Doomsday Tomorrow


Well-Known Member
The Large Hadron Collider WILL NOT END THE WORLD. If you know anything about particle physics or what is ACTUALLY going on, instead of just dumb people running around saying, "LAWL BLACK HOLES!!! END OF WORLD LOL NO!! SHUT IT DOWN!!! SCIENCE WILL KILL US!!!", than you would know that the chances of the LHC creating a micro black hole is increcibly incredibly low. Not to mention if you know anything about black holes, you would know, that black holes evaporate, and any microblackhole created will evaporate within microseconds.

Im not a quantum physiscist, but if you take the fucking time to actually Listen to the people who have spent their lives doing this kind of research, you'd understand they know what they are talking about alot more than forum idiots and article writers looking for attention.


Well-Known Member
I've heard so many people say it will kill us all and so many other people say nothing will happen and we will be perfectly fine. Now I don't know what to think so that morning I'm just gonna roll up a nice fat blunt and get high high highhhhhhh(and maybe hit my bong a little)...who's with me?!


Well-Known Member
tho on the bight side if they did create a mini black hole that did not effect the earth to much they would be able to study one close up and see where if anywhere a black holes end which could be a huge discovery which could lead to greater space travel then we can all blaze it up on other planets


I die tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
the way i see it, we arnt going to be able to stop it...they are going to test it and push it to its limits, and if we die, we die high.

We were talking in class about how in about a month, they are going to collide particles at a speed thats never been done before. It will lead to great discoveries(which in my opinion, who cares if we discover a new dimension? wont accomplish anything) or it will lead to black holes and about 6.4 billion Euros wasted.
one of its purposes is to find out how elements gain their mass...........idk....maybe im just stoned. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Well they have fired a laser or something around the tunnel.

We're all ok so far.

Wish us luck!


Junior Creatologist
im no particle physicist, but that one prof that thinks the world is gonna end IS, and he knows a fuckload more about the shit than anybody thats posting in here, thats for damn sure. I dont care how smart you think you are, these guys are the big brains of our country or even the world - and if one of those brains seems to think that its possible to destroy the earth with the worlds biggest atom smasher, then chances are that its physically possible to do so. I mean, yeah the probability of something like that happening are slim to none, but there IS still a chance that these fuckers are playing with something that even THEY dont understand, and might end up imploding the earth one day cuz they wanna win some stupid fuckin nobel prize for physics.

- personally, i just hope that i get to at LEAST harvest my first grow before we implode :D


Well-Known Member
im no particle physicist, but that one prof that thinks the world is gonna end IS, and he knows a fuckload more about the shit than anybody thats posting in here, thats for damn sure. I dont care how smart you think you are, these guys are the big brains of our country or even the world - and if one of those brains seems to think that its possible to destroy the earth with the worlds biggest atom smasher, then chances are that its physically possible to do so. I mean, yeah the probability of something like that happening are slim to none, but there IS still a chance that these fuckers are playing with something that even THEY dont understand, and might end up imploding the earth one day cuz they wanna win some stupid fuckin nobel prize for physics.

- personally, i just hope that i get to at LEAST harvest my first grow before we implode :D

there is always a possibility ANYTHING could fucking happen. But taking that fuckin .000000000000000001% and making a big deal out of it, so you can get media fuckin attention is retarded.


Junior Creatologist
lol, true, but it just reminds me of one of those movies where a group of scientists make some typa dangerous machine, and then one of them starts freakin out cuz he thinks itll destroy the world, so the rest of the scientists write him off as a crackpot n discredit him to make him look fuckin looney, n then the rest of the movie is him gettin someone like Samuel L Jackson to help him stop the government from destroying the planet...



Well-Known Member
I got enough weed to last me tell the day after, so on the bright side if we go boom I wont have to mow the lawn.


Well-Known Member
this collider can collide particles faster than ever before, but they arnt going to do that for about a month. thats when the mini black holes will appear if they do appear. and even if they do, they will only last less than a second......but none the less, its still a fuckin black hole.


Well-Known Member
lol, true, but it just reminds me of one of those movies where a group of scientists make some typa dangerous machine, and then one of them starts freakin out cuz he thinks itll destroy the world, so the rest of the scientists write him off as a crackpot n discredit him to make him look fuckin looney, n then the rest of the movie is him gettin someone like Samuel L Jackson to help him stop the government from destroying the planet...


fortunately scientists are not like the government. they actually conflict.


Well-Known Member
yeah maybe they are opening up a can of worms better left alone but as far as the end of the world i'd be more likely to believe that Russia is the biggest threat on the horizon. Peace.