‘Don’t Let Anybody Tell You’ That Businesses Create Jobs.

If government was involved in a limited role like they were intended, we'd be much better off.
They always screw things up for businesses and consumers, then pretend they can fix it by introducing more regulations.

The government is a sick entity. One of the most corrupt organizations out there.
I have personally watched and participated in the flushing of millions of tax dollars down the drain, because I was ordered to. Never question authority. The military has a program where you are supposed to get a bonus if you can save the government money. Try to use it and see how fast your career goes down the shitter.

It is all about kick backs and more kick backs.

Buck is a spoiled brat that sucks a the tit of his rich wife and probably always sucked at someones tit for his needs.
He probably would never set foot in poor neighbor hoods because the people would smell it on him and take everything he has got.
So that is why companies go over seas to save on labor and keep prices compatible, too many Gov. imposed fees and taxes and mandates.

This is also not good for businesses.
Now that we've met our hourly quota of Buck calling everyone racist, back to the topic of the thread.

preceded, as always, by the hourly quota of right wingers like you being racist on RIU and you excusing them.

say, what do you think of the sentiment that Multiculturalism works best when the ocean separates each culture?
So that is why companies go over seas to save on labor and keep prices compatible, too many Gov. imposed fees and taxes and mandates.

what a naive view. alternatively, what a retarded GOP talking point. can't decide which applies to our little friend here.
Buck is a spoiled brat that sucks a the tit of his rich wife and probably always sucked at someones tit for his needs.
He probably would never set foot in poor neighbor hoods because the people would smell it on him and take everything he has got.

awwww, another butthurt little child.

let it all out, samantha.
I'm not butt hurt.
It gets old hearing you spot nonsense.

Any time you get backed into a corner a little bit you start screaming racist and crying.

you're right, i have no problem spotting nonsense, especially with petulant little children like you spouting it onto this forum non-stop.

please show me one of these times where i was "backed into a corner", deborah.
if the lowlives here trying desperately to manufacture some outrage got off their bullshit stumps for a second they would realize that it's people with money to spend who create demand and thus jobs.

creating more jobs is a decision of last resort for businesses. if they can satisfy the demand while hiring less people, they will.

businesses don't create jobs, demand does.

hillary is 100% right, and you angry wiffleballheads simply can't stand it.
That isn't even remotely logical
awww, that's a really nice attempt at a cop out, but there is plenty more empirical evidence working against you.

for example, we can compare degrees of government control on healthcare and see where the highest administrative costs lie.

for example, they have a massively government controlled system in hong kong, but some of the lowest administrative expenses in the world. they have slightly less government control in england, and slightly higher administrative costs. even less government control in switzerland, and yet higher costs.

and then there is america, where we have the least amount of government controls, and the highest costs of anyone by a long shot.

why does all of this directly contradict what you are saying about your magical free market utopia? why do costs go down as government controls tighten?
Because they supply less healthcare.
we've already discussed your freeloader issue. you're a freeloader hypocrite was the conclusion we came to.

so let's focus now on how nations with greater government controls (i.e. less "free" markets) have lower prices and greater efficiency, directly contradicting what you have to say about the issue.

why is it that reality contradicts you so directly?
Since it was you that stated it, it's probably not true.
Trying to claim I said something I didn't?
No, I just fixed your mistake. Because you couldn't have meant what you posted. I mean nobody is that dumb. A person who is that dumb would deny that fossil fuel emissions are causing global climate change. I mean, really, really dumb.