Doob's and Racer's Joint Venture!!

nothing like a happy asshole.. mine hasn't been happy with me for like 10 years having to squeeze out my methadone turd bricks.. :(
lmao, yah, i've been saving mine for when i build meself a house one day.. i figure that they will make great blocks for the foundation for my house of shit.. :)
well acording to the Mayans were an opiate shit bunker may be a cost effective alternative to starts with me! LMAO
well acording to the Mayans were an opiate shit bunker may be a cost effective alternative to starts with me! LMAO

lol, yah, according to those idiots, sorry doobs, lol, we've all got a lil under a year to do our things before we're all wiped off of the face of the earth.
looks like i better start shitting up a storm so i can get me bunker built...

hey dizzle, is that big foot'ed creature still being seen around your parts?? lmao... :)
lol, yah, according to those idiots, sorry doobs, lol, we've all got a lil under a year to do our things before we're all wiped off of the face of the earth.
looks like i better start shitting up a storm so i can get me bunker built...

hey dizzle, is that big foot'ed creature still being seen around your parts?? lmao... :)
the bunker is gonna be built like a brick shithouse LOL ( i had to )

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No the Yeti hasnt been seen in weeks ..... but who knows when he will show up LMFAO
the bunker is gonna be built like a brick shithouse LOL ( i had to )

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No the Yeti hasnt been seen in weeks ..... but who knows when he will show up LMFAO

lmao, you're a twisted fucker, i knew i liked you for a reason... :)
lmao, you're a twisted fucker, i knew i liked you for a reason... :)
haha yea im not yur average bear ... when most people meet me they say we need a young preist and an old preist for this one lol

we only live twice! so make the best of it the first 2 times is what i say! lol
lol, yah, according to those idiots, sorry doobs, lol, we've all got a lil under a year to do our things before we're all wiped off of the face of the earth.
looks like i better start shitting up a storm so i can get me bunker built...

hey dizzle, is that big foot'ed creature still being seen around your parts?? lmao... :)
First off it's not the end of the world, it's a new beginning. Secondly I'm more concerned about what our government will do to us vs. what the Mayans believed. Thirdly I'm not sure idiot was the best choice of words, ignorant maybe but not idiot. Considering we do not know what's going to happen I'd consider that ignorance vs. idiocy if we want to go by definition (Sorry Racer lol). Fourthly if we really want to get real, we're all ignorant in this subject. So why poke fun at people who want to try to survive something? I don't know seems pretty damn fruitless to me and I'm done.

I personally think everyone just needs to smoke a bowl and chill, the world would be a nicer happier, better smelling place lol.
So trying something new for updates.

KB = Landscape
BW= Portrait

The first four pics are of some nug I picked up, haven't been this good in a looooong while. Lol contrary to belief not all brown herb is nasty :lol:. Tried my best to get up closer on the trichs, it's super loaded and has lots of amber yay!!

There are two pics of the calyx I've been "documenting" she's kind of in the shadows now but looks way more delicious lol.



I knew I was missing some pics in that update lol. Found them though!!

These were taken prior to the update, I tried some new photo techniques with these. Notice the black construction paper in the background of most of these shots. It really seems to work out nicely, I also got some REALLY nice trich close ups on this one. It's a pain in the ass, but I will try to use more of the techniques that I did with these photos.


Yeah so this fucking sucks....

Went in and found this shit today, now at first glance you're like oh wow nice macro.

Look closer, see the what I suspect to be white mold. Yeah that's right folks the start of bud rot I'm pretty sure.... FML!! I inspected all of the buds and took this one off as it's the one with mold. I already know this shit will probably spread, I don't understand it my RH is below 50%. The BW is so damn close, it just started chunking up for that final swell. Thought it might be mites at first but, this fits mold a lot more in my eyes.

What do you guys think? Wait it out or chop it for safety's sake for the KB?

Doobs..HNY .......Not so Happy new years in the garden :(

That sucks.....sometimes thicker indicas will be suceptable to rot/mold regardless of humidity levels.....hows yur air flow in there?
Pics look amazing as always!! Sorry to hear about the trouble, can you get an even closer shot of the mold or whatever it is? My first thought was mold when I noticed it but your right it could be mites aswell, look with you scope and see if you can find any mites crawling around in that area. If mold I would probably chop just to be on the safe side either way, I don't know much about mold though so maybe someone with more experience can help make your decision easier... Like dizzle asked, how the circulation? I've thought about adding another 6" circulating fan under my screen for just this reason. Good luck with it either way!
I had the the same white mold problem with my BW. I don't know if it came about before or after the chop but in the most dense part of a cola there was a white webish looking thing. I thought it was a spiderweb at first, but when I really looked at it I could tell it was mold. Personally I just cut out that part and threw it out. I wasn't too bad for me and I check every nug (which took me like an hour, lol) and there was nothing else. I ended up cutting down all the big nugs to smaller ones just to be safe, hope yours doesn't get any worse!
I had the the same white mold problem with my BW. I don't know if it came about before or after the chop but in the most dense part of a cola there was a white webish looking thing. I thought it was a spiderweb at first, but when I really looked at it I could tell it was mold. Personally I just cut out that part and threw it out. I wasn't too bad for me and I check every nug (which took me like an hour, lol) and there was nothing else. I ended up cutting down all the big nugs to smaller ones just to be safe, hope yours doesn't get any worse!
Yeah I think I may have to harvest earlier than I wanted, it'll be 8 weeks in a couple days. I'll keep an eye on it but considering the KB doesn't have any mold, I just might harvest asap instead of waiting it out to 8 weeks. To save the KB pretty much.

Unfortunately I think with how dense these buds are and how close they are to done anyway, it's one of those better to be safe than sorry situations. Especially since the majority of yield will be coming from the KB, plus the extra lumens the KB would have to finish out wouldn't hurt lol. Kind of bummed out about it, but life goes on and at least the KB is okay.
Thanks for the kind words all, suppose it's all apart of adapting to a new environment and knowing what to look for, for said environment. Sucks but what I lose to mold, I gain in knowledge/experience and oils lol.