Don't Make The "Miracle Grow Mistake"

AF has special forces that most don't know about. Tac-p go through airborne school and ranger indoctrination course. They then get assigned to different spec op units like the berets and seals.
We inserted some Seals into our sector with our vehicles a couple of times but it was more of a drop n go next to the Tigris river. They had SR-25's with long range scopes and they called it a "surveillance" mission... A couple of days later we had a Chinook land in our sector. They gave us like a 15 min warning to set up a perimeter for them. They really liked to keep us in the dark! They pretty much dismounted, roughly 20 men, grabbed the dude and was gone. Entire mission on the ground was like 5min, way more efficent than we were!!!
I was a structural mechanic and painter.

I bet that you could build one BAD-ASS hotrod!!! I was getting into classic cars, but they all have cancer(rust). I like the shark mouth and want it on a car one day, like the old planes.


I like the color on this one, not so much the mouth.

I think that it would be the hardest to get the mouth right!
I like the painted rivets.
We inserted some Seals into our sector with our vehicles a couple of times but it was more of a drop n go next to the Tigris river. They had SR-25's with long range scopes and they called it a "surveillance" mission... A couple of days later we had a Chinook land in our sector. They gave us like a 15 min warning to set up a perimeter for them. They really liked to keep us in the dark! They pretty much dismounted, roughly 20 men, grabbed the dude and was gone. Entire mission on the ground was like 5min, way more efficent than we were!!!

I bet that you could build one BAD-ASS hotrod!!! I was getting into classic cars, but they all have cancer(rust). I like the shark mouth and want it on a car one day, like the old planes.


I like the color on this one, not so much the mouth.

I think that it would be the hardest to get the mouth right!
I like the painted rivets.
I would like to setup a shop building different types of hotrods and motorcycles.
Had severe nitrogen toxicity from slow release Miracle Grow soil 6 weeks into flower. Stunted growth, slow recovery despite flushing twice with pH'd water at twice the pot size.

Now, at 12 weeks flower (84 days), it seems they will never finish. No amber trichomes yet, despite the brown harvest look they have.

How much longer should I give them? I have some high dollar autoflower at 4 weeks flower I would like to get under my bloom T5s!

These plants are bagseed from someone's outdoor grow last year.

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Are those white specs from bugs?
Fuck off, Round up is one of the major issues with monsanto.
One of many, im not gonna research for you.

lol you sound even more ignorant now. MG is involved only in the marketing of only consumer roundup. Miracle Gro only MARKETS Roundup for Monsanto in big box stores for the general public, this is due to the fact that MG had a strong relationship with the retailers and Monsanto is not a consumer products company, they work on a industrial scale. Miracle Gro markets like 0.5% of roundup (the chemical) sales, they never produce any herbicide. If you have a problem with Monsanto that is fine, but do some research and dont go throwing blame around that belongs on Monsanto. People are going to use herbacide, this is not the problem, the problem is the fact that Monsanto has created a monopoly on seeds that are immune to roundup and use this power to force its use. Miracle Gro has nothing to do with the roundup that is sold on a MASSIVE scale across the globe to go with the engineered seeds that are immune to it. Monsanto is an example of a monopoly getting out of control and having far too much power, but this has NOTHING TO DO WITH MIRACLE GRO.

Roundup is no more dangerous or harmful than any of the other widely used herbicides, so whats your problem with the small consumer usage?

I am not some Miracle Gro fan but hearing people say things that are completely untrue on a site that should be for informing others bothers me. MG is in no way owned by Monsanto.
Its a fine line between pushing them as hard as you can and getting toxic.

Even though too much is bad, the plant uses it its whole life cycle. A buddy of mine wanted to try hydro. I don't care much for it but I'm not against it either. I took the dynagro foilage pro there and used it the whole cycle. 9-3-6. Plant looked green and healthy all the way to the end.

I look at it this way. The N is the foundation, P and K everything else on top. No N, house.

