Donald Trump Verbally Eviscerated

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
lol @ you and the socialist label behind which you hide your racism.
So by your ham-fisted thinking that since I object to Obama's underlying true political agenda, I am obfuscating the "truth" and that I am indeed a racist. I tell you what, come monday morning when I get to work at 6:00 am I will call in my 9 black employees (I only employ 23 in total) and tell them that they are all fired since I don't align politically with the current administration and that clearly makes me a card-carrying-klansman. I will also contact all my black business associates and friends to give them the news as well. While I'm at, I will give my brother a buzz at to let him know that since he has 2 adopted black children we probably need to cut off all ties (should make the holidays entertaining.)

The left/Democrats maintain that they are "the party of acceptance and inclusion." I believe that only applies when it comes to the voting booth. I am a man that sees more in others actions, not their words (hot air). I am old enough to remember the protests during the 60's and 70's. In addition to war demonstrations, one of the main objectives of the left was to reduce the intrusion(s) of "big-government". You can cut the irony with a chain saw.


Well-Known Member
very good video..points well made...Donald Chump is a classless idiot and it troubles me that anyone would even consider voting for him...I guess it speaks volumes of the thinking of some in this country...