Donald Trump’s Rally in Chicago Canceled After Violent Scuffles

His post is wrong. It was Trump who shut it down.

You want to argue it is legally right to prevent speech.

The Trump crowd was going to a specific place to hear him speak. They were not disrupting anyone. Trying to make them out to be the bad guys is hysterical.
5 sections of that stadium were filled with anti Trump people. There had been no altercations reported before the rally was cancelled. Trump had no choice but to shut it down because he wouldn't have been able to get a word in edgewise. White pride pussies tucked tail and ran. The whinging and complaints from those weaklings were music to my ears. I keep saying that white pride is an excuse for weakness but your people keep proving to me how much I understate my case.
5 sections of that stadium were filled with anti Trump people. There had been no altercations reported before the rally was cancelled. Trump had no choice but to shut it down because he wouldn't have been able to get a word in edgewise. White pride pussies tucked tail and ran. The whinging and complaints from those weaklings were music to my ears. I keep saying that white pride is an excuse for weakness but your people keep proving to me how much I understate my case.
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Trump couldnt win either way with you. When he calls off the rally to avoid violence he is a pussy. If he would have had the rally the trump opponents would have caused shit and created violence which the media would have reported.

I get it, you dont like trump. I dont give a shit about that. I care that a mob of people is intimidating other people. I am gonna vote for trump. Fuck it, maybe I will go to Chicago and vote twice!!

LOL!!! People cause shit and then tape the reaction and call it an attack by Trump supporters *yawn*

You already showed your colors and made yourself clear. You have no problem fucking with other people's civil rights. Therefore you have no credibility when crying about your own.
Trump couldnt win either way with you. When he calls off the rally to avoid violence he is a pussy. If he would have had the rally the trump opponents would have caused shit and created violence which the media would have reported.

I get it, you dont like trump. I dont give a shit about that. I care that a mob of people is intimidating other people. I am gonna vote for trump. Fuck it, maybe I will go to Chicago and vote twice!!
Trump is only part of it. The new authoritarian right, your people, are a menacing presence in this society. Post any proof (not FOX) available that trump opponents created violence last night in Chicago. I looked for some but I can't find any.
You already pointed out that the venue was filled with protesters. You already admitted their goal was to shut down speech.

Why are you trying to walk it back so fast and justify it? Maybe because when you think about it you have to admit it is wrong?

This didnt end last night and wont end probably without violence because move on, and several other large organizations are professionally organizing protests. I wouldnt be surprised to find out the Republicans are in on it. Neither party wants a president they cannot control in the White House.
LOL!!! People cause shit and then tape the reaction and call it an attack by Trump supporters *yawn*

You already showed your colors and made yourself clear. You have no problem fucking with other people's civil rights. Therefore you have no credibility when crying about your own.
Dude, its your pussy ass that is doing the crying. That woman in the video, her civil rights were violated and yet you weep and moan because you couldn't get your Trump rally hate fix. Pull yourself together, crybaby.
Dude, its your pussy ass that is doing the crying. That woman in the video, her civil rights were violated and yet you weep and moan because you couldn't get your Trump rally hate fix. Pull yourself together, crybaby.

I wasnt planning on watching the rally. There is no hate in Trumps speeches anyway. You are inciting yourself so you can accept anything even things you morally know are wrong and you are justifying it.
I dont like people being intimidated and speech being prevented. It is that simple.
LOL!!! People cause shit and then tape the reaction and call it an attack by Trump supporters *yawn*

You already showed your colors and made yourself clear. You have no problem fucking with other people's civil rights. Therefore you have no credibility when crying about your own.
Show me the tape of her causing "shit".
First of all IAM a reg, dem, but TRUMP WILL BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT.Trump DONT NEED ARE MONEY AND SPENDS IS own money, TO BECOME THE NEXT PRESIDENT and he will not owe no favors if he wins so thats why he will get my vote.The past ones have sold us all out to the highest bidders.
So from now on, only billionaires may apply for the job. Well, at least you are honest about your dumbass ideas.
Fixed it for you.

So you agree you feel you have the right to obstruct someone who has ideas you disagree with. You dont have a problem with them having their civil liberties violated. It is what you fight against every day.
I thought you were smarter than that.

If it was Trump supporters forced to the back of the bus you would be explaining why that needed to be the case.
So you agree you feel you have the right to obstruct someone who has ideas you disagree with. You dont have a problem with them having their civil liberties violated. It is what you fight against every day.
I thought you were smarter than that.

I said nothing of the sort. Quite the opposite. But people from Bizarro World do everything opposite, so I can see why you interpreted me the way you did.

So you agree you feel you have the right to obstruct someone who has ideas you disagree with. You dont have a problem with them having their civil liberties violated. It is what you fight against every day.
I thought you were smarter than that.

If it was Trump supporters forced to the back of the bus you would be explaining why that needed to be the case.
So you're not gonna show me the tape?
The protest was organized by professional political entities on the left. The funny part is you dont see what is going on here. It is surprising that there was not more violence given that was what the protesters were there to cause.
What difference does it make, northerners in diverse big cities are not putting up with the dumpsters hate filled policies, hey but on the bright side he did attract liberal minded folks to his campaign, is it not what he boasts all the time he would do? He may appeal to Souhtern bigots, but he will always be a pos to us Norhtern liberals.

I can't wait to see how well his hate filled bullshit is received here in NY.

BTW the protestors succeeded in their mission they shut the bigoted shit down. There's no room for his kind of hatred up North.

I wonder if the Koch brother's (GOP) were behind all this, you know since they love to back shit with dark money, and blame G. Soros' move who knows!

What difference does it make, northerners in diverse big cities are not putting up with the dumpsters hate filled policies, hey but on the bright side he did attract liberal minded folks to his campaign, is it not what he boasts all the time he would do? He may appeal to Souhtern bigots, but he will always be a pos to us Norhtern liberals.

I can't wait to see how well his hate filled bullshit is received here in NY.

BTW the protestors succeeded in their mission they shut the bigoted shit down. There's no room for his kind of hatred up North.


So you have no problem shutting down speech you disagree with.