Don't you just hate thieves?


Well-Known Member
I had an alarm system put in the next day and had cameras installed a week later.
My father use to have problems with people breaking into his home and stealing his stuff. He lived in a place called Temple GA. The real meth head capital of the world imho. These thieves were so brave, they would wait until he ran right up to the store and they would kick his door in and rob them. Finally my father had enough and bought an expensive surveillance system and had a ADT system installed. He had night vision cameras and had cameras every where; even had a camera in the bird house. He also had 2 trail cameras set up!

Well, he stated parking his truck behind the house because he wanted the people that was robbing him to think he wasn't at home, because he was going to shoot the mother fuckers. Well a few months went by and everything replaced with the insurance money, he was robbed again. My father was in the shower and he got out and started work on the washing machine that broke the day before. But Before he got in the shower, he got the crate engine that was delivered that week from jegs to drop his 88(?) Chevy S10, loaded on his trailer so he would be ready to leave the next morning to go over to his brothers because he had a shop and other equipment to make the job easier. The trailer was chained to porch, and only thing my father would had to do was hook and book the next morning.

My brother came home from high school and said "Dad, where's the trailer?" My dad jumped up and ran outside and sure enough, the trailer and the new engine were gone. These son of a bitches robbed my dad while he was home!!! My dad watched the video and there was a truck pulled down in the driveway and two guys got out and walked up to the door and knocked. When no one came to the door (because my dad was in the shower, so he didn't hear them) One of the guys walked back to the truck, got some bolt cutters and cut the lock... While they were cutting the lock the 3rd person in the truck turned around and hooked up to the trailer and the took off. The camera picked up their tag clearly!

My dad made a copy of that portion of the tape and showed it to me and i immediately recognized one of the guys (i was a meth head back then too, but have been clean for years now). My father got back the trailer, but the engine was gone. They arrested the driver and one other person, but the one i knew got away. Well, i didn't really know him as in being friends are anything like that... I've meet him occasionally at the dealers house our on the routes.. He had no idea that the house he robbed was my fathers. So me, my father and my best friend came up with a plan that me and my best friend would go around every where we knew where he might be and get him to ride around with us.

Well, we ran into the dude walking out of hunters store as my best friend was walking in to pay for the gas. My friend asked him if he wanted to smoke some ice and go 'scouting' looking for places to rob. (Listen, me and my best friend never ever stole anything... We didn't have to because we were 'runners' as we called it, and we got paid in cash and in dope. We would deliver the dope to individuals from the dealer, and we would pick it up from the cook if the cook couldn't make it out to the sticks to deliver it) We rode around for a couple of hours smoking ice acting like we were scouting and he was telling us all about how his friends got busted because this dude had cameras. he said he didn't see cameras when he got out and yada yada yada.. We'll it was about to turn dark and we pulled up the street where my father lived and said what you think about this place, i wounder whats in that shed and he said "No, this is the guy that has the cameras".. I Looked at my friend and said.. "Pull in the drive way around the house" and this guy was freakin' out sitting in the middle of us, and he said something like "This guy has cameras, were going to get caught just leave!" (i think he knew that he has been setup by this point) I pulled out my cell phone called my dad that was in the house and i said "come out the back door dad, we got the son of a bitch out he in the truck with us". My dad didn't say a word and hung up the phone and came out the back door with a billy club and this dude in the middle was really flipping out, apologizing and everything else and he knew where the motor was and that we would go get it right now..

My dad open the passenger door and i jumped out and the guy tuned his body around where his back was up against my friends side and he started kicking. My friend put his arm around this guy neck and dragged him out, and me and dad ran around to the other side and we began beating the fuck out of him... I thought my dad was going to kill him because he was swing the shit out of that billy club so i pulled him off.. As he stumbled off bloody, my dad screamed out as i was dragging my father up the steps "if you ever came back, i will put a bullet right between your eyes!!"

Not only did he get his ass wiped, our dealer cut him off and told everyone that if they are caught buying him dope that they bought from him to give this dude, they would be cut off too!

After that night, the word must of got around because he had no more trouble with people breaking in robbing him.

I Know some of you are going to say that it was wrong of us to set up this dude like that.. But something had to be done because this has been going on for years!


New Member
^^^^^^^^^^^^you didn't get the motor back???????? That woulda been way more important that beating down a meth head,IMO


Active Member
Are u Walter whites son? Jk lol
I would of broke his hands too after beating his ass. Be a while before he could grab anything else.
At least your not getting jacked anymore.

Sent from my SCH-I545


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately no. This dude could of just easily set us up as well if he took us to where the motor was... We just wrote it off as a lost cause.


Well-Known Member
Are u Walter whites son? Jk lol
I would of broke his hands too after beating his ass. Be a while before he could grab anything else.
At least your not getting jacked anymore.

Sent from my SCH-I545
LOL no... This all happen long before that show came out.. We no longer live in those neck of the woods anymore and since then, my father had a massive stroke. But yeah, i think the dude learned his lesson hopefully. I Just don't understand why people would steal from other to support their habit. Just because you couldn't pass a drug test, they were plenty of jobs that paid under the table that didn't drug test. Maybe i was just fortunate at the time to be in a position i was in where i was getting paid in cash (not that that much) and ice.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
My father use to have problems with people breaking into his home and stealing his stuff. He lived in a place called Temple GA. The real meth head capital of the world imho. These thieves were so brave, they would wait until he ran right up to the store and they would kick his door in and rob them. Finally my father had enough and bought an expensive surveillance system and had a ADT system installed. He had night vision cameras and had cameras every where; even had a camera in the bird house. He also had 2 trail cameras set up!

