Done with SOIL!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
wtf is the point in yielding a bunch of bud thats bland when you could just set your room up more efficienntly and get far better smelling and tasting bud the terepenes i get from using my organic slew are what makes my bud special sir and beats the hell outa any hydro honkeys bud any day and gets eat up by other people faster than i can say want another?


New Member
hey man im with u and agree for me the switch to dwc was easy choice to make i got tired of have to tote water let it sit up for 24 hrs and water 2 at a time could have solved this with a drip system but why not use something that waters it self. I like fooling with my plants but i dont want my love to be a chore. Kind of like having a demanding wife jk
but i do love the transplanting lets me spend alone time with each and love doing things that shows your work in added growth


Well-Known Member
fill 2 trashcans for resevoirs use hydro peroxide you wont ever have to worry about water all day every day when one emptys refill it
bland bud = bland diet regardless of grow medium. My buds are feasting on the whole buffet in my DWC hydro system, ya dig?

If I felt dirt had something that all my supplements didnt I would make dirt tea and strain it through a coffee filter then throw it in my system... hmmmm maybe thats a viable idea... ahh the flexibility of hydro I love it.



Well-Known Member
Who says hydroponically grown product has no taste? This is another one of those MJ forum falsehoods that gets perpetuated by people who either don't have the experience of various growing mediums or just don't know any better. I grow in both soil and hydro and you could never tell the difference either way.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
I guess since you said that all the articles you've read claimed soil to be superior, I thought you might have at least one of those on hand as a reference. The soil/hydro debate has been over for years. If you want to hash it out again, challenge me to a party cup grow. I'm growing my party cup plant with rockwool. You can use your secret soil mix. Link found below:

official party cup growoff
calm down Uncle Rico... :lol:


New Member
Who says hydroponically grown product has no taste? This is another one of those MJ forum falsehoods that gets perpetuated by people who either don't have the experience of various growing mediums or just don't know any better. I grow in both soil and hydro and you could never tell the difference either way.

excellent points.

i grow in two mediums as well... soil & dwc.
moving to ebb & flow real soon.

saying bye bye to dirt.

i have to say : outside the heavy hitting, wig splitting, nature of my nugz, they taste good comming from either medium.

in all forms of hydro plants grow SIGNIFICANTLY faster than soil.
scientific fact... and math never lies.

what's cheaper to make?
that would denpend on your DIY skillz.

besides, it's not about what's better... such a clown-ass, chiildish, way to think about cultivation.

its about taking whatever knowledge you have about growing... expanding it through theory & practice... & maximizing your chosen method.

you can be clean with dirt.
you can get fucked up messy with hydro... ever have a rez fail?
you can grow mad nugz in soil... just as you can hydro.