No need to buy into huge amounts of p and k in flower.
I have found that some strains like a PK boost, and some don't. Sativa-dominant plants tend to foxtail, but indica totally digs it. I spiked my current crop during weeks 5 & 6 with Sea Grow bloom (4-26-26) and they are doing VERY well.
iv had fox tail from using hormones during flower. im thinking about trying it again a day before harvest to get the buds to puff up before chop. within 24 hours there should be a significant difference. ill go ahead a treat a bud and post before and afters on here if anyone is interested.
I bet you think Roundup is Agent Orange in disguise. Roundup is an incredibly safe herbicide, when used properly. Your ecowatch website is a liberal rag that only uses bits and pieces of the facts to promote their propaganda.
yea harmless... Umm, except for the CANCER part...

lol you sound even more ignorant now. MG is involved only in the marketing of only consumer roundup. Miracle Gro only MARKETS Roundup for Monsanto in big box stores for the general public, this is due to the fact that MG had a strong relationship with the retailers and Monsanto is not a consumer products company, they work on a industrial scale. Miracle Gro markets like 0.5% of roundup (the chemical) sales, they never produce any herbicide. If you have a problem with Monsanto that is fine, but do some research and dont go throwing blame around that belongs on Monsanto. People are going to use herbacide, this is not the problem, the problem is the fact that Monsanto has created a monopoly on seeds that are immune to roundup and use this power to force its use. Miracle Gro has nothing to do with the roundup that is sold on a MASSIVE scale across the globe to go with the engineered seeds that are immune to it. Monsanto is an example of a monopoly getting out of control and having far too much power, but this has NOTHING TO DO WITH MIRACLE GRO.

Roundup is no more dangerous or harmful than any of the other widely used herbicides, so whats your problem with the small consumer usage?

I am not some Miracle Gro fan but hearing people say things that are completely untrue on a site that should be for informing others bothers me. MG is in no way owned by Monsanto.
do some more research.
they have been partners and together for over 20 yrs.
so saying they aren't OWNED by Monsanto is clearly splitting hairs...

I bet you think Roundup is Agent Orange in disguise. Roundup is an incredibly safe herbicide, when used properly. Your ecowatch website is a liberal rag that only uses bits and pieces of the facts to promote their propaganda.

Seems harmless enough..
Possibly 'linked' to and 'actually' being the cause are to very different things. Agent Orange, although a completely different chemical was never proven to cause or increase ones risk of cancer. Only loose links. Like just about anything in our surroundings can be linked to cancer. Those weak, agenda motivated articles are just that. Motivated by picking and choosing what from different studies that fit the mold they are trying to fill. Totally throwing the rest aside. Which in most cases whats tossed aside is the majority of the study!
You should look into studies done concerning cancer rates and farmers. You know those most in contact with Roundup. The cancer rates, those being blamed on Roundup, are below the average in farmers. Hmmm....interesting.
From one of the links your supplied:

(In simple terms, the study is saying that traces of Roundup can be found in foods and that Roundup may make our bodies more susceptible to other environmental toxins.

This is sobering news.)

It amazes me you can extract so much fact and science from such crap.
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Possibly 'linked' to and 'actually' being the cause are to very different things. Agent Orange, although a completely different chemical was never proven to cause or increase ones risk of cancer. Only loose links. Like just about anything in our surroundings can be linked to cancer. Those weak, agenda motivated articles are just that. Motivated by picking and choosing what from different studies that fit the mold they are trying to fill. Totally throwing the rest aside. Which in most cases whats tossed aside is the majority of the study!
You should look into studies done concerning cancer rates and farmers. You know those most in contact with Roundup. The cancer rates, those being blamed on Roundup, are below the average in farmers. Hmmm....interesting.
that's was the tobacco industries MAIN argument to cigarettes..
Ok, spray your front lawn with roundup and let your kids and pets go play on it then

and your studies??
I'm a lil meticulous with my fact-sourcing..

did you fully read those, my man?
copied and pasted from the cancer site

However, compared with the general population, the rates for certain diseases, including some types of cancer, appear to be higher among agricultural workers, which may be related to exposures that are common in their work environments. For example, farming communities have higher rates of leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and soft tissue sarcoma, as well as cancers of the skin, lip, stomach, brain, and prostate.

Even though no one set of risk factors explains these higher cancer rates, the range of environmental exposures in the farming community is of concern. Farmers, farm workers, and farm family members may be exposed to substances such as pesticides, engine exhausts, solvents, dusts, animal viruses, fertilizers, fuels, and specific microbes that may account for these elevated cancer rates. However, human studies reported to date have not allowed researchers to sort out which of these factors may be linked to which cancer types.


Farmers are getting TONS of cancers man.
Not sure where you heard that..
Ive read many of those. Enough of them to know the rates for some more rare cancers are higher. But overall the cancer rates are lower among farmers than the general public. Links, possibly, could cause are all terms meant to needlessly frighten people into believing half truths. And yes I would allow my kids and pets to play in a yard sprayed with Roundup. As long as they waited 3 hrs or so. Allowing it to dry and for the suns UV to break it down it a harmless compound. Hell you could even have your kids plants some seeds at that time.
Its every bodies right to be uber safe if they want too. I have no problem with that. Just dont keep spreading what boils down to is nothing more than propaganda meant to scare.
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. Agent Orange, although a completely different chemical was never proven to cause or increase ones risk of cancer.