Well, he stated parking his truck behind the house because he wanted the people that was robbing him to think he wasn't at home, because he was going to shoot the mother fuckers. Well a few months went by and everything replaced with the insurance money, he was robbed again. My father was in the shower and he got out and started work on the washing machine that broke the day before. But Before he got in the shower, he got the crate engine that was delivered that week from jegs to drop his 88(?) Chevy S10, loaded on his trailer so he would be ready to leave the next morning to go over to his brothers because he had a shop and other equipment to make the job easier. The trailer was chained to porch, and only thing my father would had to do was hook and book the next morning.

My brother came home from high school and said "Dad, where's the trailer?" My dad jumped up and ran outside and sure enough, the trailer and the new engine were gone. These son of a bitches robbed my dad while he was home!!! My dad watched the video and there was a truck pulled down in the driveway and two guys got out and walked up to the door and knocked. When no one came to the door (because my dad was in the shower, so he didn't hear them) One of the guys walked back to the truck, got some bolt cutters and cut the lock... While they were cutting the lock the 3rd person in the truck turned around and hooked up to the trailer and the took off. The camera picked up their tag clearly!

My dad made a copy of that portion of the tape and showed it to me and i immediately recognized one of the guys (i was a meth head back then too, but have been clean for years now). My father got back the trailer, but the engine was gone. They arrested the driver and one other person, but the one i knew got away. Well, i didn't really know him as in being friends are anything like that... I've meet him occasionally at the dealers house our on the routes.. He had no idea that the house he robbed was my fathers. So me, my father and my best friend came up with a plan that me and my best friend would go around every where we knew where he might be and get him to ride around with us.

Well, we ran into the dude walking out of hunters store as my best friend was walking in to pay for the gas. My friend asked him if he wanted to smoke some ice and go 'scouting' looking for places to rob. (Listen, me and my best friend never ever stole anything... We didn't have to because we were 'runners' as we called it, and we got paid in cash and in dope. We would deliver the dope to individuals from the dealer, and we would pick it up from the cook if the cook couldn't make it out to the sticks to deliver it) We rode around for a couple of hours smoking ice acting like we were scouting and he was telling us all about how his friends got busted because this dude had cameras. he said he didn't see cameras when he got out and yada yada yada.. We'll it was about to turn dark and we pulled up the street where my father lived and said what you think about this place, i wounder whats in that shed and he said "No, this is the guy that has the cameras".. I Looked at my friend and said.. "Pull in the drive way around the house" and this guy was freakin' out sitting in the middle of us, and he said something like "This guy has cameras, were going to get caught just leave!" (i think he knew that he has been setup by this point) I pulled out my cell phone called my dad that was in the house and i said "come out the back door dad, we got the son of a bitch out he in the truck with us". My dad didn't say a word and hung up the phone and came out the back door with a billy club and this dude in the middle was really flipping out, apologizing and everything else and he knew where the motor was and that we would go get it right now..

My dad open the passenger door and i jumped out and the guy tuned his body around where his back was up against my friends side and he started kicking. My friend put his arm around this guy neck and dragged him out, and me and dad ran around to the other side and we began beating the fuck out of him... I thought my dad was going to kill him because he was swing the shit out of that billy club so i pulled him off.. As he stumbled off bloody, my dad screamed out as i was dragging my father up the steps "if you ever came back, i will put a bullet right between your eyes!!"

Not only did he get his ass wiped, our dealer cut him off and told everyone that if they are caught buying him dope that they bought from him to give this dude, they would be cut off too!

After that night, the word must of got around because he had no more trouble with people breaking in robbing him.

I Know some of you are going to say that it was wrong of us to set up this dude like that.. But something had to be done because this has been going on for years!
Come on guy u get the motor back then you beat his ass!!

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Due to excruciating pain in my knees, fingers, shoulders, elbows, knuckles and neck i take 2 - 3 10mg Hydrocodone (lortabs) a day. On a good day i'll take 0-1 tabs of Kratom (just like hydrocodone) If i don't have the kratom, i'll just take the hydrocodone.

Well, the person i'll call Mr. A came in to wait on Ms B to get off work. Well, he came in while i was leaving to go take my grandmother to the store. Well, before i left, i put my pills in a new place and a in a certain position (because i knew how he was). I Got home and my knee was killing me, i went to take a pill and the bottle was the opposite way from the way i had it. I Open the bottle of a new prescription of 60 pills i just got refiled and way over half is gone.. I Just counted it up from the date they were refilled to now in there is definitely more than a few gone.

It's my fault because i should of put them in my pocket before i left. The only person i can be mad at is myself, but i still hate thieves! If he would just ask me if i had a couple spare pain pills he could take, i would be been more than willing to give him a few. But taking more than half the bottle is unacceptable, but i can't be upset at nobody but myself.

But ill fix ass up for next time though! I'll get me a bunch of water pills and put them in a empty bottle of hydrocodone. lol

If you must know, i'm 32 with mild-severe osteoarthritis (i'll have good days and bad days...). And no, pot (well at least what i smoke) doesn't help with the pain at all.
have you tried good medibles?