Don't give up! It just might make it!

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
This thread is to let new grower's know that even when the plants look like death, there may be hope.

I popped 23 beans on Dec 30, 2015, strains listed below. IMAG1717_1.jpg


The Afghan kush and South African kwazulu didn't sprout. Two of the five bubblegum seeds didn't pop either and one died three days after sprouting. Understand some seeds will not pop, some are just weak or not viable.

One of the raspberry cough seedlings sprouted up under the soil but I didn't know until I was checking to see if it had popped and saw the small cotyledons. IMAG1828_1.jpg

As you can see from the picture, the plant is yellowish in color. Wasn't sure it would make it, but I didn't want to throw it out. I watered it lightly, a half a cup like the ones the dentist use, and it slowly started to come around. IMAG1853_1.jpg

Eventually, the true leaves emerged and it started to slowly grow. IMAG1906_1.jpgIMAG1982_1.jpg IMAG2126_1.jpg

I'm still investigating the cause of the discoloration on the true leaves, but after transplanting, the new growth is coming in nicely. IMAG2168_1.jpg IMAG2184_1.jpg

I hope this is a female because she may be just like my runt og kush from my last run that ended up becoming a keeper. She grew a bud on her leaf.IMAG1690_1.jpg

Patience and knowledge are two things that will help guarantee a successful grow. Good luck and keep growing green! :weed:

*This is an open thread*
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Pre / post emerge damping off. Its not about being lucky or not.
If You don't start fighting with whatever pathogenic fungus You have, You'll be killing more seeds.


The discoloration in plants true leaves wasn't from damping off @Coco9000

The stem is fine, the first set of true leaves are pale, not yellow or brown.
I've been fighting with both post and pre emerge kind of situations for the last 6 months since I moved in to a new area. There are many different fungus related diseases that kills seeds. Some kills them before they emerge some after. And not all of them show the same symptoms on their stems that You'd call a typical damping off. I lost more than 60 seeds, batch after batch. Im only trying to tell You that something might be not perfect in your setup. And that could be the reason of Your problems. I can only clone now and my friend in a different area can grow perfect plants with the same (my) seeds.



Well-Known Member
I've been fighting with both post and pre emerge kind of situations for the last 6 months since I moved in to a new area. There are many different fungus related diseases that kills seeds. Some kills them before they emerge some after. And not all of them show the same symptoms on their stems that You'd call a typical damping off. I lost more than 60 seeds, batch after batch. Im only trying to tell You that something might be not perfect in your setup. And that could be the reason of Your problems. I can only clone now and my friend in a different area can grow perfect plants with the same (my) seeds.

bro if you have a mold problem that has killed off 60 seeds you need to move out of that house. It's poisoning you...... but you don't have a mold problem if clones work out just fine. There is nothing in the pictures that shows mold and the fact that you have killed off 60 seeds should be reason enough to never give advice about anything growing related.


Well-Known Member

more perlite and river sand, 25-35% would have saved this plant from a delayed harvest, less peat, more rock, in time growing so many different demanding strains you will learn
their nute demands, growing as this, you will be running from fuckup to fuckup, note the above pick the nute burn is all in them newer leaves, as you went watering you inadvertently
flushed the plant each time ...lucky you, but that peat will get you yet, as it hold a shit load on water..hence nutes never turn ur back on this soil
More luck all the above strains you grow out 2 of each but not the bubblegum,, you went X5..a good move as its very prone to herm
a mish mash of strains selected for 'end user preference' rather than ease of grow ...shame really

good luck with this

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
The problem with the Raspberry cough was it became root bound causing the discoloration of the leaves. I'm not using synthetic nutes and have only fed it three times so far with fish fert and molasses and keep in mind the date it sprouted because it's older than it looks so perhaps it's nute burn but my other plants are not displaying nute burn so my thoughts are it's currently bouncing back. The array of strains being grown is just for what you stated @vostok I'm learning each of these strains along with subtle differences between indica and sativa both in veg and flowering. I have two seperate flowering rooms, one dialed in for indica and one for sativa. I enjoy reading books on gardening and the soil web and in learning these strains little nuisances, I'll know how each strains soil should be amended for future no till runs so that's why I'm comfortable with so many differing strains.

I germed x5 bubblegum seeds because I paid for 10 and actually got 20 with my order. I was unaware bubblegum hermies. Hadn't read that in anyone's journal growing it yet.


Well-Known Member
Should you move to organic teas, consider the volume of peat or moss in the soil

and its ability to retain them nutes

and yeah ...shes recovering well

just watch them bubblegums

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
This sour smurf started growing weird from birth as well
IMAG2116_1.jpg IMAG2168_1.jpg

It seems to have topped itself because I wasn't even going to top it.
IMAG2233_1.jpg IMAG2234_1.jpg IMAG2235_1.jpg IMAG2236_1.jpg IMAG2237_1.jpg

Hoping this is a female! We'll see!

JG Wentworth

Well-Known Member
Yeah, big spider mite infestation. Pretty extensive webbing under leaves in second to last big pic and I can clearly see 4-5 of the fuckers hanging out on top of the leaves in the last pic. My condolences...I've dealt with mites before and I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.


Well-Known Member
You've got spider mites bro. Look under the leaves with a scope or loupe. As soon as you confirm you need to start spraying. Pecky little fuckers will make you an expert on spider mites before you get rid of them lol
Was just about to say the same thing. The white specs in the leaves give it away. Good luck with thise fuckers. This also explains the bad growth, yellowing and bad germ and seedling troubles.

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
Thanks for letting me know about the mites. I knew something was wrong once I saw those little white spots on the leaves. I have seen brown little spiders on some of the plants and have sprayed a bug buster that I got with my first seed purchase twice already but I guess these bastards are not phased by it. I'll have to find something else for them. Hope I can get rid of them in a few weeks, was planning to flip as some of my plants are over a foot now. Fingers crossed.

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
This is what I used. IMAG2240_1.jpg

Info on the back:

Non toxic herbal extracts
Pyrethrins 5%
Cinnamite 5%

One bottle cap per liter of water