Donald Trump Private Citizen


Well-Known Member
Former mafia prosecutor Mark Pomerantz had a very high paying gig going on in NY at a private law firm and left it all to fuck Donald. I don't think this guy is wasting his time and considering his track record and reputation, Donald should be shitting his Depends. If he had any brains and connections, he'd be making plans for a trip to Russia by now, cause I figure he won't have long before indictments drop and then the judge owns his ass, with conditions of release, or bail and surrendering his passport. Donald can't exactly travel using a false passport can he? He would have to be spirited out of the country in a trunk like that Goshen guy in Japan. Maybe they could put him a coffin and ship him out as a corpse!


Well-Known Member
Trump endorses autocratic Hungarian leader
Trump, in a statement sent by his Save America PAC, said Orbán “truly loves his Country and wants safety for his people.”

The former GOP president also touted Orbán's hard-line immigration policies, which have drawn Hungary into conflict with the European Union.

“He has done a powerful and wonderful job in protecting Hungary, stopping illegal immigration, creating jobs, trade, and should be allowed to continue to do so in the upcoming Election. He is a strong leader and respected by all,” Trump added, before giving the prime minister his “Complete support and Endorsement for reelection.”

Márki-Zay — who is currently the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely, a city in the south — won the race to become Hungary’s opposition joint candidate for prime minister. He is backed by a diverse group of six opposition parties, including socialists and the Jobbik, a former far-right group that is now center-right, according to Reuters.

The spring race will be the first time Orbán is up against a united group of opposition parties looking to drive him out of power.

Trump’s endorsement comes after the Biden administration last month did not invite Hungary to its "Summit for Democracy," which focused on bolstering democracy, safeguarding against authoritarianism, combating corruption and advancing human rights. More than 100 countries were invited.


Well-Known Member
Donald should be shitting his Depends. If he had any brains and connections, he'd be making plans for a trip to Russia by now, cause I figure he won't have long before indictments drop and then the judge owns his ass, with conditions of release, or bail and surrendering his passport.
Let’s hope. You realize you’ve been saying this for over a year, right?


Well-Known Member
Let’s hope. You realize you’ve been saying this for over a year, right?
Justice has taken longer than most professionals believed, seriously though, Trump should be in court or prison by now if justice were equal. However justice takes time too and in this case there are political considerations and crimes, as well as the garden variety corruption. NY has Trump by the balls and are developing an air tight case against him, his family and business, perhaps even a racketeering charge. The fact is that this Pomerantz guy ain't wasting his time, Donald's scalp on his belt will give him lots of cred and big payday's in the future! All the indicators are there Canuck and moving the shit into an election year is useful too.

None of the ringleaders will be convicted before 2023 or 2024, another election year and that's when Donald is likely to go down for 1/6 and insurrection, that will preclude him from holding federal office again. It will be largely a moot point though, since I figure Donald will be convicted this summer or fall in NY. Donald will plead not guilty in 2023 or 2024, Rudy (if he's alive) and Meadows along with others will be forced to testify against him. These people stand for nothing but self interest and will roll over on Trump when the heat is high enough. During his federal trial for insurrection they will want him not just convicted, but discredited too and they will use his henchmen publicly testifying during his trial to do it.

We are into the long game here, looking at the fall of 2022 and 2024 and NY, congress, the DOJ and Donald should time things just about right, to create the perfect storm for the republicans.


Well-Known Member
Trump, his children subpoenaed by New York attorney general in family business probe
New York's attorney general has issued subpoenas to former former U.S. president Donald Trump and his two eldest children in connection with an ongoing civil investigation into the family's business practices, according to a court filing Monday.

Attorney General Letitia James' office said in the filing that it is seeking testimony and documents from Trump, Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump "in connection with an investigation into the valuation of properties owned or controlled" by Trump and his company, the Trump Organization.

Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump subpoenaed in New York probe
The subpoenas from the office of Attorney General Letitia James were disclosed in a Monday filing with a New York state court in Manhattan.

James has also subpoenaed Trump. Lawyers for the Trump family are seeking to block her from questioning the former Republican president and his children, the filing said.

Last month, Trump sued James to block her civil probe into the Trump Organization, accusing the Democrat of partisan politics.

James has been investigating whether the company fraudulently inflated the values of its real estate holdings to obtain bank loans, and reduced the values to save on taxes.

Her probe is related to but separate from a criminal probe by the Manhattan district attorney into the Trump Organization's business practices. James joined that probe last May.

