Don't these look funny?


Well-Known Member
Hey Relax, No Really Relax lol Put them in bigger pots you should see them pop back in a few days, One thing you should never use a shower head just for the fact the water Temp is to hard to keep right, and the light my burn the ladies after you stop watering unless you did it in the dark.. You should just use water that has gotten to the same temp as your room is and you should be fine, they need to be put into 5 gallon pots they will love you for it. and I agree with rich1lung I don't think they liked that to much, But should be fine after a short recovery period. Good luck looks like you may be on your way to some nice ladies. Happy Grow
Ha-ha it was a final attempt at fighting off some damn spider mites! I tried soaking them in really soapy water a few times (washing them by hand and holding them under for a minute to two) but nothing seemed to work. So I set the water to a warm but also a little cool to the touch and spent a couple minutes blasting each one hoping to knock the little bastards all off.


Well-Known Member
Get a Hot shot put it in your room by your ladies and leave it there for a week or two, Just don't stay in room with it for more than 3 to 5 hours, it says on back of package, and I would like to say I would never use them But it is a last resort and it does work, you won't see them after day 3 of that Hot Shot in your room, I just don't like to use stuff like that unless it is a last resort to getting rid of those little bastards, I have had 5 friends that had them we tried a lot of stuff everything mentioned in these posts with them always coming back, Now there gone and they have not problems, I made my room out of Cedar and have a drain in both floors I just wash my walls down with warm water and I have had no problem with bugs in years. good luck hope you kill those bitty bastards ;)


the light my burn the ladies after you stop watering unless you did it in the dark..
I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say. Do you mean foliar feeding or getting a plant wet while it has a light on it will burn the plants?

I've had spider mites in my grow room years ago. I got a few clones from a friend and they had mites. I don't take clones from anybody anymore. You could use neem oil but I've used a herbal pesticide called zero tolerance and it worked great on my outdoor crop but if I get mites inside I just ditch all plants, pots, dirt and clean everything with bleach water. I would rather have a month of no growing than deal with spider mites indoors again.


Well-Known Member
I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say. Do you mean foliar feeding or getting a plant wet while it has a light on it will burn the plants?

I've had spider mites in my grow room years ago. I got a few clones from a friend and they had mites. I don't take clones from anybody anymore. You could use neem oil but I've used a herbal pesticide called zero tolerance and it worked great on my outdoor crop but if I get mites inside I just ditch all plants, pots, dirt and clean everything with bleach water. I would rather have a month of no growing than deal with spider mites indoors again.
yes it can do that for sure . just make sure your getting both sides very good. I like to do mine when I do it, about an hour before the lights come on,
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yes it can do that for sure .
Foliar feeding while the lights are on is NOT gonna burn the leaves. I used to foliar feed every other day under two 1,000 hps for YEARS. These noobs are outta control here. So much misinformation being spread daily. Its ridiculous.
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Well-Known Member
Yes it sure can NOOBS To funny, Sure you can if you drench them enough, but if your just spraying them with a little bit of what ever your using is going to BURN them, if your going to tell someone it won't burn there plants make sure you tell them to make sure they do it the right way. Drench both sides of your leaves real good, Or The spots of foliar Feeding will turn into a magnifying glass and you will have burn spots, Misinformation yep. Both are right but there is no reason to say its Ridiculous it is the truth, There is right ways to do something and wrong ways,

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
I had em once but late in flowering last two weeks and couldn't do much and it was due to crampt in, untidy or not hygienic, hot room and not enuff air movement it was a lesson learnt. Now more spacing between plants, good air movement and and two fans a big boy and its son lol 15 and 6 inch fans blowing about like hurricane,a bigger extractor fan and ducting and clean clean clean lol.
I've learnt less is more sometimes in life.
Hope it helps and hope it works out mate.


Yes it sure can NOOBS To funny, Sure you can if you drench them enough, but if your just spraying them with a little bit of what ever your using is going to BURN them, if your going to tell someone it won't burn there plants make sure you tell them to make sure they do it the right way. Drench both sides of your leaves real good, Or The spots of foliar Feeding will turn into a magnifying glass and you will have burn spots, Misinformation yep. Both are right but there is no reason to say its Ridiculous it is the truth, There is right ways to do something and wrong ways,
Youre wrong. Explain to me how ive been foliar feeding under the biggest lights you can use indoors for over a decade and never experienced burning the leaves? Because youre an idiot if you believe that a fuckin fluoro light is gonna burn the leaves lmao. The op has a tiny little fluoro and you're warning him its gonna burn the plant hahaha. Yes you're the definition of a noob.
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