Don't be like this guy

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
People come to philly from everywhere even New york to get herion there. I seen a tv special that said the dealers make like 10,000 a day. and there are hundreds if not thousands of dealers. Fuck H. all i need is a splif and a beer.... well maybe a
i love how stupid fucking cops would have never known anything if the girl didn't call. then they say in the story that they received a "tip" the dumb bitch invited them in to have them help her find the "bugs" crawling on her skin from a 10 day bing probably. and the cops are going to take all the credit like the dumb asses they are. i hate shit like this. like they did any real police work!! FUCK THE POLICE!


wow! fucking hazmat suits to carry out pot.
Our tax dollars hard at work to the tune of 40 billion dollars a year. All those cops in that video make 100K plus a year with overtime. Those Hazmat guys probably clear 125K a year. Trying to end the war on drugs or even significantly reducing spending/enforcement would mean a loss of jobs in law enforcement. Those cops don't care about making communities safer, they just want to collect their six figure paycheck. 100k a year to some 20 year old kid with unresolved childhood issues of control... only in America.

When medical cannabis is legal in this country we need to make it clear that it is not available for cops; the same bastards who lock up so many of our brothers and sisters. The same bastards who destroy families.

Cop with cancer who is wasting away because he can't eat anything... "fuck you cop, burn in hell."

Cop stressed out on the job and needs eight hours of uninterrupted sleep to get his health back... "fuck you cop, burn in hell."

Cop is injured on the job and has suffers from significant chronic pain... "You're not welcomed here cop. Don't let the door hit you in the ass; fuck you and burn in hell."


Well-Known Member
lol fuck yeeeaaahhhh. Hes gone. I find not getting into this situation kinda tough. As you can't predict when some1 will break in, its either get robbed by a low-life, or get busted by Backfat. Please, tell me how you would avoid this....


transporting a shrubbery is slightly different to trying to takle a burning harvest without a respirator :P
Yeah, you are right, I just was using it as an excuse to post that link cuz it cracks me the hell up.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
they KNOW that they are unneccesary. its all for show. propaganda for the easily led.
And it also shows how unsafe or stupid the police are. See at the beginning where everyone is in hazmat suits except the one officer there in the middle? Definitely a little drama being staged by the police.


Well-Known Member
all i can say is wow.......why is it always the girls causing trouble.....who the hell calls the cops when they know their house has a huge grow room in the basement?

NO SHIT!!!! woman always fuck shit up. I vowed to be single while growing pot just for this reason. It serves me well.

But hey, thats just proof that the cops had no prior knowledge of his operation. Cut out the woman in your life and you'll eliminate a lot of the fuck ups that get you busted.

afterthought: this just really is the icing on the cake for being single and a grower. Jack off, hire a prositute, something, but KEEP WOMAN OUT OF YOUR LIFE...all the fucking money I pay in child support, fucking forced me to grow.


Active Member
The suits are like smoking with a gas mask.they lit up in the basement and didnt wana waste any,filled up the whole dam suit,how could you kill all those girls not being high?


Well-Known Member
Sucks to be him! The Jimmy clip with the high firefighter, fucking stellar! Now excuse me while I go kill my girlfriend.


Well-Known Member
um yea when you live with someone who is i think a h addict or meth head whatever she had on her you are making a mistake. but then again she was 21 he was 61. guess the young butt got to him.

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
he was prolly growing to support THERE dope habits...what a stupid fuck... rule #1 don't let anyone know bout da spot.