Donald Trump threatens 'fury' against N Korea ..(again)

I don't know about this global warming shit myself but it is mid summer and I'm fucking freezing my ass off doing some night fishing. :bigjoint: we usually have a couple heat waves every year but not one this year all 70's-80's it's going to be a long winter.
How so? It should be hotter than 2 squirrels fucking in wool socks right now but it's cold as fuck but I caught 2 nice hornpout and the fire feels nice.:bigjoint:

The southwestern Iranian city of Ahvaz soared to a brutal 129 degrees Thursday, which is Iran's highest temperature ever recorded.

It's also one of the world's hottest reliably measured temperatures and the highest June temperature in Asia on record.

yin & yang, yo yo, punch bowl sloshing whatever you want to call it it's encompassing you in your own little world. (simmilar to PRC Goals)
The southwestern Iranian city of Ahvaz soared to a brutal 129 degrees Thursday, which is Iran's highest temperature ever recorded.

It's also one of the world's hottest reliably measured temperatures and the highest June temperature in Asia on record.

yin & yang, yo yo, punch bowl sloshing whatever you want to call it it's encompassing you in your own little world.
Some people can't think outside their own personal experience. Denying global warming because it's cold in their neighborhood is just about the very definition of short-sighted.
I remember my attitude when the first prepper shows came on TV. I see some issues thru their eyes a lot more lately.
Some of those TV shows make preppers look stupid or crazy. I think that's asinine- what the fuck is wrong with being ready for 'shit happens'?

A bug out bag is a great idea and covers a bunch of situations.

A survival box in the car with blankets, a few tools, water and food is just common sense, especially in rural areas. Makes spending the night on the side of the road a lot less uncomfortable if you have a breakdown.

Being ready for the Zombie Apocalypse generally happens to cover all the same bases as being prepared for natural disasters.

Since when is being UNprepared the intelligent thing?
The southwestern Iranian city of Ahvaz soared to a brutal 129 degrees Thursday, which is Iran's highest temperature ever recorded.

It's also one of the world's hottest reliably measured temperatures and the highest June temperature in Asia on record.

yin & yang, yo yo, punch bowl sloshing whatever you want to call it it's encompassing you in your own little world.
Record heats happen. Have we been keeping record of heat for thousands of years??
Literally mountains of data but as I've said before you're just too ignorant and misguided to parse it.

Yes, you've said it before. Also everyone already knows that!

So why are you going back and forth with a high school dropout who trolls this forum because it makes him feel clever? He has admitted that he is bluntmassa1 who posted this:

Alfonse Capone had a very low IQ yet he had more money in comparison to Bill Gates.

Also Joe Kennedy made his fortune bootlegging with political and mafia ties set up a deal with a Scotch maker in Ireland just before legalization giving him a fortune.

Meanwhile my uncle is a cunt hair away from a PHD and makes 50k and owes student loans I make more cash than my uncle as a late 20's guy who got kicked out of school at 15 years old with nothing more than a GED I came from a broke ass hopeless kid teachers told me I'd live in a crack house working at McDonald's. Brains don't make money balls do I am a land owner and land around here ain't as cheap as TX by 40 years old I can see myself being very wealthy. Meanwhile my smart uncle didn't own a home until his 40's.

I don't consider myself all that smart but do read a lot and I'm good at math just only have an 8th grade education.
