Well-Known Member
and now we have a more covert and subtle class-slavery not based on race.
But no one likes to talk about that.
But no one likes to talk about that.
and now we have a more covert and subtle class-slavery not based on race.
But no one likes to talk about that.
You talking the corporate takeover ? It is almost like most working these days are too braindead to realize people were getting paid that much 20 years ago. Gallon of gas is 4-5 bucks, gallon of milk went from 2 for 5 to 1 for 5. Most people I know work multiple jobs now just to make rent if they live in the city.
Options are more limited and resources running dry, but we would rather export it and then buy it back from higher prices.
If a lot people hate the USA, it's mostly because of recent history. Most people don't care about old ages...We stole America from the Native Americans and the people who ended up being "Mexicans" then we tried to commit genocide against the natives. It is documented that our ancestors rounded them up like cattle killing whole tribes including women and children.
Not disagreeing with you just want to add that in there because it is important as to why the world hates us. ( then we bought africans from africans and created a terrible slave trade which helped us build the country )
If a lot people hate the USA, it's mostly because of recent history. Most people don't care about old ages...
From South America to Middle East how many countries have suffered from American's imperialism? On top of that there's obviously Iraq which was a huge manipulation and slaughter, and stil is.
Thanks for not calling it a war, America hasn't been in a war since Vietnam. A prerequisite of war is that there is an enemy capable of fighting back. That's not happened in a good while.If a lot people hate the USA, it's mostly because of recent history. Most people don't care about old ages...
From South America to Middle East how many countries have suffered from American's imperialism? On top of that there's obviously Iraq which was a huge manipulation and slaughter, and stil is.
Thanks for not calling it a war, America hasn't been in a war since Vietnam. A prerequisite of war is that there is an enemy capable of fighting back. That's not happened in a good while.
If a lot people hate the USA, it's mostly because of recent history. Most people don't care about old ages...
From South America to Middle East how many countries have suffered from American's imperialism? On top of that there's obviously Iraq which was a huge manipulation and slaughter, and stil is.
You guys sure know how to hijack a thread. WTF is Iraq doing in an Attitude review?
To the OP, you probably did something wrong. Period. WTF are you using paper towel method. Bad, bad, bad method.
Thanks for not calling it a war, America hasn't been in a war since Vietnam. A prerequisite of war is that there is an enemy capable of fighting back. That's not happened in a good while.
yeah we(US) lost 58,000 they(NVA/VC) lost 1,000,000+...not to mention all the Vietmanise civilians killed. I think Vietnam as a whole lost alot more then we did.we got our asses kicked in nam, my stepfather was there and he has some bullet holes in his back. Never told me wether it was from the enemy or ally.
yeah we(US) lost 58,000 they(NVA/VC) lost 1,000,000...
10,000 of the 58,000 were friendly fire. Hard to fight with technology in a tight jungle enviroment. I got family that was in Nam. One goes by the name Gunner, he was a helicopter machine gun guy. He tells me he killed so many people its scary to think about. I got another Uncle that wont talk about Nam at all, he was a foot soldier. Im sure some seen some horrible stuff in a war torn country but by no means did we lose, there still recovering from US being there to this day.Dude lol... with our technology it shouldn't have been that high on our side. If you were there you might not feel like it was such a victory. I haven't talked to one vet that said we "won" they only have bad shit to say about nam.
10,000 of the 58,000 were friendly fire. Hard to fight with technology in a tight jungle enviroment. I got family that was in Nam. One goes by the name Gunner, he was a helicopter machine gun guy. He tells me he killed so many people its scary to think about. I got another Uncle that wont talk about Nam at all, he was a foot soldier. Im sure some seen some horrible stuff in a war torn country but by no means did we lose, there still recovering from US being there to this day.
Me either just saying we didnt get are asses kicked. Just a bunch of boys went to a 3rd world country and saw alot of horrible things they werent prepared for and nobody here backed them up. Now they would all get disability and claim PTSD. My younger brother has it from Iraq, he was first responder to missle attacks and seen alot of children in ways we wouldnt want to imagine.I wouldn't call it a victory either
Me either just saying we didnt get are asses kicked. Just a bunch of boys went to a 3rd world country and saw alot of horrible things they werent prepared for and nobody here backed them up. Now they would all get disability and claim PTSD. My younger brother has it from Iraq, he was first responder to missle attacks and seen alot of children in ways we wouldnt want to imagine.
sounds good, im puffing on some Kosher Tangie, its not all that like B- level. Hope the next one is better.agreedthis hazewreck hash is speedy as fuck my hearts beating a million miles a minute and my brain is strobelighting. Holy moly man this is some sativa. I wish I could share with you brotha.
sounds good, i puffing on some Kosher Tangie, its not all that like B- level. Hope the next one is better.