It amazes me you can extract so much fact and science from such crap.
you should REALLY do a lil research before getting into a public argument..
seems the VA disagrees with you..

heres from Wikipedia

Studies have shown that veterans have increased rates of cancer, and nerve, digestive, skin, and respiratory disorders, in particular, higher rates of acute/chronic leukemia, Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, throat cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, Ischemic heart disease, soft tissue sarcoma and liver cancer. With the exception of liver cancer, these are the same conditions the U.S. Veterans Administration has determined may be associated with exposure to Agent Orange/dioxin, and are on the list of conditions eligible for compensation and treatment.[71]

Military personnel who loaded airplanes and helicopters used in Ranch Hand probably sustained some of the heaviest exposures. Members of the Army Chemical Corps, who stored and mixed herbicides and defoliated the perimeters of military bases, and mechanics who worked on the helicopters and planes, are also thought to have had some of the heaviest exposures. However, this same group of individuals has not shown remarkably higher incidences of the associated diseases, leading to disagreement within certain circles of just how much effect the defoliants actually have on the health of those exposed. Others with potentially heavy exposures included members of U.S. Army Special Forces units who defoliated remote campsites, and members of U.S. Navy river units who cleared base perimeters.[72] Military members who served on Okinawa also claim to have been exposed to the chemical but there is no verifiable evidence to corroborate these claims.[73]

More recent research established that veterans exposed to Agent Orange suffer more than twice the rate of highly aggressive prostate cancers [74] Additionally, recent reports from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences show that Agent Orange exposure also doubles the risk of invasive skin cancers.[75]

While in Vietnam, the veterans were told not to worry, and were persuaded the chemical was harmless.[76] After returning home, Vietnam veterans began to suspect their ill health or the instances of their wives having miscarriages or children born with birth defects might be related to Agent Orange and the other toxic herbicides to which they had been exposed in Vietnam. Veterans began to file claims in 1977 to the Department of Veterans Affairs for disability payments for health care for conditions they believed were associated with exposure to Agent Orange, or more specifically, dioxin, but their claims were denied unless they could prove the condition began when they were in the service or within one year of their discharge.

By April 1993, the Department of Veterans Affairs had compensated only 486 victims, although it had received disability claims from 39,419 soldiers who had been exposed to Agent Orange while serving in Vietnam

How much proof do YOU want man?
Ive read many of those. Enough of them to know the rates for some more rare cancers are higher. But overall the cancer rates are lower among farmers than the general public. Links, possibly, could cause are all terms meant to needlessly frighten people into believing half truths. And yes I would allow my kids and pets to play in a yard sprayed with Roundup. As long as they waited 3 hrs or so. Allowing it to dry and for the suns UV to break it down it a harmless compound. Hell you could even have your kids plants some seeds at that time.
Its every bodies right to be uber safe if they want too. I have no problem with that. Just dont keep spreading what boils down to is nothing more than propaganda meant to scare.
those "rare" cancers are WHAT the roundup is linked to man!
c'mon brother, I know you are a smart guy
. And yes I would allow my kids and pets to play in a yard sprayed with Roundup. As long as they waited 3 hrs or so..

may wanna wait a bit longer than 3 hrs my friend
How bout all summer?

copied and pasted.

The half-life of glyphosate in soil ranges between 2 and 197 days; a typical field half-life of 47 days has been suggested. Soil and climate conditions affect glyphosate's persistence in soil. The median half-life of glyphosate in water varies from a few to 91 days.[7] At a site in Texas, half-life was as little as three days. A site in Iowa had a half-life of 141 days.[44] The glyphosate metabolite AMPA has been found in Swedish forest soils up to two years after a glyphosate application. In this case, the persistence of AMPA was attributed to the soil being frozen for most of the year.[45] Glyphosate adsorption to soil, and later release from soil, varies depending on the kind of soil.[46][47] A 2009 study using a RoundUp formulation concluded absorption into plants delays subsequent soil degradation and can increase glyphosate persistence in soil from two to six times.[48]

According to the National Pesticide Information Center fact sheet, glyphosate is not included in compounds tested for by the Food and Drug Administration's Pesticide Residue Monitoring Program, nor in the United States Department of Agriculture's Pesticide Data Program. However, a field test showed that lettuce, carrots, and barley contained glyphosate residues up to one year after the soil was treated with 3.71 lb of glyphosate per acre (4.15 kg per hectare