Eric Trump, another of Trump's adult children, was questioned by James' office in October 2020.
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Well-Known Member
New York AG Subpoenas Trump, Ivanka, Don Jr. in Family Business Probe
New York Attorney General Letitia James recently subpoenaed former President Donald Trump and his two eldest children, demanding their testimony in connection with an ongoing civil investigation into the family’s business practices, according to a court filing made public Monday.

The subpoenas for Trump, his son Donald Trump Jr. and his daughter Ivanka Trump stem from an investigation “into the valuation of properties owned or controlled” by Trump and his company, the Trump Organization, the filing said.

The attorney general's attempt to get testimony from the former president was reported in December, but the court filing Monday was the first public disclosure that investigators were also seeking information from Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.

The Trumps are expected to file court papers seeking to quash the subpoenas, setting up a legal fight similar to one that played out last year after James' office subpoenaed another Trump son.

Trump sued James last month, seeking to end the investigation after she requested that he sit for a Jan. 7 deposition. Trump's lawsuit, filed in federal court, alleges that the probe has violated his constitutional rights in a “thinly-veiled effort to publicly malign Trump and his associates.”

Oh the exploding heads.

Son of a King

The Librarian
The Trial of Donald Trump is the ultimate signal to the world that the Revolution has succeeded in the U.S.
Once they pass "Election Reform" the U.S. become a One Party State in perpetuity.

Tell this corrupt foreign agent of the bar association to take her admiralty subpoenas and shove em.

zombies can cook
She is a bad black racist and she knows she’s a racist

New York Attorney General Letitia James: A Soros communist. We know, we know!

Ivanka is NO dumb blonde!


Well-Known Member
When Donald goes down in NY, it will free up a lot of tongues, once he's locked up and muzzled. It will also free up Garland to go after him for insurrection and it will make witnesses testifying against him easier to get. I don't think they will cut any deals with elected officials if they nail them, guys like Rudy, Meadows and many others are not elected though and can cut a deal in exchange, not so much for information, but for public testimony about the big lie and all the rest.

They will want these people on the stand under oath saying it was all a lie just before the 2024 election, that will be worth the deal for some of them.


Well-Known Member
New York AG Subpoenas Trump, Ivanka, Don Jr. in Family Business Probe
New York Attorney General Letitia James recently subpoenaed former President Donald Trump and his two eldest children, demanding their testimony in connection with an ongoing civil investigation into the family’s business practices, according to a court filing made public Monday.

The subpoenas for Trump, his son Donald Trump Jr. and his daughter Ivanka Trump stem from an investigation “into the valuation of properties owned or controlled” by Trump and his company, the Trump Organization, the filing said.

The attorney general's attempt to get testimony from the former president was reported in December, but the court filing Monday was the first public disclosure that investigators were also seeking information from Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.

The Trumps are expected to file court papers seeking to quash the subpoenas, setting up a legal fight similar to one that played out last year after James' office subpoenaed another Trump son.

Trump sued James last month, seeking to end the investigation after she requested that he sit for a Jan. 7 deposition. Trump's lawsuit, filed in federal court, alleges that the probe has violated his constitutional rights in a “thinly-veiled effort to publicly malign Trump and his associates.”

Oh the exploding heads.

Son of a King

The Librarian
The Trial of Donald Trump is the ultimate signal to the world that the Revolution has succeeded in the U.S.
Once they pass "Election Reform" the U.S. become a One Party State in perpetuity.

Tell this corrupt foreign agent of the bar association to take her admiralty subpoenas and shove em.

zombies can cook
She is a bad black racist and she knows she’s a racist

New York Attorney General Letitia James: A Soros communist. We know, we know!

Ivanka is NO dumb blonde!
Wait until they are in serious shit and on trial, if you want to see freaking out by the base! If Donald is convicted in NY this summer and held in custody until sentencing, then you will see the fur fly. I hope they let him out between conviction and sentencing though, he will do more harm to the republicans that way as he freaks and squirms right up to election day.


Well-Known Member
Wait until they are in serious shit and on trial, if you want to see freaking out by the base! If Donald is convicted in NY this summer and held in custody until sentencing, then you will see the fur fly. I hope they let him out between conviction and sentencing though, he will do more harm to the republicans that way as he freaks and squirms right up to election day.

orange cat Trump..don't you remember when a guy charged the stage and he ran? the only thing he has shielding him is the court system once gone he'll be a pushover.


Well-Known Member
Two years from now the same little group of people are going to be talking about the exact same thing. Weak!8F261600-9DD5-4E88-8A59-5E9106282F25.jpeg