Doom and gloom or hope?

I only picked carpenter bees because we used to have a problem with them and those little shits are organized as hell. They had scouts and lookouts and phalanx bees.
Yah, they are definitely organized. We had a wasp nest by our front door off and on almost every year. The first few weeks they would get a bit agitated as I came out the door but then they figured out I meant them no harm and would let me pass totally unmolested. After awhile i would go out by the door and just sit with them and just watch. It was amazing to find out that there was always ONE wasp who was not by the nest but a few feet away from it. Took me awhile to figure out, but that one was the GUARD. That's the one which will give the first sting, then and only then, the rest would follow suit. That little guy would come over when I came out and just fly around me a bit and then go right back to it's position. We gradually all came to an understanding. they rebuilt that nest there for the next ten years or so. If I had guests over I would bring them in another door so as not to create a situation. We both adapted... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
Yah, they are definitely organized. We had a wasp nest by our front door off and on almost every year. The first few weeks they would get a bit agitated as I came out the door but then they figured out I meant them no harm and would let me pass totally unmolested. After awhile i would go out by the door and just sit with them and just watch. It was amazing to find out that there was always ONE wasp who was not by the nest but a few feet away from it. Took me awhile to figure out, but that one was the GUARD. That's the one which will give the first sting, then and only then, the rest would follow suit. That little guy would come over when I came out and just fly around me a bit and then go right back to it's position. We gradually all came to an understanding. they rebuilt that nest there for the next ten years or so. If I had guests over I would bring them in another door so as not to create a situation. We both adapted... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
you are alot nicer guy then me.
the little buggers would have been dead.end of arrangement
We killed the carpenter bees, they were trying to take over my yard. They didn't even like us to come outside, and it didn't matter if we used the front or back door, there was a guard by each one.

If we went outside and stayed out, more bees would follow until there was a line of bees hovering from where we were to the corner of the house. Like a phalanx of bees. If we went in and stayed in for 10 minutes or so and went back out, it'd would just be the one guard bee again, unless we stayed out and then the phalanx would come back.

We killed them off and 2 years later their cousins moved in, but we killed them too and have been bee free for about 10 years, I think they moved to a garage down the street.
you are alot nicer guy then me.
the little buggers would have been dead.end of arrangement

I dunno about being nicer, I have just found it easier to follow their rythms. I am not the land owner, I'm just passing through as they are.
It's that way with most everything around my homestead....heck I have a bee colony in one of my outer walls at one end of my house. They have been there for years now. They don't mind me, and I don't mind them. I even set up a big flower garden for them every year. I can sit in the middle of it all day, they will land on me as if i am part of the garden. never been stung. I think they sense that I am very relaxed. My cousin was over last year and he starts flailing away in the air, next thing you know, he's running. I think I heard the bees laughing.

I did however get beaned by a few once.... yes beaned. If you stand in front of their entrance you will quickly realize the saying "beeline" is very true...they come in like P51 Mustangs :lol: They didn't sting me though...just bounced off and kept going. :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
i dont mind bee's.just not in or on my home.wasps and hornets are dangerous .
my daughter and sister is deadly alergic to them .
I've had hornets nests over the years, under my eaves in the front yard. I got along fine with them but my wife was paranoid as heck, so I had to do them in, then with my granddaughters coming to live with us, I didn't want to chance it. I've always had a thing with the insects. When I was living in a commune by a river in AZ. I used to watch everyone get attacked by mosquitos, and they wouldn't come within a foot of me. Finally someone who had been observing this phenomenon asked me my secret, I gave it up and that night the mosquitos attacked me relentlessly. Never divulge your secret power, if you have any, that was the lesson I learned there.
I'm allergic to bee stings. I can live among them in my yard. I can pull weeds right beside bees buzzing around in my garden.

I can't have them chasing me back inside my house though.
:lol: Miss...understood. My father in law was allergic to what did he do? He raised bees as a hobby! I asked why the heck he would do that. He said he had been through Korea and he wasn't going to let bees make him fearful. I thought that was pretty neat but I rolled my eyes at my wife when he wasn't looking.... :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
If I can ever manage to move to the country I want to let bee keepers keep bees on my property in exchange for honey. I can't care for the bees myself, but I want them around to pollinate things for me.
Raw honey is the bomb!! I won't even touch the processed stuff anymore. Honey is the ONLY food that will not spoil...remarkable. It also when applied to open wounds, will mix with the body's chemistry and produce hydrogen peroxide. I use it on any big cuts I get, and it works like super quick. You also will NOT develop a scab. It's amazing.

It's the bees knees daddio!! :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
I remember getting fresh honey comb from some people when I was a kid, now that was great stuff. I don't usually buy honey, but if I could get fresh honey for free even, why not?
Just like with maple syrup, get the darkest honey you can find.

With maple syrup I never buy grade A, it's too wimpy.:lol: The grade B has the in your face taste of maple....mmm

out. :blsmoke:
Yes but molasses has sulpher dioxide added to it and pure cane syrup does is quite light, even lighter than maple syrup, and is a yellowish color. It is quite delicious on pancakes and such. It my be difficult to find up where you are. Know where I buy mine? At a plumbing supply house :lol: Only in the south are such things done...:mrgreen: A local fellow supplies it to the owner who are fishing buddies (our southern religion:lol:)

out. :blsmoke:
We've been waiting for new input!!

Did you folks see where Obama is taking away charitable donations deductions? F the poor?


No, there's no double standard in play.

out. :blsmoke: