Don’t buy seeds from growerchoiceseeds

What are some other good seed banks ? I know ILGM
I would suggest focusing on cultivators whose strains impress you. And then finding out how to get those would be a good plan. Don't focus on the seed bank--they are just the delivery service. (with that said, after you pick the cultivators you are interested in, do a little research to make sure whatever Seedbank you choose to use has a decent reputation)

Also, some of my best strains have come from fellow board members. If you see a grow you like maybe ask if they made seeds.
That's nonsense. I've proved it by the fact that my own seeds from my own strains sown in the same medium have thrived while alongside them Nirvana seeds have begun and then stopped and died. Old seed does that. It expends all its energy to germinate and then can't continue. I can grow seed that is over 20 years old in the refri but Nirvana seed? No.
Believe what you want, call it whatever you want but the truth is I've had a near 100% germination rate with Nirvana over the last decade and a half or so. Last order I got Chem Dog, AK-48, Green Poison and Blue Dream, all have germinated. 8 Oz yield on first harvest
Damping off (or damping-off) is a horticultural disease or condition, caused by several different pathogens that kill or weaken seeds or seedlings before or after they germinate. It is most prevalent in wet and cool conditions. Why would I lie? I have no horse in this race. I don't work for Nirvana shop or get any kickbacks
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I’ve had a $160 seed pack not germinate, long before ai bred. I just popped 5 seeds of Chemdawg x Serious Seeds Bubblegum I made in 2011 100% germ. I’ve popped 15 of those in the past 6 months without issue. So it just baffles me how they’re sending out bunk seeds unless they’re just not selective with the seeds they pack.
I've had pretty good luck with Grower's Choice, but only ordered two times. I just cracked two seeds, ( Durban Poison Auto) one seed I think had crapped out after 8 days, but the other littlest seed of the three is doing fine.
Unless you buy direct from the breeder then you can't blame them for old seeds. If you buy from a seed bank they could have had those seeds sitting around a long time and they may or may not have been stored properly. I've purchased direct from Nirvana and every seed popped within a few days. I've gotten seeds of well known breeders from seed banks and have had issues a couple of times. I don't blame the breeder because once the seeds leave their hands who knows what happens or how long they've been sitting around.

I have 100% success rate with my own seeds because I don't harvest them until they start falling out of the bud on their own and I store them properly.

I don't understand why everyone doesn't put dates on their packaging like ACE does.
These guys will get you real seeds for about 70 bucks but I know how to germinate seeds and there almost always a 25%-50% germination success rate which is terrible buying 5 seeds at a time. I’ve gotten about 5 different strains and there all bad. The tap root will pop and then stop growing…..
Just to give a little feedback from my experiences…I’ve only ever ordered from Growers Choice, packs of 3 seeds, all feminized autos & 3 different strains. I do everything hydroponically including germination and have so far had 100% success. All seeds sprouted within 2 days & it’s like they were primed and ready to grow like wild. Maybe it’s specific strains with more issues? I’d like to try some other companies now so love seeing all these suggestions!! Happy Growing! :)
Linda seed bank has their own line and super, super cheap for a wide variety of photos and autos. Huge selection of other breeders stuff too, with the normal pricing. Really nice packaging and extras besides just the free seeds come with orders.

Also attitude sees bank always did good for me.
If the taproot pops from the shell, how is that a bad seed?

No offense, but if the plant went south after germination, that's on the grower.

As another data point, I've purchased from GC and have had 100% success with germinating/growing.

Just popped a couple GC seeds a few days ago; tail sticking out of shell after 12 hrs in water, two days later a happy little sprout.

Same. I just had 3 Gorilla Glue from Growers Choice sprout in 36 hours after 15 in water.. They just went Into plugs today..
None of my buddies have had problems with them either.. :eyesmoke:
Same. I just had 3 Gorilla Glue from Growers Choice sprout in 36 hours after 15 in water.. They just went Into plugs today..
None of my buddies have had problems with them either.. :eyesmoke:
Hmmmm I got like 5 diff strains and use the paper towel technique but I’ve tried the water cup technique as well. I always washed the paper towels well and put them in a dark warm place same with the cup and tried taking them out after 24 hours and leaving them they would always crack and the tap root would stop growing immediately even if put in soil
I'ma revisit this thread once my first round gets to harvest and I germinate another round. I bought 20 feminized/auto seeds and germinated 4: 2x Northern Lights, 1x Tangerine Dream, 1x Blueberry. As I mentioned earlier all germinated just fine in soil. I'll do another 4-6 and we'll see where they go that at least will be a good sample size.

I will say that the Tangerine is an oddball it's all three-lobed leaves and they stay tight and close to the branches, pointing down by nature (it's not over or under-watered). I'm fine with that as long as it remains happy and keeps putting on weight.
I'ma revisit this thread once my first round gets to harvest and I germinate another round. I bought 20 feminized/auto seeds and germinated 4: 2x Northern Lights, 1x Tangerine Dream, 1x Blueberry. As I mentioned earlier all germinated just fine in soil. I'll do another 4-6 and we'll see where they go that at least will be a good sample size.

I will say that the Tangerine is an oddball it's all three-lobed leaves and they stay tight and close to the branches, pointing down by nature (it's not over or under-watered). I'm fine with that as long as it remains happy and keeps putting on weight.
Oh ya that too ! I had probley 4 or 5 demented seedlings they grew into normal plants but that tells me the genetics are fucked up due to being old , yes keep me updated I’m astounded that everyone has good seeds lol I’m so mad , and I know how to germinate been doing it since I was 14 when I got my first bag seeds hahaha
Oh ya that too ! I had probley 4 or 5 demented seedlings they grew into normal plants but that tells me the genetics are fucked up due to being old , yes keep me updated I’m astounded that everyone has good seeds lol I’m so mad , and I know how to germinate been doing it since I was 14 when I got my first bag seeds hahaha

Mine have all taken a good amount of abuse and keep crankin' even though they'll never be pounders. ;) That's on me for using them to figure this all out.

As far as I know, GC is a bank that just doesn't disclose who their breeder/providers are. So, obviously that comes with some hazards. I chose them out of someone's recommendation as a good first buy to get started. But the reality is that here and anywhere else you go there are threads like these where someone says they have low success with a source then a whole bunch of people say 'not me, they work great.' So I have to think there's some luck of the draw.