dont know wy, got 2 hermies. anyone know


Well-Known Member
well ever since i been buying seeds and not using bagseed. i have not had any hermie problems,

untill now

i got some northern ligh f2 from joey weed, i got them set up in 100% perlite hempy buckets and feeding with lucas formula

i was shocked when all 10 turned out to be females, i didnt get fem seeds, just reg

but still all 10 were female, i took it as just luck. but now im almost 3 weeks into flower and i noticed 2 plants are hermie, pushen out pods all over the lower half of the plant

i didnt see any pods on the upper half, just all down around the middle, clustering

my temps are 65-70 with lights off
and 80-90 lights on (only 90 under 1 light thats in the corner of the room)

thay have a big fan blowing air all around them

i light sealed the room, just liek always. and l turn the lights manulay liek clockwork every day

i just always thought hermie came from all the bag seeds i use to grow, thats wy i started ordering seeds, and nver had a problem till now.

what causes them to hermie in a case liek this, the plants all look very healthy, and thre is no sign that thay are stressed at all

the leaves are perky and green and buds are forming fast

im useing 2x 400w HPS and 2x 400w MH

could useing the MH cause hermie cuz it not the right spectrum for flowering? i never used MH for flower b4

or could the fan blowing on the plants when the lights are off (60-70 deg) be chilling them to much
im woried about my other plants, in all my bagseed grows i was haunted by hermies , had them left and right.

i just dont understand what would cause a healthy growing female 3 weeks into flower, to just hermie liek that? any idea's

also this is the 1st time i ordered joey weed genetics, i been useing dutch passion and serious seeds for years. but everywere i read ppl say joey weed is awsome quality

plz any thoughts u can share about this would help greatly


Well-Known Member
Well seeds (Marijuana in this case) start out as female.
In the plants life if will grow female the whole way unless some how it gets stressed. The more a plant gets stressed, the more male parts it produces.

Do you use any Co2 in your setup? Those temps are ok to use if Co2 is used properly. Drops down a bit during night at veg you might wanna try to keep it 70+.

I dont think it would be because of the MH (personally I wouldn't use it, HPS has more lumens and is more of the yellow/red spectrum)


Well-Known Member
nope not useing any CO2

i thought seeds were geneticlt male or female, simalar to our X and Y chromzones, and both male and female plants can hermie from stress

im thinking maby joey sent me femenized seeds or sumthing, i just dont understad i got 10 females then 2 hermie, wtf i ordered reg seeds - im about to go back to growing shrooms lol realy the time and effort it takes to grow pot isnt worth it to me anymore,

it seems liek it is always sumthing going wrong, and im sick of spemding 500$ just to get hermies and come out broke with no weed

realy i jus twant to know wy the fuq thay went hermie,

when i used bag seeds, (5 grow attempts) every single plant i grew ended up hermie in its 1st 4 weeks of flower Every single one.

this is my 6th grow with good seeds, and like i said . soon as i got good seeds i never seen a hermy again. untill now

i always thought bagseed genetics is whats casuses al lthe hermies i had cuz thay stoped when i baught seeds, but now i got good healthy plants from good seeds, and STILL hermie, i wouldnt be surprized if the rest of them hermie too, cuz thats what always happend with bag seeds.

for real wy even buy seeds if im not garenteed good solid genetics - for that matter wy bother growing , shrooms are easyer and worth more

im just so pissed