Well-Known Member
Government is still "someone else". Nobody put a gun to someone's head and forced them to spunk their money away gambling, that was a choice by the individual yet there you are, blaming someone else.
Same as "Greggstipation", the inability to pass a pie shop, isn't the fault of anyone but the individual either.
And given the availability of all drugs in the UK, they'd be as well making it legal and taxing it, like it was 100 years or so ago, because the prohibition certainly hasn't worked. And when I was hooked on that shit, I didn't "blame someone else" for that, that was my stupidity and I'm man enough to admit it, same as how it was my stupidity that landed me in hospital last year, my stupidity that got me hooked on nicotine, and my fault I didn't have a choice about losing over a quarter of my body weight to get undiagnosed diabetes under control whilst others, like you, would be sitting there crying for bariatric surgery for free rather than have to actually make the necessary changes themselves
Absolute bolix mate. If cocaine and heroine etc were legal you would see a sharp rise in addiction issues. If cigarettes where banned you'd see a gradual decline in smoking related deaths. I am not saying ban everything.. but some things need to be banned, like high stakes gambling, or highly moderated, like cheap body destroying booze options. It is inevitable a % of people will get hooked, it is literally human nature. Face book abused that same human nature to get people addicted through psychological manipulations and keep them logging in, go read the reports on it. Having people glued to a mobile isn't good for mental health and thus society, as documented from many sources even years ago. That kind of behaviour from fb is criminal, it's mental assault, but many big company's get away with it since governments are too scared to punish big corps, money before normal people. Your way of thinking only works if everybody has the mental fortitude to never get carried away, it's impossible.. as you have seen yourself with your own short comings. Company's and governments have had decades and decades of advertising research (aka manipulation) to tap into.. it is incredibly difficult for people to not get hooked. It's not a conspiracy, read up more. Worse of all, people with an IQ of 110 or lower are very susceptible to such manipulation. That's well over 3/4 of any given nation/race, except Jewish, they are too smart for this shit. Not to say smart people don't fall for ill practice, theirs a lot to avoid.
The governments job is to gather all the information from various experts, analyse it and use that information to improve peoples lives. They have a lot more access to studies and endless other pit falls (like the high stakes gambling) to identify issues and resolve them for the good of the nation. They have not been doing that, rather choosing short term money gains (cuts to jail staff/police force/nhs).. and we are suffering for it. That's because most of the high IQ people are now in business, not politics. Check the history on that too, you'll see the very obvious decline in social morals with the rise of capitalism. Not to suggest communism works, it does not.
It is not ''passing responsibility'' to expect the government to have our well being first in line, it's their job. Just like it is not ''passing responsibility'' to give your car to a mechanic expecting it to come back fixed. If you got your car back and he said ''well it's kinda fixed, just don't ever go over 2k revs or the engine will blow''. Well, that's obviously going to happen at some point but shit.. ''you were warned mate''.
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