on sale June 14, though venue officials said sales have so far been slow compared with other events held at the arenas.

For example, a box office employee at Orlando, Fla.'s 20,000-person Amway Center, which will host Trump and O’Reilly on Dec. 12, told Politico, “There’s still a lot of tickets open.”

“We have concerts that are doing a lot better than this,” the employee added, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

The employee said that a Bad Bunny concert scheduled for March at the arena sold out in two days and that tickets for a Dec. 3 Kane Brown concert were almost gone.

Employees at Houston’s Toyota Center, Dallas’s American Airlines Center and Sunrise, Fla.'s BB&T Center all said that a large portion of seats for the Trump-O’Reilly tour remain unsold, with a BB&T box office official telling Politico they expected sales to have been “definitely higher” at this point.

However, Trump and O’Reilly have both pushed back on Politico’s reporting, with Trump spokeswoman Liz Harrington saying in a statement, “The History Tour has already sold over $5 million of tickets, and the excitement and enthusiasm is unlike anything we’ve seen before.”

“Come December, the sold out shows will be a memorable night for all,” she added.

Thin skin.
Trump supporters aren't interested in two things, history (unless it's the civil war) and books, because most don't read. The thing about the right writing bullshit history, is nobody reads it, academics dismiss it and the republican base doesn't give a fuck about anything other than white tribalism and cold civil war.
Bolton: Trump lacked enough 'advance thinking' for a coup
“The idea of Trump staging a coup does give him too much credit,” Bolton said. “That requires advance thinking, planning, strategizing, building up support, and I just don’t think he’s capable of that.”

“What he was capable of was on a daily basis doing something more and more outrageous than he had done the day before, all to the same end of staying in power. But the notion that Trump could have orchestrated a coup does give him too much credit,” he added.

“I think he’s just playing for time in hopes that something will emerge that allows him either to have a good reason why he’s lost or in his mind, maybe still to win,” Bolton said last year. “But I think that simply emphasizes the need for senior Republican leaders to join those who have begun to come out and say Trump’s behavior is inexcusable.”

Hope that gets under the old guy's skin.
I have a feeling their might be an IRS bombshell or two for Donald one day, but they will have to get in line, since he has but one old ass to prosecute. Sooner or later someone is gonna foreclose on, or confiscate the Trump org's assets, I also think Donald was far too overdependent on his bean counter to keep all those complex arrangements juggled. I don't think Don Jr, Eric, or their old man could manage their way out of a wet paper bag and will have no clue about the details. The devil will be in the details and between the 3 of them I don't think they could read a set of books.

Donald's businesses continue to bleed cash and his only source of real income seems to be his "stop the steal" con. I can't imagine Trump org having a line of credit or any body risking their money on them. His golf courses are losing a ton of cash and so is the DC hotel deal and I can't see him getting or laundering any more Russian cash with Biden in the WH and the law breathing down his neck. A few more indicted Trump org executives and some family members should fuck financial operations.
I think the trick is to expose these old rich guys before they die so they can't scam the people for another generation.
Bolton: Trump lacked enough 'advance thinking' for a coup
“The idea of Trump staging a coup does give him too much credit,” Bolton said. “That requires advance thinking, planning, strategizing, building up support, and I just don’t think he’s capable of that.”

“What he was capable of was on a daily basis doing something more and more outrageous than he had done the day before, all to the same end of staying in power. But the notion that Trump could have orchestrated a coup does give him too much credit,” he added.

“I think he’s just playing for time in hopes that something will emerge that allows him either to have a good reason why he’s lost or in his mind, maybe still to win,” Bolton said last year. “But I think that simply emphasizes the need for senior Republican leaders to join those who have begun to come out and say Trump’s behavior is inexcusable.”

Hope that gets under the old guy's skin.
Basically true, Donald threatened, bullied, connived and conspired in a half a dozen conspiracies to retain power, all of them poorly planned and ham handedly executed. Donald confessed on TV and threw other conspirators under the bus and to to the press FFS. Donald was a desperate criminal whose past was rapidly catching up to him, his only way out was to win, it was total power or prison, all or nothing.
I think the trick is to expose these old rich guys before they die so they can't scam the people for another generation.
Donald is the poster boy for what's wrong with the American legal system and makes the idea of equality under the law a joke, there were no cops in Donald's world.
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Basically true, Donald threatened, bullied, connived and conspired in a half a dozen conspiracies to retain power, all of them poorly planned and ham handedly executed. Donald confessed on TV and threw other conspirators under the bus and to to the press FFS. Donald was a desperate criminal whose past was rapidly catching up to him, his only way out was to win, it was total power or prison, all or nothing.
Can not be a criminal while you are president. Which is why Trump worked so hard the last couple of months.