Dont listen to this bullshit.. because thats exactly what it is.

i had a competition with my neighbor on what smoke was better between my outdoor tga vortex in supersoil or his Nirvana White Widow grown indoors in soil as well , last summer we let them cure for 2 months each. my tga won hands down, but to talk shit about the genetics of nirvana for the price you pay is just wrong, the white widow was one of the best smokes ive ever had, and Vortex IS my favorite smoke to date, next to Shiva Shanti. fucking love shiva shanti! i grew that for 4 years intil now, im sticking with tga. but honeslty, besides that point: Nirvana= great quality seeds with good germ rates and potent strains and quality buds, easy to grow and good shipping/replacement policy. talk shit about them, doesn't change the fact that they still are in business.
The only false realities are coming from your head my man.... Here are your earlier words, word for fucking word ;)

Now you are resorting to swearing. Cool .. always a sure sign of a beaten opponent.

If you are incapable of understanding that I was talking about purchasing and growing Nirvana strains, and not that I have never in my life smoked any Nirvana strains, than it is no wonder that you can actually believe Nirvana gives people quality.

Do I need to go back and C&P each time where I also clearly stated that I have friends that have grown Nirvana strains and that I have smoked them and neither my friends or myself were at all impressed, or would you prefer to just attempt to sweep that part of what I said under the rug and hope that people who have been reading this exchange forget about that part?

Now, now there lil buckaroo, don't get so testy. You have hurled a few insulting remarks yourself and each time you ignore how I clearly stated that while I have never purchases and grown Nirvana strains I do have friends who have and that I have smoked a number of them .... and then you go on to say that I have never tried any and have no personal experience with them, well you do realize that saying that is exactly the same as calling me a liar and where I come from that is a true insult. So as Bo Diddley, Creedence Clearwater Revival and later Eric Clapton said; "Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself."

And there you are, yet once again, attempting to create a false reality by trying to spin my admitting that I have never purchased or grown any Nirvana strains into meaning that I never knew anyone who grew them and never smoked any of them, which I did. As I have said REPEATEDLY now, I have friends who have grown Nirvana strains and that they were skilled growers and I have smoked with they grew that they purchased from Nirvana and none of it was in the least bit impressive in relation to what true top quality breeders put out.

Are you ready to finally accept that fact and stop intentionally ignoring it and stop attempting to create a false reality as if I have never so much as smoked any Nirvana strains or will you make me have to explain that to you yet once again?

Such things are relative and compared to top quality truly skilled breeders, Nirvana strains are like Roadside Red or Ghetto Gold.

Or at least you like to believe you do and you hope that others will believe it when you say you do.

"A bitter man?" I am not bitter. I am just being honest.

And evidently I need to explain things to you yet one more time. No, I have never spent a single penny on any Nirvana strain and I nave never grown a single Nirvana strain, BUT I have friends who have, friends that are very skilled growers and did not blow each and ever one of their Nirvana grows, and I have smoked the Nirvana strains they have grown, all in the past not because all have more than learned their lesson about wasting their money on low grade shoddy genetics from a business that has far more than proven itself to be anything but reputable, and never once, not so much as one single time that any of my friends grew any Nirvana strain were they or myself impressed. Not so much as one single time.

One that really stands out in my mind as a major total letdown was B52. At the time there were people on sites similar to this saying it was the most potent pot in the world. One guy claimed to be a very experienced toker and after only two hits he could not get up off the park bench he was sitting on for 4-hours. One of my friends grew it, a skilled grower that did not blow the grow, and I was expecting to be put in Oz and I can remember saying that it was less potent than some no-name Mexican strains I had smoked in the late 60's and early 70's let alone compared to the higher potency strains of the same era.

So you can lay to rest your attempts to claim that I have never had any exposure to Nirvana strains just because I have never wasted any of my own money on them or grown them and said I would not give so much as one small piece of dry cat shit for every seed in Nirvana's inventory. A large part of the reason I would not give so much as one small piece of dry cat shit for every seed in Nirvana's inventory is based on the Nirvana strains I HAVE smoked I would be more likely to get a better high if I smoked the one small piece of dry cat shit than if I grew out and smoked every seed in Nirvana's inventory.

There you go AGAIN with your totally false reality act.

Of course I would never critique a restaurant I never ate at, but if friends of mine took me there and bought me dinner and it was terrible, just as in the case of Nirvana strains, I would have no problem telling the world that the restaurant was terrible.

As long as you do actually try something that alone is enough to know about it. You do not have to waste your own money and time and efforts on something first to only then be able to know that it is garbage.

Dude, sometimes i stop by this site and read shit, and i have read a few posts from you. You seem to have to 'win' any discussion, and by this i mean a long winded, clearly carefully thought out response. you spout off quotes, and each response is half of this and half cut and paste old shit, and i notice you have 8000 posts!! may i suguest you get a life and live it instead of sitting at the computer on these boards and pretending you are a guru of the weed world! i cant imagine what your life must be like! its kinda sad!! but kinda funny, too!! quit taking yourself so seriously, duder and try to talk to a girl for once, you may find it is more rewarding than playing mr knowledge on a weed forum!!
Nirvana? grew out their bubble gum, it wasn't impressive, about as good as Dutch Passion Blueberry, which wasn't that good.

You get an average product at a cheap price with Nirvana.

Columbian Gold? Use to be my favorite smoke, until it dissappeared. A good batch would knock you on your ass.

Dr. Greenthumb? Yeah his Gold, and Niagara, and Huron, and a bunch of other crap he use to sell, and insist it was great.
My favorite smoke? That would be my strains, the Wonderbud family.


Picture is of the Wonder Thunderstruck clone bud. It is a Wonderbud hybrid.

Original Wonderbud was produced over many years of inbreeding. And became what I found to be the sun source of flavor, and the last real link to exotic sativa strains, like Columbian Gold and Panama Red.
I’m not going to argue about Nirvana seeds, I’ll just state my experience with their seeds. I bought my first nirvana seed in an Amsterdamseed shop in 1995, northern lights I believe, all grew out great really great weed for the time. Then bought nirvana seed from Marc Emery both in person and by mail, Chrystal, Aurora Indica and skunk. Never any problem with any of them. I still grow Chrystal to this day. I have order from them several times directlyfrom their web site. Never any problems. I will say that I didn’t care for ice but that’s just my experience. I’ve grow seeds from many different seed companies, I found that Nirvana as a whole to be better than Barneys, and Greenhouse. But not as good as The Bomb seed company, For the money the bomb is great ( Thc Bomb, Berry Bomb, and Cheese Bomb ) But my favorites are DNA, ReservaPrivada and Sagarmatha. My favorite strain is the original Kali Mist which can still be bought as Western Winds from Sagarmatha. Don’t care for the reworked Kali mist from Serious. But as with all thing that’s just my experience. And that all that matters.