Done Done Done... Fucking done..

I only made it to something about you putting glass in garbage bags and you Sir are not a Winner. "Please! HANDLE YOUR SHIT MAN !" -your highness.

I have officially decided to retire myself from the world of psychoactive substances, weed included.

Had somewhat of a break down last night and flushed EVERYTHING down the toilet.. Weed and all. Put my entire glass collection in in a garbage bag and smashed it to pieces... Im fucking done.

Im sick of feeling the need to "expand" my mind in order of finding value in my life...

I can still appreciate the value that psychoactive compounds can bring to some people, i am just no longer one of those people. I am to the point where all i need is my mind and a blank canvas to unleash my creativity on...

Some of you might think im ridiculous or dumb, blah blah blah. I dont care, this is what's best for me!

I still might be around occasionally to weigh my input on certain factors but dont count on it..

Much love to you all... The Subway Crew Most of all... Even the subway crew that never put the logo in your avatar... You know who you are ;)
I get you buddy and some people don`t seem to. Dave doesn`t because he wants to think what he is doing is right and doesn`t have the time to understand you.

I know why you did it, you knew it was right deep inside and as soon as you came to terms it popped out with all its might.

Also to the people wanting him to send all his drugs over. He just wanted it done with like he said, he didn`t want to look and intricately package all his drugs and send them out to you folks. What was important to him was to follow his choice he avoided for so long and he just held onto that. His mind his clean and he can move on now.

And as you all know psychoactive substances are habit forming. Theres a very close connection between habit forming and addictive. I doubt everyone takes LSD for enlighthnment when that stuff is charged with euphoria. I`m included in that saying you need drugs for enlightnment is like saying you need supplements for bodybuilding.

For meditation, you all must of heard about the meditators given LSD that said they didn`t need this stuff and it was unnecessary. Think about how many more things there are in technology which are unnecessary.

If everybody in this thread were cars, we would all be running with fossil fules where Mike has fitted his with "solar panels" :D

Wish you the best Mike!! Eat some Subways and inhale some fresh morning air instead!! :)
whats more fun than getting fucked up in a field at a festival with all your friends and other like minded people... im sorry you cant have no more :-(

I'm on this forum strictly for medical laws and such of colorado, and growing vegetables so that when money permits I can eat solely what I grow. That being said, I recently went to my first festival, Electric Forest in Rothbury Michigan. To say what's quoted above is a bit of a reach in my own mind as I was 100% sober at EFF aside from a few redbull and vodkas on Friday night. I had what I can confidently say was the best weekend i've had in my lifetime this far. You really don't HAVE to be fucked up to enjoy your fucked up friends. I had a blast watching/listening to the shit they did/said all weekend and my mind was not at all closed to any single thing and hasn't been since. I just don't take psychoactives or even smoke as of now. It may enhance it to a small degree for some, but someone with a completely open mind needs nothing else to fully embrace those types of weekends and such.
I'm on this forum strictly for medical laws and such of colorado, and growing vegetables so that when money permits I can eat solely what I grow. That being said, I recently went to my first festival, Electric Forest in Rothbury Michigan. To say what's quoted above is a bit of a reach in my own mind as I was 100% sober at EFF aside from a few redbull and vodkas on Friday night. I had what I can confidently say was the best weekend i've had in my lifetime this far. You really don't HAVE to be fucked up to enjoy your fucked up friends. I had a blast watching/listening to the shit they did/said all weekend and my mind was not at all closed to any single thing and hasn't been since. I just don't take psychoactives or even smoke as of now. It may enhance it to a small degree for some, but someone with a completely open mind needs nothing else to fully embrace those types of weekends and such.

Bump, you can not miss what you don't know. And I don;t mean it as a diss, in fact it is said with a little envy of your position.
However and for the record, I need to state that there are deeper states of joy and connectedness than what you have experienced, and I would wager a good deal, a lot of the cool vibe form the weekend was as a result of other people experiencing it and it flowing out and touching everybody near.
Also to the people wanting him to send all his drugs over. He just wanted it done with like he said, he didn`t want to look and intricately package all his drugs and send them out to you folks. What was important to him was to follow his choice he avoided for so long and he just held onto that. His mind his clean and he can move on now.

My comment was said in jest. :)
Bump, you can not miss what you don't know. And I don;t mean it as a diss, in fact it is said with a little envy of your position.
However and for the record, I need to state that there are deeper states of joy and connectedness than what you have experienced, and I would wager a good deal, a lot of the cool vibe form the weekend was as a result of other people experiencing it and it flowing out and touching everybody near.

I understand what your getting at and while it may be true, I have no desire to see/feel anything more than what that weekend brought me. I definitely think some of the aura or whatever you want to name it was multiplied by some that were on drugs but I wouldn't say that that alone made my weekend what it was. I don't know if you've had a chance to visit Rothbury, but nothing I have experienced comes close to easing/freeing your mind like laying up in a hammock listening to music mid day while your brother smokes a bowl layed out on the tapestry only to wake up 2 hours later with kids and adults alike laughing and being free spirited dancing in the forest to another amazing artist.

I feel like I am fortunate enough to be able to experience such enlightenment I guess you can call it, that vibe you get from certain things, being 100% sober. I've never smoked weed though I find the cultivation of it absolutely amazing and will actually seek an MMJ card as a patient of post-op pain and social anxiety. I've had experiences powerful enough being sober that have changed my life in an instant that it makes me feel as though theres no honest need for psychoactives and similar either. I don't mind others doing such, but won't have it in my car or on myself, thats as far as my rules go for it lol. I've been along for the ride on being busted and it's not one I want again.

I'd rather a friend take a couple acid hits than snort coke.

I understand the OP though, it's like anything else..moderation is key. You get burnt on certain aspects of your life and have to change it. Maybe it's not that he's tired of getting fucked up but rather tired of feeling like getting fucked up is the only way he can communicate his thoughts onto canvas, into print, or into music or similar. Maybe it's just time to identify these things without the extra guidance of an external influence aside from mother nature herself and an amazing life to live.
Your a cool guy bump1987 and your right about enjoying events like that without drugs. Its not like I would quit going to crazy nights if I wasn`t taking crazy drugs! Thats like saying okay the psychedelics are over so I`m not going to listen to psytrance anymore :)
Gosh, I wish you wouldn't have flushed it. I'd have taken it.
I have officially decided to retire myself from the world of psychoactive substances, weed included.

Had somewhat of a break down last night and flushed EVERYTHING down the toilet.. Weed and all. Put my entire glass collection in in a garbage bag and smashed it to pieces... Im fucking done.

Im sick of feeling the need to "expand" my mind in order of finding value in my life...

I can still appreciate the value that psychoactive compounds can bring to some people, i am just no longer one of those people. I am to the point where all i need is my mind and a blank canvas to unleash my creativity on...

Some of you might think im ridiculous or dumb, blah blah blah. I dont care, this is what's best for me!

I still might be around occasionally to weigh my input on certain factors but dont count on it..

Much love to you all... The Subway Crew Most of all... Even the subway crew that never put the logo in your avatar... You know who you are ;)
Your a cool guy bump1987 and your right about enjoying events like that without drugs. Its not like I would quit going to crazy nights if I wasn`t taking crazy drugs! Thats like saying okay the psychedelics are over so I`m not going to listen to psytrance anymore :)

Haha, thats the only way I can listen to Psytrance! When im on crazy drugs, but I love it then! Can get very deep in to it ;)