Donald Trump threatens 'fury' against N Korea ..(again)

survival of the fittest.

if africa was on the brink of being wiped out id rather see tax money help people in my country..... which they never do......

im tired of the gushy feel good politicians. hence why i envy trump
Survival of the fittest eh?

So you have never relied on anybody for survival? Never needed to borrow money or a vehicle or ask for a favour of any kind? Never traded anything? Expertise for expertise....labour for labour? Ever feed a child?

Who wiped your ass when shit out the food you were spoon fed?

Ever been sick enough to need a doc or nurse?

My god how could somebody be so clueless?

Here is a clue for you - nobody gets out of here alive. So you either help others some how or some contibute or you are leech on society.
Survival of the fittest eh?

So you have never relied on anybody for survival? Never needed to borrow money or a vehicle or ask for a favour of any kind? Never traded anything? Expertise for expertise....labour for labour? Ever feed a child?

Who wiped your ass when shit out the food you were spoon fed?

Ever been sick enough to need a doc or nurse?

My god how could somebody be so clueless?

Here is a clue for you - nobody gets out of here alive. So you either help others some how or some contibute or you are leech on society.
sociopaths expect to be catered to without reciprocation.
You ARE fucking stupid.
gooooooooo 1
Survival of the fittest eh?

So you have never relied on anybody for survival? Never needed to borrow money or a vehicle or ask for a favour of any kind? Never traded anything? Expertise for expertise....labour for labour? Ever feed a child?

Who wiped your ass when shit out the food you were spoon fed?

Ever been sick enough to need a doc or nurse?

My god how could somebody be so clueless?

Here is a clue for you - nobody gets out of here alive. So you either help others some how or some contibute or you are leech on society.

not someone from africa
its what 1987-1999 to be a millenial, i fail to see how that big of gap but it seems the ones who are just turn 18-20 are the biggest do what ever someone tells yiou have no balls
Ah sweet I'm 86 so I'm not a millinial pussy. Lol
the goverment, the retarded liberals, their a bunch of rapists, 3 sexual assault claims already, i cant see the rag head being a surprise, goes to show reading the Quran does corrupt all... it probably told him, "In your office its okay to touch women inappropriatly its your office allah will be happy praise allah +2 virgins added to score"

Have you ever read any of the Quran? Or got to know muslims personally? I can tell you, Fox news version of both couldnt be more wrong...
lmao good one whens your next cop killing

the cop killers are on your side.
