Donald Trump's International Gaff Thread

SNL's Weekend Update suggested that the Donald did not know that there is a difference between Taiwan and China. I do not believe that for a second. He knows. @Flaming Pie had to look it up but Donald knows the difference (Pie has since become quite expert on the Koumintang's emails though).

So why did he do it? Because he wants to hear people praise him, that's why. American interests come somewhere behind his own need for self-adoration.

This is a Cult of Personality in the making.

In the making? Cult of personality is this guy's life long MO!
Oh my. Looks like Donald is trying to cover his ass by doubling down on China criticism.

Please enlighten me on his strategy here @Flaming Pie (such is the burden with being on the winning side of the election).

Spend a few minutes and become an expert on foreign policy first, ok?

You see, to me this is a pretty clear case of Donald fucking up and trying to make himself look better to his supporters by saying things that may harm our national interests.

Exactly who or what was Donald trying to make GREAT again?
He's an uber narcissist..prancing and preening..mirror, mirror on the wall..this is just the beginning of it all..

7 MILLION didn't show @UncleBuck..this is what YOU get when YOU try to shove an unpopular candidate down electorate throat..completely predicted in Sanders Thread. Nice job! :clap: Sadly, the butthurt won't be'll float her name again in 2020..will you never learn?

And its only the beginning..backyard bomb shelters anyone? Just like the good ole days..

Literally record numbers of voters.

Millions more than 2012.

Hot air, as usual.
The bigotry never ends....

Edit: Thanks for the sig.

funny thing is that the torah commands jews to forgive all debts after "shemittah" years, or 7 years or so.

kind of the exact opposite of what many people think of jews.

but, ya know. feelings are facts in that it is a fact that people feel a certain way. and feeling facts are more important than regular old facts.
Hey, let's use this thread to keep track of Donald's International incidents!

1. China
  • Single handedly violated a 40 year diplomatic protocol
  • Claimed the Taiwanese President called him spontaneously
  • Caught in a lie
  • Trump Tweets defensively ans shows his total ignorance of foreign affairs
Well done Donald. He should be Secy of State himself.

Making America Great Again
2 - Israel

He has stated already that he will move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, something that is against a US policy that has been maintained since 1967, and he has no problem with the settlement activity being subjected on the
Palestinians either. He also has said that he will scrap the Iranian nuclear agreement, ignoring the treaty signed already by the permanent members of the UN, the United States, Russia, China, Germany, France and Great Britain
If he does that, can you imagine the reaction of the Middle East, such as every Muslim country there?
He is going to kill us all.
2 - Israel

He has stated already that he will move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, something that is against a US policy that has been maintained since 1967, and he has no problem with the settlement activity being subjected on the
Palestinians either. He also has said that he will scrap the Iranian nuclear agreement, ignoring the treaty signed already by the permanent members of the UN, the United States, Russia, China, Germany, France and Great Britain
If he does that, can you imagine the reaction of the Middle East, such as every Muslim country there?
He is going to kill us all.

china is already flying nuclear weapons over the south china sea. just as a little hint to president elect creepy bad touch.
I can see it now. Fallout 5... Wow the graphics are fuckin awesome! Oooh, look a Deat..urk.

If his stupidity doesn't kill us first. The resulting fallout will.
Hey, let's use this thread to keep track of Donald's International incidents!

1. China
  • Single handedly violated a 40 year diplomatic protocol
  • Claimed the Taiwanese President called him spontaneously
  • Caught in a lie
  • Trump Tweets defensively ans shows his total ignorance of foreign affairs
Well done Donald. He should be Secy of State himself.

Making America Great Again
What was the gaff?

It's reasonable to say that policy should change. We have a democratic and prosperous nation that were obligated by treaty to defend.

The reason we made economic and diplomatic concessions to China in the 70s including the ignoring of Taiwan, was all designed to take a vital ally away from the Soviet Union. The USSR hasn't existed for about a little over 20 years. What is the purpose of ignoring Tiawan?

China is making moves to achieve regional hemogony, and grouping up with and getting closer to the satellite countries around China.

I think it's time we now regear our foreign policy to undermining China.

There is no reason for us to let China cock block us.
As someone who lives in the asian pacific region.

Trumps a bad destabilizing influence.

Its comes across as he wants war. Why would any sane man want another war?