Hey --
I've been having the same issues with my own! Whenever I water, these small tan bugs appear in the soil. They don't have wings and aren't on the plant. I have them too. I have no idea what they are, but after reading several articles, the common fact seems to be the moisture... I dunno if I'm right, but I read that adding a bit of sterilized sand to the top layer of the soil (about 1 inch or so) after thoroughly watering the soil-- the sand will dry out the top few layers of dirt(apparently where these little fuckers dwell) , thereby killing the bugs... I myself had a hell of a time finding suitable sand, so I've been mixing the top couple layers of dirt around w/ my fingers and I added more perlite to the top soil-- in order to make the miscreants unhappy haha...
Strange part is, thus far, the plant seems unaffected. No yellowing, buring, stunted growth, droppings or anything in sight from the bugs.... Are you experiencing any visible symptoms on your plants?