Well-Known Member
I don't know about this global warming shit myself but it is mid summer and I'm fucking freezing my ass off doing some night fishing.we usually have a couple heat waves every year but not one this year all 70's-80's it's going to be a long winter.
The southwestern Iranian city of Ahvaz soared to a brutal 129 degrees Thursday, which is Iran's highest temperature ever recorded.How so? It should be hotter than 2 squirrels fucking in wool socks right now but it's cold as fuck but I caught 2 nice hornpout and the fire feels nice.![]()
It's also one of the world's hottest reliably measured temperatures and the highest June temperature in Asia on record.
yin & yang, yo yo, punch bowl sloshing whatever you want to call it it's encompassing you in your own little world. (simmilar to PRC Goals)