Don't fear anymore

Chef BrownSauce

Active Member
I fear I won't know where to start. I fear that my voice wouldn't flex enough to make a video (I'm monotone)... I do not fear that people won't read this. I know if You are ready to hear, You will learn to listen..

Fear is the greatest of all motivators IMO. It kept humans in caves during inclement weather. It triggered humans to run away from sabertooth Tigers and dinosaurs to survive. Fear of dying from malnutrition makes us eat and drink. You can go on from there. You tell me what's bothering you today, and I will help you learn to backwards engineer your words and thoughts and help you expose your fear.
Our handlers know this better than we do. <When I say THEY/Handlers, I refer to the 750 richest humans on this plain harvesting wealth for the last 2000 yrs>.. They own all media. News/press, social media (Twitter, fb, IG), Hollywood, politics/politicians, Music, video games, Internet and cable companies, etc. All of it. It's a game to them. We are the pieces.

What's that have to do with fear? Everything you see on the boob tube or hear on radio is designed to scare or sedate you.

They instill a fear that if:
-you're black you'll be gunned down in the streets by cops.
-you're a cop you'll be gunned down by a black MAM (military aged male)
-you're white, Mexicans will steal your jobs.
-you vote for trump you're a racist.
-you don't vote for Hillary you hate women
-you share a bathroom you'll be raped
-you pray in the open you will be targeted
-you Don't pray or go to church you'll go to hell
-you don't follow the next food fad you may DIE!
-you live the hip hop culture and aren't colored, you will be vilified.

You think rap sucks today? Only talk about sex and money, refute social awareness, Buy stuff, Molly. It's like that on purpose.

It's all lies. To keep us fighting each other. Dem v Rep. Vegans v Carnivores. Black v Arian. Police v Civilians. Gay v Straight. People aren't born wanting to kill people. That's crazy. We are taught to be that way.

The easiest way to defeat an army is to destroy it from within. Without having to shed any of your own blood or expend any of your own resources. Read: Sun Tzu Art of War stratagem.

STARVE THEM OUT = "Illegal" in some places to have a victory garden in your yard to feed your family. Must buy from a supermarket. THEY own the farms And the markets.. Think. Food is getting more expensive. Exception is any dollar menu that is designed to fill you up for cheap. How do we stay sated so long after eating so little?

CUT/LIMIT POWER/RESOURCES = They own the electric companies and we Must pay for power. Without it we have no fridge to keep the produce from rotting. Which we BOUGHT from them. It's also "illegal" to take that rotting produce and distill into alcohol. (Alcohol isn't only for getting drunk like they tell us)

BIOLOGICAL WARFARE = The year 1346, the siege of Caffa, Mongolians used trebuchets to hurl corpses infested with the Black Plague over the city walls, you can presume what happened from there. Within the walls of our own Human biology, we do the same with Pharma drugs approved by the FDA. Some proven to have worse side effects than the damn disease it's meant to cure! Which we buy, with money they allow us to have. Most don't like the taste of beets, so instead there's Xarelto and Pradaxa, to name a couple.. Our own govt owns a "patent" on the medicinal properties of cannabis. Can't have it. We are told to use radiation to kill cancer cells {at a premium $$ of course}. Radiation kills Everything. {I should mention that the art of war states firmly that you should Not take a walled city}

CAUSE DISSENSION IN THE RANKS = Here's the media play. Greek mythology, Medea (media) is the granddaughter of the Sun God Helios (worshipped by the "illuminated ones" aka "illuminati") and wife of Jason [of the argonauts]. She was a sorceress, said to use poisons and herbs in concert with deception to fulfill needs; wether she was helping Jason retrieve the Golden Fleece or dispatching her enemies. There's an allegory telling of Jason sowing a field with dragons teeth, that sprouted into an army of armed warriors. She advises him to throw a rock into the crowd and hit a soldier. The army, not knowing who hit who with the rock, killed each other. Leaving Jason and Medea free to flee. The key words: not knowing.

If we are fighting ourselves, we are not fighting our handlers. Get it?
Haiti, 1791-1804, is the only country in the world that successfully revolted against their masters and became a sovereign nation, ruled by non whites and former slaves. Abe Lincoln knew this and in his attempt to "feed the wolf" he championed the Emancipation Proclamation to stave off a similar revolt. Or did he?

Some may not know or haven't realized it yet, but we [and our children] were born into slavery. That's the fight. We are meant for Greatness and to be One with All. Not to be a product. Not to produce wealth by their standards. Separated from one another. Living in fear that if we don't go to work we'll be out on the streets or worse. At the end of our lives we will leave every worldly possession behind that we slaved for. The only thing we take with us to the next level is our final thought. No one can take that from you. Knowing that, we can reach absolute happiness. We know this bullshit doesn't matter. No room for fear in happiness. No fear means no control.. They cannot have that and will do whatever it takes to stop it.

They created the Idea of racism to give us something to fight about! It's only real because we Allow it be real, and IT WILL consume us. We are the human race. End. They want us to fight! Black Lives Matter [the movement] is a brainchild created by Them for us to fight for our "racial" rights. Why else would it be trending on the news [Media]. If the movement is such a blow to any establishment do you think they'd let us speak? Think! The only things that trend is what they want us to focus on. Who the F came up with the term "trending topics"? I won't devote any more energy to the subject than I just did. The only thing we see in media is what they want us to see. We only learn in school what they want us to know. Teaching new ways to add 12+16. why? To keep us occupied with the new method instead of thinking freely about life and purpose? Think.

We are in an abusive relationship with our handlers. The less we know, the easier we are to control. Think! It's time we break up with them. They aren't riding For us. They are Riding us.
They don't care about us, only what we produce for them. To them we are sheep or cattle. Sheep are kept alive in a pen and repeatedly shorn for their wool. Cattle are raised only for consumption. Period.

Fuck that.

We are the Dragons Teeth. We are the Warrior Army. We know now how they will try distract us with "rocks" and make us turn on each other. We won't let them. We cannot let them. Instead, let Them go work the fields and factories. They created money and it's theirs anyway.

People are starting to wake up from this trance. We won't let our children fall or stay asleep like we did. In this trance they hold the weapons of power. Knowledge. Not tangible weapons like guns and billy clubs. Not information, that can be true Or false. Knowledge is discerning the difference. Learn yourself the program and work it. Share the power with your kin, offspring, and anyone who's ready to hear.

Wether I die in combat or in my bed, my son will not mourn my death. He will only know that another soldier died fighting the fight and continue until the fucking job is done.
You tell me what's bothering you today, and I will help you learn to backwards engineer your words and thoughts and help you expose your fear.

i realized your post was long as fuck..
so i stopped reading about here
and skimmed a bit..

sounds good man, ive got alot of issues..maybe yiu can help
i realized your post was long as fuck..
so i stopped reading about here
and skimmed a bit..

sounds good man, ive got alot of issues..maybe yiu can help
These forums are for open discussion so let's discuss.. I did just notice that it seems longer because the sentences don't span across the page left to right. I cut/pasted from notepad.
Good read...u know humans and dinosaurs didn't exist at the same time, right?
So what do u propose we do to right all these wrongs Chef Boyardee?