DON'T Post Pictures with a HPS or LED on! Please ...turn them OFF for pics!

realy, watch youtube my chanel: thekweker
there you see OLD movie's without sunglasses..... (you see black stripes) and the newest movie's on top.... (with sweet nice plants, giants, green, lot off....) with sunglasses...
it realy works good....

so when making a pictures with a bad camera....just a broken sunglas befor the lens (or how it's call) ....
If your camera lets you calibrate white balance, you can get a white profile for use under your HPS, and the colors will be correct. Unfortunately, consumer digital cameras, even high end consumer SLRs have a lot of trouble towards red.
If your camera is capable of Custom White Balance, learn it and use it. The first shot is a photo of a white card under my HPS. It uses this photo and compares it to "true white", which the camera knows what that is, and calibrates the camera to shoot the right temperature. The two following pics are both taken under HPS. The 4th pic is a shot of the same white card under cool white CFL's and the pic that follows is under that light.

Ive been understanding that the lines across the screens is caused by magnetic ballasts, but with a digital/electronic ballast this prob has been corrected or is not an issue. correct or no?

i have only seen this on low quality cameras, i always assumed lower quality cameras, like the ones on cell phones can't handle that level of light intensity
i only have magnetic ballast , so i cant try taking a pic under a digital hps with a cell phone to rule that out

the best camera i have .. which is still only a point and shoot type camera can handle bright light without as much distortion
i take my pictures under an old 250 watt mh i find it gives good lighting for nice pictures ..

only the best camera i have can take a picture like this below , the camera was less that 1ft away from a 250watt mh
the others would distort pretty bad in that much direct light


peace :)
Tough for me, closed room with only green lights so either hps or dark lol I do agree with you I hate the photos that I take they look like crap.
Should rename the thread to: Posting Pictures with an HPS on!!! ... Please turn them off for pics (unless you know wtf to do).
A must toy for the indoor grower who wants to really see what thier plants look like. The method seven HPS filtering Sunglasses. I have looked at these for months in High Times......but they are a bit pricey @ 150.00, but in last months High Times they rated these as one fo the best new products for indoor growers. So I had to buy a pair and let me say, I will NEVER work in HPS light again without these on. They really do everything they say. I took a few pics with my camera phone, using the lense on the glasses as a filter......they came out pretty good. You can see the difference, in one pic where I split the lense on the you could have a side by side look. These are my Raseberry Cough and Blackberry ladies at about 3-4 weeks of 12/12...not all pics same day.

Enjoy: Stlmatt

PS I am not a salesperson from this company......just a grower who like to do thing right and have all the toys...:weed:





damn i didnt know your the one who started this thread. I have need it many times but never clicked on it lol, i always knew that having a hps on while taking pics and (videos) ;) wasnt good but like an arse i did it anyway. i would have made a good one tonight but i was stressed lime. my fiance left me and took my daughter while i was at work today, i didnt get home until like 8:00 cuz i walked home from work, (i work 14 miles away from home) lights go out at 8:30 and thats the reason i didnt get to hook up the flourescents in there for making vids with. i ended up talking her into coming back home though through begging and pleading like a bitch but i have already lost 3 of my kids while i was in prison and havent seen them in 3 years cuz they are all the way on the other side of the country and im stuck here on probation, behind on payments and if your behind they will not let you travel and she wont bring them here, My youngest son got sids at 9 months old and passed away and i just cant bear the thought of losing another child. Plus she went to her moms who is a MAJOR pill junkie and crack head so i had to get my child out of there at all costs, dignity and pride out the window idgaf man. so yeah thats why the vid wasnt up to par but your keeping me on my toes and i appreciate that very much lime.
To all members that are using a HPS light and posting pics.

If you want The Best possible advise, from all of Us here at Rollitup, then Please turn them off for pics, or simply take pics Right before lights come on or as soon as they go off. This will insure that We get You the most accurate and Best advise possible.

Hps lights gives really Poor Quality pics, and by doing this, it will insure that we get the Better Quality pics. Especially if you want the most Accurate advise possible then.... Turn them off! It will help Us to better help You!

Thank You and Happy Growing :peace:

Ive been understanding that the lines across the screens is caused by magnetic ballasts, but with a digital/electronic ballast this prob has been corrected or is not an issue. correct or no?

Ill tell you what. Since I have both, I'll disconnect my MAGs and see if the digitals put off those lines. I'll let u know real quick lol

But, with both mags/digitals running, yes, i get the lines across the screen.
Yep, the digitals do it too, but its way less obvious. my 1000's are on mags and 400s on digitals. so, cut 2000w out and you'd see a decrease in lines too hahaha
I use MH and HPS during flower and gives off a nice pic I think. Most turn out better towards the MH side of coarse. But ya HPS pics are def. hard for identifying problems and doesn't give buds justice. This pic was right in the middle.